Welcome to The Accelerated Investor Podcast with Josh Cantwell, if you love entrepreneurship and investing in real estate then you are in the right place. Josh is the CEO of Freeland Ventures Real Estate Private Equity and has personally invested in well over 500 properties all across the country. He’s also made hundreds of private lender loans and owns over 1,000 units of apartments. Josh is an expert at raising private money for deals and he prides himself on never having had a boss in his entire adult life. Josh and his team also mentor investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world. He doesn’t dream about doing deals, he actually does them and so do his listeners and students. Now sit back, listen, learn, and accelerate your business, your life, and your investing with The Accelerated Investor Podcast.
Josh: Hey, guys, welcome back to Accelerating Investor. I am always you guys know, I’m so honored, privileged to be with you, to be sharing with you, you know, to be kind of sharing my journey. Solocast, content and strategies, bringing great guests on today. Have a great guest. His name is Dave Dubeau. Dave is a professional real estate investor investing since nineteen ninety-eight. He has an amazing program which we’re gonna be talking about today called Investor Attraction Implementor. Investor Attraction. He’s got a book on this process. We’re going to talk about in this interview his five-step process for raising private capital. In this. This interview is specifically for those investors were really mom and pop investors. Maybe you invested in one or two or three of your own deals, maybe done some wholesaling couple recaps, a couple of runnels, but you’re kind of, you know, running out of resources because you don’t have any private money.
Josh: Dave calls his formula the money partner formula. And in this interview, we’re going to go through very specific five step process to setting up your list, setting up your marketing and why for Dave, you know, cold calling, networking and the deal selling itself, why that did not work for him. Cold calling did not work. Networking didn’t work. And just finally, a good deal and having it sell itself. That didn’t work for Dave either. So they created this five step process, which now allows him and his clients and his students to raise millions of dollars in capital from a very small list of people. So if you’re an investor, maybe done 10 deals or less. This interview is really for you. It’s really going to help you understand the mechanics of raising private capital, but also the thought process, the psychology and actually the marketing, the Step-By-Step marketing. It’s kind of warm up the list for people to be kind of predisposed predisposition and ready to do business with you as a private investor. So you’ll love this accelerated investor interview with David Dubeau. Check it out.
Josh:So hey, Dave, listen, thank you so much for joining us today on Accelerated Investor, been looking forward to this for a long time. And I would love to hear more, Dave, about kind of some of the stuff that you’re working on today. Obviously, we’re in a very unique climate, both economically. The stock markets, the real estate market, a lot of people kind of projecting what’s going to happen after the election board. Entrepreneur Davis, you and I, make hay with what’s going on with the markets. So let’s talk a little bit about what you’re actually up to right now. What are you working on that you’re excited about?
Dave: Oh, thanks a lot, Josh. Excited about lots of stuff. My primary business is I’ve got a boutique marketing agency and we work with real estate entrepreneurs, mom and pop real estate investors helping them to raise capital for their deals, helping them with the marketing behind all of that. And we’ve got all sorts of clients all across North America, actually, a couple in Australia, too. And in spite of this whole COVID craziness, they’re out there doing deals. They’re out there raising capital. They’re out there getting people excited. And there’s no sign of anything slowing down, which is not what I would have predicted. You know, rewind seven or eight months. So it’s a very, very, very active.
Josh: Yeah. I mean, if you remember back in in March when COVID really took hold, all of a sudden the NBA is getting canceled. The NFL, they’re talking about postponing Major League Baseball, is not going to get kicked off. And in our world, the institutional private lenders, you know, the Peer streets of the world, the fund that flips of the world, the finance of America’s of the world, they all stopped lending like in one day. They all stopped lending because they weren’t sure how to price their product so they could sell it on the secondary market. Do you remember that? It was like March 13th or March 16th. So I’ve been talking with my group about you’ve got to be close to the money. You’ve got to have a direct relationship with your private lenders. Don’t rely on institutional or corporate private money, but rely directly on relationships with the money, which is your expertise.
