#047: How to Achieve Big-Time Success at Any Age

Welcome to The Accelerated Investor Podcast with Josh Cantwell, if you love entrepreneurship and investing in real estate then you are in the right place. Josh is the CEO of Freeland Ventures Real Estate Private Equity and has personally invested in well over 500 properties all across the country. He’s also made hundreds of private lender loans and owns over 1,000 units of apartments. Josh is an expert at raising private money for deals and he prides himself on never having had a boss in his entire adult life. Josh and his team also mentor investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world. He doesn’t dream about doing deals, he actually does them and so do his listeners and students. Now sit back, listen, learn, and accelerate your business, your life, and you’re investing with The Accelerated Investor Podcast.

Josh: So, hey, welcome back to the Accelerated Investor podcast. I appreciate you being with us today. I’m really excited to be with you and share some more ideas and strategies about investing in real estate. Just advancing your entrepreneurial journey, being more successful and being a bigger, better version of yourself. So whether you’re touching this in the gym or out on a walk or in your car, I want to congratulate you for taking the time out for being here, whether you’re catching this on YouTube and you’re watching. Thanks for being here. And as you know, I love to do interviews and episodes basically for my own self advancement, my own self reasons and love to have guests and friends and family and there’s different people that have impacts in my businesses or in my life on the show. And you know, kind of learn more about them and what they’re doing and then hopefully pass all of that information along to you to help you advance in your journey.

Josh: Today my guest is Tyler Brummett. He is the vice president of business development for Freeland Ventures for our private equity fund. And Tyler has an amazing, short because he’s very young but a really amazing journey that he’s already begun. So Tyler already owns 40 investment properties. He’s a very successful mortgage banker for Quicken Loans. It was there for six or seven years, uh, ran one of their best sales teams and sales units and was responsible for recruiting, retaining, and training. A massive unit of, of bankers and business development people at Quicken Loans. We were able to successfully steal him away from Quicken and Tyler has been basically running two businesses, if not more. We’ll learn more about him as we go, but his business at Quicken Loans of building their mortgage team, and then also his business of actually investing and flipping properties.

Josh: Today at Freeland, he’s been tasked with basically building out our sales team, continuing to do new business development for fix and flip loans, rental loans, longterm rental loans, small balance commercial, and of course raising capital and investing in some massive apartments. Tyler was also recognized by Crain’s Magazine, Crain’s Cleveland Business Magazine as a top 20 young professional. It was called a top 20 in their twenties. So out of all the people in northeast Ohio that Crain’s covers Tyler was selected and interviewed and featured by Crain’s Cleveland Business Magazine. So Tyler Brummett, what’s going on man? How are you?

Tyler: What’s going on Josh?

Josh: Thanks for jumping on man. I know you’re just down the hall shaking and bacon. Closing loans, making things happen.

Tyler: Yeah, one meeting to another meeting, you know, the story of our lives.

Josh: Yeah, for sure. For sure.

Tyler: I love planning and building things.

Josh: We are, Tyler is still relatively new with us, been with us for about 60 days. And so he’s really been taking time to kind of figure out what’s, what do we have, what do we have that’s already baking that’s already in the oven and working and what’s half baked and we’re cleaning up software and really building the foundation, the platform in order to add more business development reps, close more loans. And that’s our core business right, is closing loans, small balance commercial being a private lender. Our core sort of transactional business, if you will. And as we build that out, we’re continuing to focus on buying more assets, which is we, you know, we already own about 2100 units of apartments. Tyler owns a bunch of rental properties of his own.

Josh: And that’s also in the works as far as building that out. Tyler is going to be a big piece of that. So Tyler, just tell our audience a little bit more about yourself. Give us some more foundation, some more color about your experience jumping in as a mortgage banker, what it was like to be new and to be selling and to be working late and working lots of hours and at the same exact time be building your real estate investment business. And where does all that motivation and drive come from for you? Because it’s a lot of guys your age who are still goofing off a lot and not, making things happen at the level that you are.

Tyler: So I, it starts at a young age. At a very young age my parents were separated and I live with my mom and one thing that I saw as a young kid was my mom was always working. She worked in a factory, she worked at a tanning bed salon, and then she ran her own landscaping business and I was riding around with her. I remember going to, you know, to a laundry mat and you know, washing towels and I was working with my mom. So at a very young age I was just raised with, hey the value of a dollar means this and you’ve got to work for your money and nothing’s, you know, given, or you have to earn it. So, at a very young age, I think my mom set the foundation very well.

