#023: 10 Step Peak Performance Success Formula – Part 6 (Step 7)

Welcome to The Accelerated Investor Podcast with Josh Cantwell, if you love entrepreneurship and investing in real estate then you are in the right place. Josh is the CEO of Freeland Ventures Real Estate Private Equity and has personally invested in well over 500 properties all across the country. He’s also made hundreds of private lender loans and owns over 1,000 units of apartments. Josh is an expert at raising private money for deals and he prides himself on never having had a boss in his entire adult life. Josh and his team also mentor investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world. He doesn’t dream about doing deals, he actually does them and so do his listeners and students. Now sit back, listen, learn, and accelerate your business, your life, and you’re investing with The Accelerated Investor Podcast.

So hey, welcome back to Accelerated Investor, Josh Cantwell here, and I’m really excited that you’ve decided to take a few minutes to spend with me today and join me on this podcast. We’re having a great time with it. Getting a lot of amazing reviews and a lot of amazing ratings, people sharing this all over their social networks. So just want to say thank you. If you’ve been engaging in this and enjoying it, thanks for sharing it thanks for spreading. The word really means a lot to us. Want to have a big impact on the world by just sharing our positive experiences. Some of the tips and strategies and hacks as well as all the dumpster fires that we’ve experienced. And so right now we’re talking about peak performance. So whether you’re in sales, whether you’re, you know, a mom that stays home or a father that stays home, whether you’re a dentist, a doctor, whether you’re growing a business, building marketing funnels, whatever it is, we’d all love to perform at a higher level.

We all love it when we’re in the groove, when we’re in our joy and we’re performing at a really high level, when we get done with the day at the end of the day, we’re kind of tired we’re kind of exhausted and we think, damn, that was a great day. Man I really felt like I was on fire. That’s really the feeling that I would love for you to have over and over and over again. And so we’re now on to episode six and step number seven in our peak performance talk. And this step is all about taking inventory, right? So once we have the end result that we’re trying to achieve and we know why we want to do it and we’ve acknowledged all of our bad behaviors and we’ve made a decision, we’ve taken massive action. These are all some of the steps that I’ve already covered on our previous episodes in previous podcasts.

If you missed any of them, go back and listen man, because this is some really, really powerful stuff. But now in step number seven, we’ve got to take a breath and we’ve got to step back and got to look at the decision that we made. We’ve got to look at the actions that we’ve taken to achieve these new goals. And we’ve got to take inventory. And what I like to do is put my head down and just go to work for 30 to 60 to 90 days, go to work, go to work, go to work, just take massive action, massive action, massive action, massive action towards the goals that I’m trying to achieve and the end result that I want to have and then finally come up for air. When I come up for air I’ve got to take inventory. Now when I take inventory, what I mean is I’ve got, I’ve got to track what’s been working.

I’ve got to track my time. I’ve got to take inventory of my accomplishments. What’s worked, what hasn’t, what failures have I experienced? Is that a marketing funnel that didn’t work? Is it video marketing that didn’t work? Is it, you know, maybe you trying to lose weight and I cheated on my diet. Maybe I was trying to, you know, quit drugs or quit alcohol, but I still have that stuff, you know, sitting around my house. Maybe it’s real estate investments that I’m trying to make and I haven’t made enough offers on properties. Or maybe you did make offers and you’ve got offers accepted, but you didn’t have the private capital, right? How many offers did you make on residential and commercial buildings? How much money did you raise over the last 30, 60, 90 days? How many private lender presentations have you made?

Take inventory. Step number seven is take inventory. We’ve got to have an honest review of what we’ve done well and what we haven’t, right? We got to sit with our team and ask them, hey, do an assessment. Do honest review of what you’ve done well. Take inventory take metrics. You know, if you’re looking at video metrics, how many video views do you have? If you have your own podcast, how many podcasts have been downloaded? If you’re making sales, how many units have you sold? If you’re building a rental portfolio, how many houses have you bought? How many new units? How many new doors have you added? What’s your average price per door? What’s your average, you know, order value inside your shopping cart? What’s your cost for advertising and for media? Take inventory, right? That’s step number seven, because that tells the story.

Look guys, numbers never lie. Numbers never lie. So if you keep metrics and you take a real serious inventory of what’s been working and what’s not working, okay, that is ultimately going to tell you a story. And if you interpret that and say, okay, here’s what we’ve learned, right? We take inventory and say, okay, here’s what we’ve learned from the last 30, 60, 90 days of taking massive action and we need to change our approach. I’ll give you a perfect example. For the last couple of years we’ve been making private lender loans. We make loans on residential and commercial real estate. We also invest in commercial projects. We have about $30 million of assets under management of under management. And we have about a hundred million dollar real estate portfolio. We’ve got a private equity fund that invests in fix and flip loans. We also make small balance commercial loans to people who are buying multifamily and office buildings.

And when I say small balance, I’m typically talking between $250,000 to two and a half million dollars. That’s considered small balance and then anything over two to two and a half million is considered a large balance commercial deal. And typically, you know, our borrowers and our friends and our students, they can get good commercial loans, you know, at 5%, 6% interest from a commercial lender. So we don’t participate in those large deals on the debt side, but we invest equity from our fund and from our investors, we invest equity in those deals.