Josh:So I’d love to talk more about that. So did you and I kind of leading up to this, we both agree. A lot of people get stuck buying just a couple properties because they’re using their own capital. And you help people break through that to be able to build a big portfolio and do more deals raising money. So help me understand. Help me understand that piece of it. When did it kind of dawn on you in your own business and helping other people that they really do get stuck at two or three or four deals? And how do you help them get kind of ready to start raising their own money and not relying on banks or their own capital?
Dave: Yeah. Good question, John. So I’ve been teaching and training and doing stuff around real estate investing for quite some time. I think I did my first real deal back in 98, something like that, sir, with small deals going into creative stuff. I actually lived overseas for quite a quite a long time. We’ve done it in Costa Rica. That’s where I did a couple of little foreclosure deals, moved back home in 2003. Had to start all over again from scratch. No money, no money down type deals. Ron LeGrande type stuff. It was fun. Fast forward a few years. I got into a strategy called Client First or tenant first rent on where we would buy them a property, then rent own it to them over two, three years while we helped them get qualified for financing. So as a lot of self-finance, my first couple of deals and then that’s when I hit the wall. Right. Ran out of cash, ran out of credit. And of course, that’s when the quote unquote perfect deal landed in my lap. I had perfect kind of buyer lined up, found in my house. Everything was looking ticky boo. And all I need to do is raise eighty-five grand for the down payment, closing costs, all that kind of stuff. So, Josh, I had a lot of background in marketing, but not great at sales, definitely not good or cold calling it. What I’d heard was pick up the phone and start dialing for dollars.
Dave: OK, you’ve probably heard that. I think you were a financial planner for a long time. That was instilled in you guys early on, no doubt. But I don’t know about you, but I think that sucks. And I tried it. I failed miserably at it. I got rejected, rejected, rejected. My fragile little ego couldn’t handle it. So I quit doing that. Next thing I heard was, hey, Dave, go out and turn every conversation into a real estate conversation, go network schmooze, you know, drum up some money that way. So I went out of network and schmoozed all over the place again. What I what did I end up with, zero capital. Then I came up with a brilliant idea. Josh, I said, you know, I’ve heard that it’s such a good deal, it’ll sell itself. Have you ever, ever heard. Well, I. I told myself that, so I created a little one-page PDF and I decide, hey, as long as people see this, it’ll sell itself. So I emailed that out to pretty much everybody I knew. And that was the first thing that got some traction. Josh. I started getting some replies back. I was excited until I started reading those flight replies and basically said, Hey, Dave, I haven’t heard from you in five years, 10 years, 15 years, whatever it is. And here you are trying to hit me up for cash for a deal. Yeah. Yeah. Ready or some version thereof. Right. So failed miserably. That deal went down the tube, you know, evaporated. Couldn’t close on that. Got egg on my face. I’m in kind of a small market, so obviously ticked off my tenant buyer, ticked off the seller, the realtor, the mortgage broker, everybody.
Josh: Because everybody’s earning a commission man, and when that deal doesn’t close you’re affecting everybody’s wallet.
Dave: Exactly. Exactly. Plus, I really affected the nice little forty thousand dollar profit I was going to make on that deal over two years after paying everybody else out. And Josh, that’s when I said, hey, you know what? I never want to be in this position again. That’s what I gave my head a shake. And I said, Dave, it there’s some you’re pretty good at its marketing. Why don’t you figure out a way to attract investors to you instead of constantly chasing after them? Because you know this. You’ve been in the business a long time. When you are needy, it just oozes from every pore in your body. If you need that capital today, you know, unless you’re an amazing actor, it’s just going to come out. And needy is creepy, right? Needy is creepy. We all know it.