Tyler: Now, you know, I did sports all through school. I was a wrestler, did a little bit of boxing as well. So the discipline and the respect was also implanted in my head at a very young age. I used to have a mouth as a kid. And then I’ve been putt in my place many times and it developed me to who I am today. And then from there, you know, went to school, all through school I was a car salesman, so I was a car salesman. And then I actually was looking to get promoted to a finance manager and at that time didn’t see eye to eye with my manager at the time. And my girlfriend worked at Quicken Loans as an intern.

Josh: He knew you were going in for his job, probably.

Tyler: Yeah, that’s exactly what it was. That’s exactly what it was. Now he’s calling me asking for one. But so I, my girlfriend is working for Quicken Loans. Hey, you should try working here, you know? And I’m like, yeah, she’s like, you can make good money. And I’m like, yeah, no, no, no. Well that argument happened and I applied, never told my girlfriend I applied because I don’t want her to be like, hey I got you the job, you know, everything’s earned, you know. So I, you know, applied, got the job and, and I realized the value that and the motivation totally that I had. My first month I hit the floor, I think I wrote like 37 loans. It was like $7 or $8 million. I was the leading banker. Then I started to realize it’s not about the money and it’s not about winning. It’s about the impact you have on others.

Tyler: And I caught myself, not really enjoyed writing the specific loan, but watching other people write loans that I had impact on and watching them be super excited. So from there, I realized I liked leading people. And then I was just in a, I think it was like 12 to 13 or 14 months, I was promoted to director of merge banking. I was a youngest director for working for the fortune 500 company. And I was, my tenure, there was 12 months, you know, it wasn’t big. So I took a team over. At that time, I had so much adversity. I’m the young guy. I’ve only been here for 12 months, doesn’t know what he’s doing. No one liked me to just put it out there.

Josh: Plus you have a mouth on you.

Tyler: Yeah. You know, and a confidence factor. So, but that was only a short amount of time. And then people really started to see the respect. And then I built a team, multiple teams, you know, to where we’re doing about $80 to $90 million just in originations a month ran by me. And then we, you know we got into a new office and I took on more responsibility and was in charge of maybe around a hundred people where I worked right on site with my RVP and just really started to, you know, build a pipeline and I really got the knowledge from doing that. And yeah. And then I kind of just built, you know, built a really good team and it was a little under eight years I was there. So when I’m somewhere, I’m very dedicated. I’m very, very loyal. And again, that comes back to how I was raised. And I think…

Josh: So if you’re here for a very short time I screwed something up royally.

Tyler: Yeah. That won’t happen. But it also like, you know, flowed out with my team too. I had really good retention. You know, people stayed with me at a very high turnover company. Quicken loans, people stayed with me, which is why my one of my top bankers is now working for us. Julie, she’s working here with us because they follow, you know, when you do write things, you teach people the right things to do and you show them how you do it, you empower people. That’s the biggest thing is really learning that you can’t do it all and you have to empower people. That’s when I really took my business to the next level. Because it shows trust and with trust you can skill.

Josh: Business is all about people, right? It’s all about, we say it all the time. The business of business is people. That’s the only way. I mean there’s certainly businesses that run with robots, but most businesses don’t. Not yet. When robots can write loans and invest in real estate, we’ll all be out of a job and working for the robots. But, so all while you’re doing that, so you also started investing in real estate. So you started in mortgage lending when you were basically 20, 21 years old, and then real estate as an investor shortly after that. First of all, for those people that think like they don’t have enough time to do multiple things, talk a little bit to that. Like how do you make time, how do you plan to make time to have a successful mortgage banking career doing really well at a very young age and investing in real estate? So start with that. Like how did you think like I’ve got to make time in addition to banking to start doing some of my own deals?

Tyler: Yeah. So I think it comes down to getting out of your own way and realizing you can’t do everything on your own . I’m a very calculated individual. I’m like, I’m looking at your calendar right now and I love that because everything’s calculated out, right? So like when I say when I wake up in the morning, from the time I’m putting my shoes on to I’m getting my coffee at the same place, I buy it every morning to getting into work, to literally everything is scheduled out of my day to pick up my dry cleaning, to pick, do grocery shopping, to remind him to call my mom during the day, right. I, everything I do is calculated, right. So that’s my youngest coming out a little bit there.

Josh: Sure. I talked to my mom all the time to man. I’m considered an old man now I’m 43 with gray hair and I still talk to my mom like seven, probably five to seven times a week.