So when I look at those three things that we do, investing in fix and flips and hard money loans and private lender loans for rehab flips, that’s one. Two small balance commercial deals and three investing equity and large commercial deals. When I think about what we’ve accomplished in the last six months, I can look at those three assets, those three investments, and I can look back and look at the exact amount of money in the exact amount of passive income we’ve created in our fund from our management fees.

I can look at the small balance commercial loans that we underwrite, originate and sell. We sell these to crowd funding platforms and we get one point of origination and one point of backend yield spread. That yield spread creates passive income. And then we have equity that we’ve invested with our investors and my own money and from our fund that goes into these large apartment deals. And so we invest equity there and we’re getting cashflow and equity in perpetuity in these, you know, large apartment deals. We own about 1,400 units of apartments. I don’t own all the equity, but I own chunks of 1,400 units of apartments. And so when I look at those three now I can look back because I’m taking inventory and I can look back and say, well, how much, you know, passive income and new regular, recurring monthly and annual income have I created from our fund?

And how much impact is that having? What kind of future does that look like? Then I look at the small balance commercial deals and the upfront origination points and then the yield spread. How much is that creating in regular recurring income? And then I look at the equity investments that we’re making and how much regular recurring income does that make, okay? And you add it all up and say, okay, great, we have this big pile of regular recurring monthly income, hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars of regular recurring income. But how much effort went into each one, okay? I’m taking inventory. This is step number seven, taking inventory. How much effort went into underwriting and originated and deploying the capital on real estate, you know, fix and flips and rehabs? How much time and effort and talent in payroll and salaries and health insurance and you know, training went into small balance commercial?

And then how much of the same went into equity in these large apartment deals, right? You add it all up. It’s like, okay, where exactly are we making the biggest return on investment? Where is our staff and our team having the most fun? Where are we doing the most deals? Where are we making the biggest amount of income? We’ve got to take inventory. So if you sell stuff online, let’s say you have an ecommerce store and you sell dog treats, you sell t-shirts, you sell headphones, you sell backpacks, you sell, you know, chairs, you sell vitamins, whatever you sell, you’ve got to take inventory in your shopping cart, right? What’s the cost per lead? What’s the cost per click? What’s your average order cart value? What’s your upsell for upsell one, upsell two? Maybe your down sell. What about your backend auto responder? How much income is coming from your backend auto responder?

What’s the lifetime value of your customer? You have to take inventory, right? Because otherwise you’re going to wake up one day and you’re going to think, oh my God, I can’t believe it. Like for example, 10% of my real estate portfolio is coming from these small balance commercial deals and these large apartments, but it represents 90% of my wealth. Well, I should spend more time there, okay. Or you know, 20% of my efforts is going into this part of my business, but it’s creating 80% of the revenue, 80% of the income. I’ve got to take that 20% and get rid of these other products, get rid of these other services, get rid of this other crud and focus on the 20% okay. Guys, look as small and medium and large size business owners. We are not General Electric. You are not going to make you know, microwaves and light bulbs and refrigerators and wind turbines and own a television network and all these different things.

You’re not a conglomerate. You can’t be successful, you know, I’m going to run an ECOMM store and I’m going to be in real estate and I’m going to, you know, be a fashion blogger and I want to be an influencer on Instagram and all these different things. Like no, choose one or two right. Remember back in step number five was to decide, you decided, which means you can’t be everything to everyone. You’ve got to choose this 10% or 20% that’s giving you the largest amount of impact to your bottom line, the largest amount of impact to your fun, the largest amount of impact to your legacy and focus on that. That’s why step number seven is important. Take inventory, track your numbers. Give yourself a real honest assessment of what’s fun and profitable, right? Think about even your friendships, your family. Who are the people that you spend the most time with that you get the most joy out of, and then go spend more time with them, right?

What foods do you eat that give you the most energy? Eat more of that. What exercises do you do that give you the most energy and you feel the most fit? Go do more of that. Take inventory, okay, take some time. Don’t do it every day, right. Don’t do it every week, even every month, but let all this sink in. Give it some time to build some momentum. 30, 60, 90 days. Then stop then take inventory and say, okay, what’s worked for us? Now let’s focus in on the 10% or 20% that’s really driving home most of our results, take inventory. Thanks for being here and we’ll quickly be on to step number eight, optimize your plan. We’ll see you in that next episode in just a little bit.

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We all know people who are the true “go-getter” types. They seem to have unlimited energy in the quest to fulfill their goals.

While it’s true that motivation plays a huge role in our success, it’s also essential to take the time to reflect on your progress so far… and determine what has been working – and what hasn’t.

This brings us to step #7 in the 10-step Peak Performance Success Formula… taking inventory. Once you’ve progressed 30, 60, or 90 days toward your goal, it’s a good time to look back and assess the actions, processes, and decisions that have really moved the needle.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what your goal is. Maybe you’re a parent who wants to spend more intentional time with your child. Or maybe you’re a small business owner who wants to see a 20% increase in your profits over the next year. Or maybe you’re a real estate investor who wants to add 10 more properties to your portfolio in the next 6 months.

Whatever your goal may be… you have to take inventory of what’s helping you get closer to it.

Tune in to hear Josh’s own methods for tracking the progress of his businesses, and how this has helped him succeed…

What’s Inside:

  • How to track what’s really working in your journey toward your goal
  • Being honest with yourself about what still needs to change
  • The importance of tracking precise metrics
  • Shifting your focus to the 10 or 20% of your efforts that are giving you 80% of your profits 

Mentioned in this episode​