Josh:So you’ve laid out like what a lot of people hear when they hear about private money. Like you got a cold call. Call everybody you know. You’ve gotta network. Network with everybody. You know, you’ve got to, the deal’s going to sell itself. We put together some Whiz-Bang PDF presentation to sell itself. And it didn’t work for you. Didn’t work for you did. Maybe it worked for other people and maybe some people do have success network. Maybe people do have success selling the deal. But I think regardless of that, Dave, the opportunity that we’re going to talk about now is using marketing to create a regular consistent inflow of leads and private investors coming to you who want to have that right. So even if you are successful in networking for private investors, you still want an old marketing machine to add another pill or another way to recruit capital. Even if you can’t cold call all your friends and family and your colleagues and they say yes. Wouldn’t you also rather have a marketing machine to bring in additional deals even if the deal does sell itself? Why not have an additional marketing machine? So did. I’m all ears. I’m enthralled with this subject. We market for private investors all the time. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to have you on is to hear your take on it. How you guys do it and how you automate it. So let’s jump in to that piece.
Dave: Yeah. OK, quick caveat here. First, Josh, cover my butt. I am a marketer and I’m a real estate entrepreneur. I am not a security specialist. I’m not a lawyer.
Josh: And the required disclaimer, I love it all.
Dave: I got to have a disclaimer. You know you know far more about the intricacies of all of this. Plus, out on top of that, I’m up here in Canada, so the rules are a little bit different here. However, we do work with American and international clients as well. Here’s the thing, Josh. And again, my target focus here for who we’re targeting. We’re talking to. We’re gonna have people who are just getting started with raising capital. We’re not talking. Well, that’s a lot of people. It’s a lot of people. So here’s my take, Josh. And again, you guys, before you rush out, make sure you’re set up properly to raise capital the right way, the legal way, depending on your particular state jurisdiction. Right? Right. Here’s my take on it. Josh, let’s get the easy money first. Let’s get the easy money first.
Dave:So chances are if you’re trying to raise one hundred, 200 grand, even 50 grand from somebody. They’re going to need to know you, like you and trust you before they invest with you. Does that make sense? Absolutely common sense. So make mistake. I see a lot of people making when they first get started. They run out and they think anybody with a pulse and a checkbook that doesn’t bounce could be an investor for me. All right. And the pulse is optional. That’s what they think. But here’s the thing.
Josh: And checkbook pen in hand. I’ll take it.
Dave: Yeah, but here’s the thing. Right. There’s like seven billion of us, give or take on the planet. Give or take a million or two with COVID. But we don’t know most of them. So we think anybody, anybody with cash will do. But here’s the thing. When you going out to strangers, they don’t know you. They don’t like you. They sure as hell don’t trust you with their money yet. Right. So you have to start that relationship from scratch. Plus, as a mom and pop real estate entrepreneur, you’re breaking a whole bunch of laws. If you’re going out to the general public trying to raise cash for idiots, running sense. So really, what I’m going to recommend you do, our first step in this little five set formula is create a target group of approximately 200 people that you already have a preexisting relationship with.
Dave: Friends, family, coworkers, business associates, people from sporting teams, church groups, whatever people. If you bumped into this person on the street, they’d know you. You know them. You can have a nice conversation. So where do you get all these folks again? Get them all out of your out of your cell phone, out your email address, out of your social media, get them all in one place. Merge, purge the duplicate simps or filter. Get it down to 200 hundred. And then that’s what we’re going to focus on. I can, I can’t guarantee anything, but I can pretty much assure you of working with lot hundreds of clients over the years. There’s a million bucks in that contact list. I believe that for sure. Yeah. So that’s where you want to start. But here’s what we want to avoid, Josh. You want to avoid making that stupid mistake I did, which is rushing in like a bull in a china shop and say, hey, it’s Dave. I’ve got a great deal. You got any cash? Right. All right.