Tyler: Right. So, how did I start investing in real estate and how did I find time to do it is I did this exercise with my team and they’re all, when you’re new at anything, it’s always, you’re overwhelmed. You have so much pressure and you just feel like there’s not enough time in a day. And I’ve been there millions of times. I’m actually there right now, right. It happens all the time and I love it. And I realize I loved that. But then I started to run this exercise where I had my entire team for 12 hours that we are at work every 30 to 40 minutes, write down what they’re doing, right.

Tyler: So then at the end of the day they realize what they are doing throughout the day could actually, they could do it all in about three to four hours, but it was how they’re organizing their day. It was how long it was taking them to do things and a lot of the time they thought they were actually working and doing stuff when they’re just working the same thing when you could have pivoted and moved on to something else and then came back to that task later, right. So after I figured out how to maximize my days, then I was, I found myself at the end day being like alright it’s like 5:00 or 6:00 o’clock, I’ve got some time. And then I’m like, my girlfriend was like, we should probably buy a house. Like you’re getting loans that people but you don’t even own a house. So I was like, no, no, I’m not ready for that.

Tyler: But then I bought a house, right? I was so excited about this house in Lakewood, a little suburb of Cleveland here and I remember clearly bought this house and I’m, I want to say I’m an emotional buyer, but I buy on the spot and I know when I see something I know I want it I go and do it. And my girlfriend is the complete opposite. She was actually emotional buyer on this house and I was the one that didn’t want to buy it. I’m like, whatever, we’ll go ahead and buy it. So bought this house, we’re getting ready to move in. Everything’s going well. Picked up the keys from not the real estate agent, the owner of the property, which happened to be an attorney as well. So you can trust this guy I thought. Well, he’s like, I just need you guys to sign this piece of paper, which will, you know, allow me to release the keys to you.

Tyler: No problem. Sign a piece of paper. You know at this time I moved out of, from downtown and I moved to my girlfriends’ apartment because we have all of our stuff there. We got moving trucks. The whole family is getting excited. I’m like moving into our first house, it’s probably like six, seven years ago and I pull in driveway. The driveway is full of cars. I’m like, what’s going on here? There was a picnic in the backyard. I’m like, what is going on? It was a duplex. Both units are occupied by tenants and a piece of paper that I signed was seeing that I was inheriting those leases when in fact during the purchase agreement the owner was supposed to get the tenants out and take responsibility for that. So now we have no place to live besides the box truck that had all of our stuff in it.

Tyler: Had no plan. They just resigned year leases. So for me to get them out, I had to spend a ton of money to buy their leases out. I didn’t know what I was going to do. Well, came to a conclusion, we fixed the issue. But at that point for me, I was like, wow, that guy lied to me right to my face. And that’s when it triggered for me that there needs to be good people in the real estate industry and that’s why I got into it. Because I want to make sure, one that I can stop that from happening and point these guys out left and right. And really it catapulted my confidence and it catapulted my desire for real estate. And that’s how I started. And ever since then I bought a house every other month, since then.

Josh: Nice. Yeah. Fantastic.

Tyler: That’s how it’s worked.

Josh: Did the deals worked out a little bit better.

Tyler: Yeah. A little bit better. And my girlfriend actually became a real estate agent because of that. So it’s like, it’s like a real little like a duo, you know, type of thing. So, yeah, I mean there’s always issues with deals. I mean, you know that Josh, but that was one where I literally had a parked the truck and I sit on the curb. I’m like, I’m homeless for the first time in my life. I am literally homeless and I had to get an Airbnb and all that type of stuff. But for a week I was like, you know, couch surfing and you know, it was, you know, living out having like one suitcase with two suits in it, you know. And it was a joke, but it was also very, it taught me a lot.

Josh: Sure. Adversity is where you learn the most, right. So tell us a little bit more about your sort of money making strategy in real estate now. Are you primarily like a buy and hold investor? You flipping some properties? Tell our audience a little bit more about your strategy.

Tyler: So it all started from me being a mortgage banker and running a lending team because when you originate along, it’s a onetime thing, right? The next day you got to wake up, you’ve got to find another one, right. And I like that, but it gets challenging sometimes, right? So then I was like, what can I do? You know that I can buy one time or do a deal one time, but have you pay me every single month after. So the first house I bought turned into my rental property, turned my most lucrative purchase in the last, at that time, probably for the next two to three years is the most lucrative. And I’m a buy and holder. So I buy and I hold, I buy, I don’t really do single families. I do duplexes all the way up until, you know, apartment buildings.