Dave:So what I always suggest start with a warm up campaign. Break the ice for these folks first. First on a personal level before you start talking business. So when we work with clients, we do a three step little email campaign. We get all those contacts into something like a email auto responder, like a get response to something like that, and then break the ice with them little by little over about a week to 10 day period. So the first e-mail that goes out is something like this. Hey, it’s Dave, Josh. It’s been awhile since we’ve been in touch. Just want to reconnect with you. Here’s what I’ve been up to for the last, let’s say, about five years and soon pretty much everybody hasn’t heard from you for five years. Talk about yourself, your family. If you’re working what you’re doing for work. Don’t try and get sneaky and subliminally sneak in any real estate stuff here. Let’s say somebody is like, you want real estate your full time. Then, you know, you can talk about it. But again, that’s not the purpose of this. Go through all of that. Remind them a bunch of kids, kids, names, ages, all that kind of stuff. At the end of it, say, hey, well, that’s what I’ve been up to. How about you please hit reply. Let’s reconnect. All right. Send it off to all 200 people and then reply back to people when they get back. You have some back and forth. Have some interaction. Sure.
Josh: Well, yeah, they’re going to they’re going to sniff that out pretty quick, if you send it out, somebody and somebody responds. Hey, Dave. Good to hear from you. What’s going on? Yeah. And then you’re like crickets. You don’t respond to them. It’s like, OK, I’d like to start talking to some people. Right. And you got to go into this with the authentic desire to get to know people again, read and really understand the connection. Yeah. Reconnects gonna be real. You get it. You go into it thinking, OK, I’m building a business of raising money, doing real estate deals. Sure. But again, even if this person doesn’t have money, could they be a center of influence? Could they be a cheerleader? Can maybe they buy a house from you? Can they sell a house to you?
Josh: There’s a million different reasons to make the connection on a personal level. But there was also not just one reason to make the connection on a business level, it’s just to raise money again. There’s a lot of other things they could do. My years of fifteen years I’ve been in real estate. I’ve done dozens and dozens of deals to referrals. I had friends of mine who were totally broke, who referred me to somebody who was super rich, who invested in one of my deals. So just that offer anticipate I’m going to make that connection. I want to know what you’re up to. And, you know, I’m not going to make any assumptions whether you have money or not. There’s probably a million bucks in that group for sure. I believe that because it’s happened for me. But let’s just let’s try to reconnect with people and see where it goes. Who knows what’ll happen?
Dave: Yeah, exactly. Works like gangbusters. So we do a couple of messages like that. A third message, I call it the transition message. That’s where we. No. People know that we’re going to start talking business. If they’d really rather not hear about it. They can always opt out of the list. All right. You do it right. You actually get very, very few people opting out. When we do this with and for our clients, on average, they got 200 people on their list. They might have six or seven people opt out after that. So it really it really doesn’t it doesn’t have any big impact.
Josh: We didn’t want to talk to those people anyway.
Dave: Yeah, exactly. They would never invest with you. Next part is let’s make sure this especially for the mom and pop, real estate investors are just getting started. Let’s make sure that you’ve got a decent presentation put together for when somebody puts up their hand, says, hey, Josh, I’m interested. What are you up to? All right. You don’t want to. In my opinion. Anyhow, Josh is very, very difficult for most people to explain a real estate deal over it, over the phone. And you’ve got to remember as well, the people on your contact list, they aren’t real estate weirdos like you and I. But now I say that with love and respect.
Josh: They’re weirdos about some other stuff. Yeah.
Dave: Everyone’s got their weirdness. Right. Well, real estate’s one of our weird, weird things. But, you know, when you talk to an average civilian about real estate stuff, their eyes roll back in the back of their head. They zone out. So we always gotta keep that in mind. So we got to keep that presentation, you know, visual. We’ve got to keep it short, simple and create that curiosity. So I want to make sure you got your presentation ready to go. And then you know what it’s all about the marketing. You want to make sure you’ve got that constant, consistent communication. So how is it that we get that that flow of inbound investor inquiries? First thing is, we’ve got that target group. Second thing is we’ve broken the ice with them. We reconnect with them on a on a personal level first. And the third thing is we’re constantly and consistently communicating with them, providing them with what I call Edutaining marketing.
Dave: Edutaining marketing. Right. Because we do a data dump. The biggest mistake we can do is, is just try and cram in all of the years of real estate investing experience that we have in our heads into somebody who doesn’t want it. What they want to know is they want the gist. And they want to know that, you know, what the hell you’re talking about. So if and when they do invest with you, they’re investing with somebody who’s sharp.
Josh: Absolutely, absolutely edutainment. I love it. We’re basically an edutainment business. All of us. There’s so much media. Social media like, you know, fake news media. There’s newspapers. There’s marketing messages everywhere. People will connect with people who entertain them. So if you could educate someone and entertain them at the same time, they’ll be more engaged. They’ll be more connected. It’s amazing. Some of the weirdo videos that have like 10 million views read on Facebook or YouTube. Why? Why? Because they’re entertaining people who, like, you know, the world can be a stressful place for a lot of people. They want to just veg out. So if you can educate them and entertain them at the same time, they’re going to be connected with you. It’s a test that’s been too weird.
Dave: But I’ll be it. I’ll be. Yeah. You don’t see yourself. There’s a balance then. And then that’s the next part is really important as well, Josh, because again, here’s the beautiful thing. When we’ve got that contact list of 200 people that we have that preexisting relationship with. We’ve got the know and the like factor taking care of. Right. I was there like. Yes, they might trust us to house sit the dog for the weekend. But will they trust us, Will? That’s what we’re going to work on. Right. Different of step.
Dave: The fourth step of the whole process is all about creating trust and credibility, being seen as a credible real estate authority in the eyes of your prospective investors. Now, here’s the good news. You don’t need to have a gazillion deals or doors under your belt to be seen as an expert in the eyes of your prospective investors. Here’s the thing. Stats show that 95 percent of everyday people have never purchased an investment property and invest in their own house doesn’t count. Right. And investment property. So that means the vast majority of your contacts who are outside of the real estate investing sphere have never purchased an investment property. So you even have one deal under your belt. You’re way ahead of them.
Dave: It’s kind of like a kid in kindergarten. It’s been a long time for me. Josh, that’s for sure. Not so long for you, young fellow. But for me, it’s been a long time. So back in kindergarten, you saw that kid in grade two or grade three and they seemed like God, right? They totally. Yeah. All right. They could tie their shoes by themselves. They could print their name. They could add and subtract. And here we are bumbling around, still having naps. So that’s kind of how you know, I’m not insulting our investors, but that’s how we got to keep in mind, even if you have one deal on your belt, your leaps and leaps and jumps ahead of the other folks, it’s all about how do you create that credibility? How do you create that trust?
Josh: No doubt I love it. That’s great stuff. The idea of I want to hear your take on this. So I’ve been saying for years that marketing is sales in print, right? So with marketing, the edutainment marketing, getting people kind of warmed up through marketing, whether it’s e-mail marketing, whether it’s physical newsletters or letters, you know, what you put out on social media, your Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Texas pages, that all is a form of marketing that can be used to warm up an audience. So they know you, like you and trust you, even with the people that are colleagues of yours can take a while. But if you’d kind of just nudging on them a little bit at a time through an email, through physical newsletter or a letter, you do once a month, once a quarter. What you put out. I’ve got some friends that have built massive Facebook followings and really built almost entire information marketing business multimillion-dollar company off of their just Facebook and Instagram posts because they use deals. They talked about their deals. They put deals out that they were doing or didn’t do. Money that they raised, you know, just insights about business. All of that matters because, again, it’s the no you like check that box. Now, do they trust you? Can you not join them? A little bit at a time to just a little bit more trust, a little bit more trust, a little bit more trust to the point where they’re finally like, hey, I’m going to call Dave. I’m going to call Josh and see what he’s up to. That’s the goal here, right?
Dave: Yeah. Plus, that’s part of it. The thing with marketing is always having because there’s passive marketing, there’s active marketing too. Right. So all of that stuff that I see on Facebook, that’s great. And that’s part of marketing is what you should do on social media. Again, to stay out of trouble with the Securities and Exchange and all that fun stuff. Right. But when it comes to focusing on our target group, I suggest you actually have a call to action with your marketing rights or hey, you’d like to find out more. Give me a call. Let’s see how this can work for you if you’d like. No, here’s three ways I can help you get started with real estate investing, ding, ding, ding, click on one of these things, right. I always tell them what to do. You don’t just passively wait for them to figure it out. So the more clear you are about that, the better results you’re going to get. And again, we’re not trying to. Here’s the thing. Here’s another really important thing. Josh, this is a big mistake. I see a lot of newbies making. We’re not ever trying to sell a deal in our marketing. Only thing we’re trying to sell in our marketing is a meeting point to talk with us. Right. Because that’s where we can explain the nuts and bolts of the deal. Anybody can really make this made sense.
Josh: That’s the guy. Absolutely. When I when I talk about raising private capital, the purpose of the phone, the purpose of the marketing is to get a meeting right. Face to face meeting or in this case, could be a zoom meeting, a Skype meeting. And then from there, the purpose of that meeting is to, again, sort of the edu-tainment, educate an educational conversation about how this could work for them. Without selling them. Without pitching of a deal. Because you’re in a situation at that time where. So we’re in a situation where they kind of look at what I do at the end of that meeting, as I say, hey, I’m not assuming that you have any money to invest at all. I just wanted to kind of educate you about what I’m doing. And that way, if you know anyone who might be interested in something like this, if you know anybody that’s going to buy a house, sell a house, invest in real estate actively or passively, hopefully you can refer me.
Josh: And my goal is that they turn around and say, well, hey, Josh, what about me? Right. So they self-select with no lectures. There’s literally no pitch. There’s no like, hey, will you invest in this deal? Hey, here’s a deal to show you. None of that stuff. It’s just, hey, I’m going to assume it because then if people or self-select, then they’re telling themselves like they’ve already sold themselves on investing with Dave or Josh Smart. A metal band that’s worked for me for a long, long time and I feel so good about it just feels wholesome. It doesn’t feel slimy, sleazy. And it does it right.
Dave: You’re not manipulating anybody to you’re not twisting anybody’s arm to invest in it with you. You’re not bound, you know, browbeating them down something. Right. It’s just absolutely. I call it a friendly, grown up conversation. Does this make sense for you? Is it something you’re interested in? Yes. Great. No? That’s okay, too. Right. That’s perfectly fine, right? Yeah. Usually what we’re trying to accomplish at the end about well, first, what we’re trying to accomplish actually with the marketing a lot there Josh is to get people pre educated, pre motivated, pre-qualified and predisposed to investing in them. So by the time I was at the meeting, they’ve already got the gist of what we’re doing. They just want some of the detail. And then what we’re trying to lead them to is I’m not trying to get them to cut me a check for a hundred grand or anything like that is let’s take the next step. Right. So let’s let’s you know, let’s get you on my shortlist of prospective investors. So when I’ve got a deal on the go, you get first dibs plus maybe do a an expression of interest, a letter of intent, whatever you want to call it, in your area. Not legally binding.
Dave: But my whole goal here, Josh, is for my clients, for them to have a a group of investors ready to go lined up in the wings. So they’ve got the money first and then they go finding the deal. So they’re not in that needy, creepy spaces I was in when I first failed miserably at raising capital, which they’re desperate. They’re needy. Right. So raise the money first or have the money lined up first, and then you can go out and you can go make offers and deal with deals with confidence because you know, you’ve got the capital back.
Josh: Yeah, yeah. That’s phenomenal stuff. Much more powerful to go into a meeting with a realtor, whether it be residential or commercial, to walk in with a wholesaler to a motivated seller and have that confidence to know that you could get the capital right. A little scary like you and I both did Dave when we were first getting started, making offers on deals. You know, you doing like the client first. Tenant buyer first. Go find the deal and it’s, Oh, crap. I got to raise this eighty-five thousand dollars. Where am I going to get it from? I’ve been there. I know what that feels like. Even trying to find a deal and thinking, well, what if I’m on a wholesale it, but I’ve got to do a back to back closing A to B, B to C and I’ve still got to fund that first transaction. I can’t do an assignment. I’ve got to have some capital for that too.
Josh:So I love the idea of investors first, private lenders first finding deals. They’re kind of like two separate trains going down, two separate tracks. You’ve gotta kind of manage them the same speed, if you will. Maybe the capital is a little bit ahead of the deal flow. But it’s really a powerful situation to be in where you can say, hey, look, I can make an offer and buy this thing. I just got it. I just did a fundraising webinar yesterday, raised three million bucks. Wow. And in in 90 minutes, we only needed 600 thousand dollars for paying cash for a sixteen-unit apartment building. And we didn’t do that overnight. Frankly, everything that you’ve talked about in this podcast we did starting in 2012, 2013 14, very similar approach. And now eight, nine, 10 years later, it’s like, you know, we can we can go get millions of dollars for big commercial apartment deals. But it started using almost the same exact process you described here today. This is fantastic stuff.
Dave: And that’s I think because the people that you had that webinar with were what I would call your investors in the wings. These are people that already put up their hands. Josh, I’m interested. I’m hot to trot. Let me know when you’ve got a deal. Yes. That’s how you’re able to you know, raise three million bucks for a six hundred-thousand-dollar deal.
Josh: Yeah. These were not brand-new relationships. You’re exactly right. It’s not like I just invited these people. And this is the first time they’ve ever heard about me or first they’ve ever heard about a deal. These are people that I been grooming, working with. Some of them are previous investors. I’ve sent them out my weekly newsletters, emails. I’ve sent them out my quarterly physical newsletters for years. Some of these people, I had a guy 2015. I played golf with them at Trump National Golf Course down in Charlotte, North Carolina. He did everything you talked about today. We did from 2015, 2018 and finally in 2018 made his first investment. But now he’s got over a million bucks with us.
Dave: Beautiful, smart.
Josh: And this stuff really, really works.
Dave: But the long-term perspective, that’s what we need to have. What the lifetime worth of an investor is to us. And that number is mind boggling. When you crunch the numbers.
Josh: It’s mind boggling. Absolutely. David let me ask you one final question. If you were to go back to 1998 and you were to give yourself some advice about what you know now about real estate and about raising capital and relationships with private lenders, with, you know, maybe one or two pieces of advice should give your younger former less experienced self.
Dave: Yeah, well, I was all focused about, you know, the quick pops of cash flow in and out, you know, creative type deals, flip type deals where you get in and you make a bit of money. Then you go find the next one. Right. I would tell my younger self. Hold on to some of those investors to on board if you don’t have the money, somebody else does. And hold on to some of those, because, you know, 20/20 hindsight. But there’s millions and millions of dollars in equity. I don’t have because I sold all those deals. That was absolute.
Josh: I feel the same way. At this point I’ve done tons of wholesale and rehab deals, I’d probably keep every single one of them if I could go back. Now, at that time, I needed the money. I quit my job as a financial planner. I needed to make some money. So I wholesaled deals. I did rehabs. It all made sense at that time. So, you know, I’m not regretting that decision, but absolutely. You know, if you can find a way to make an acquisition fee upfront when you buy a rental or buy an apartment building with private money, we structure that in there. I in five, 10, 20 thousand, our acquisition fee. That’s instead of letting the property go, keep some cash for yourself. And then you can have, you know, get paid upfront, get paid from rental income and then ultimately equity and sell the building down the road. Dave, fantastic, fantastic stuff. Listen, if my audience would want to connect with you, learn more about your five step process or hire you to help them with their marketing, we’re going to get more information.
Dave: Well, I’ll trade in my book Money Partner Formula for their name and their email address.
Josh: Perfect. Let’s do it. Where can they get the book?
Dave: All they need to do is go to InvestorAttractionBook.com, InvestorAttractionBook.com and give me your name and email address. I’ll give you my book and we’ll be connected.
Josh: That is fantastic stuff. Dave, listen, thanks so much for joining us today on Accelerated Investor. This is a lot of fun.
Dave: Thank you very much, Josh. Keep doing what you’re doing, buddy.
Josh: Thanks a lot. Take care. So, hey, guys, listen, I hope you really enjoyed that interview with Dave Dubeau again. Check out his book, InvestorAttractionBook.Com. Hope you enjoyed that five step process that they went through. Very, very, very similar in the stuff that I do and I teach. So Dave is spot on with the material that he’s been teaching. The interview today on the podcast is exactly what I did starting back in 2012,’13,‘14 when I survived pancreatic cancer, started raising private money. And remember, guys, now we’ve raised over 70 million dollars of private money. We’re actively managing 40 million of that. And we started using almost the exact same five step process that Dave taught in today’s and Accelerated Investor podcast. I hope you really enjoyed it if you did. As always, please do me a favor. Help us build this ecosystem. Help us build this community by sharing this on social media. Share it on your Facebook. Instagram. Your LinkedIn. Leave us a rating. Leave us a review. You know, we’re really hustlin our faces off myself, but I’ve got a whole team of people with me, RaymiGarreau, Jen Pennington, Natalie Meyer, Marissa Pedrosa.
Josh: We’ve got an incredible team, you know, podcasts, booking agents. We’ve got a lot of people working behind the scenes to really help bring dynamic interviews, solo casts and guests onto the Accelerated Investor podcast. It would mean a huge, great deal to me and our entire team. If you could share this on social media and leave us a rating and review, it means a lot to my team every time we get a new rating and get a new review. Our team is like, oh, my God, that’s awesome. Look what they said. Trust me, guys, it really matters to us better. To me, it matters to my whole team when you give us feedback. So thank you so much for joining us on another great interview on Accelerated Investor and appreciate your feedback so much. We’ll see you next time. Take care.
Hey, Josh here. And do you want to win a free Accelerated Investor T-shirt? All you have to do is give Accelerated Investor our podcasta rating and a review on iTunes. OK. Do that now then send us a screenshot on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. What we’re going to do then is every week we’re gonna pick our favorite rating in review and we’re going to send that person a free T-shirt and maybe again, some other cool fun stuff as well from Accelerated Investor. So, again, don’t forget to take a screenshot, leave a rating review, take a screenshot, send it to us so we know exactly who you are. And then once a week, every week on the podcast, we will announce a new winner. Don’t forget to take a screenshot and send it to us so we know exactly who you are. We’ll announce a new winner every week.
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If you are a mom and pop investor who is running out of resources because you don’t have any private money, then this episode is for you. Many investors might purchase 3 or 4 properties, but they eventually get to a point where they’re stuck, and they need a lot more money to jump into their next investment deal. A lot of times the advice is to pick up the phone and start cold calling, or network your heart out. But those methods don’t work, and Dave Dubeau wants you to stop being a schmooze.
Using a process that he calls the money partner formula, Dave teaches investors how to raise a lot of money from a small list very quickly. And he covers the step-by-step marketing you’ll need to do to raise private money from your own list of investors. Dave’s 5 step process for raising capital might look familiar to you because it’s so similar to my own strategies.
Everyone says, “If it’s such a good deal, then it’ll sell itself”. But you and I know that that’s not true. If you’re talking to your friends to get them to invest with you, they might know you and like you, but will they trust you with their money?
Dave’s Investor Attraction Implementor is all about creating real relationships of trust. 95 percent of everyday people have never purchased an investment property, and if you’ve got one deal under your belt, then you’re the expert. When they decide to invest in real estate, they’re going to come to you for advice.
What’s Inside:
- How investors get stuck at three or four deals, and how to get unstuck from that.
- What edu-tainment marketing is and how you can use it to create relationships.
- The number one mistake newbies make in marketing while raising private capital.