Tyler: But I also fix and flip as well because I think the knowledge that you learned from fixing and flipping really helps you scale on the rental side because you learn the material. You know what it comes into renovating a house. I don’t buy anything that’s already renovated. Everything I buy is ugly. You know, de la potato. I want my guys go in there and renovate it. I want to harden the property. I want to make sure it’s durable because again, I care about the people that I rent to. So I want them to be able to live and do, you know, an a house that’s actually a good house and if you put the money into that needs to be done the right way it just lasts longer.

Josh: Fantastic. Yeah. So what are your thoughts on, so you’ve had a lot of success, you’ve made a lot of money as a banker, built successful teams that like doing mortgage banking on your own is one job or one project building teams and building your whole team of mortgage bankers, another type of project, investing in real estate as a different type of project you’ve had success at all three. Is there one or two or three things that you think stand out that besides your mom instilling like the work ethic in you and the value of a dollar?

Josh: Are there other things that stand out that you think have allowed you to have success in two or three things simultaneously? Is it work ethic? Is it working long hours? Is it being organized? Is it just drive? I mean, the one thing you can’t teach people as motivation, people are either motivated or they’re not. So what are your thoughts around, because a lot of your success is built off of other people’s success now especially that you’re in a management type of role with us and all your other previous things. So what are you think, what do you think of some of the characteristics of some of the successful things that you’ve done? Is there a theme that you’ve seen over and over?

Tyler: Absolutely. So all the way back to when I was just served my first job, you know, out of college, being an originator. So, and it’s funny, all businesses are typically ran the same. So when you, when I was originator, I was crushing it, doing very, very well, writing a lot of loans. Then I found out I liked, you know, watching, developing and helping other people. Then I also realized six months from then there’s more money getting made as I’m managing more people, you know. So as I realize I’m empowering people, people working for me are making more money than they ever have. So they’re growing in their careers. I’m painting a picture on where I’m going, right? That’s the main thing is I’m telling everybody I work with where I’m going. And I’m very, very honest with it. If I’m doing something that I thought was a great idea, it’s not a bad idea.

Tyler: I’m also honest with them at the same time. So what it came down to is I realized that for me to get to where I want to go, I have to empower everybody around me and they got to be more successful and I can’t be the smartest guy in the room. I surround myself with people that are way more smarter than me and I don’t have all the answers, but I put myself in that position so everybody can grow at the same time. I’m in business in multiple different categories with rental properties, with fixed and holding with, you know, raising capital for our company with, you know, building our development. And how I’m doing that is simply just because I’m painting a picture for people to follow. So I can’t pinpoint and say one specific reason on why I’m at, how I got to where I’m at. I think it comes down to me being an originator and then me just being internally knowing that I, you know, grow off of other people’s success. That’s what really, really, really makes me flourish is when I see other people being successful.

Josh: It sounds like too, and I’ve heard other people talk about where if they’re growing, there’s typically a mentor or a coach or someone that they’re accountable to and they’re kind of following them and at the same time they have people that are behind them following you up. So it sounds like you’ve always had maybe a mentor or someone that you looked up to that was maybe several steps or several years ahead of you and you were pulling them, you were pulling up with them and at the same time there are other people kind of riding your coattails if you will, pulling them up at the same time. And I find a lot of people that are really successful or seem to be always in the middle, like they’re in the Oreo or that, you know, there’s someone at the top, I want to follow that guy. And oh by the way, they’re becoming a leader. They’re creating an audience. They’re creating engagement with people that are not quite at their level, pulling them up along the way.

Tyler: Yeah. You surround yourself with people who really want to become better, you know what I mean? So I remember again back to I was a new originator, but I found out who was a top director and who was a top banker at that company and I did my best to become friends with them. Because I knew there’s a wealth of knowledge that I learned from them. And that even though it might be that annoying, you know, new guy around town, but I created value for them first, right. And then I learned from them. So I always just tried to surround my, you know, surround myself with people that I want to be become, you know? And then that’s kind of how I’ve always, you know, put yourself in a position to be successful.

Josh: Perfect. So to that point about building teams and helping other people level up. What are some characteristics that you’ve seen in successful teams? Like what are some things that you’re trying to instill in our group? Our business development guys. What are some things that you tried to instill at the Quicken? Is it software? Is it organization? Is it working on certain things at certain times? Is it scripts and sales scripts? What are some of the elements of a successful sales person, if you will? It doesn’t matter if it’s selling cars, doing mortgages, whether it’s you’re a realtor or a real estate investor. What are some of those characteristics of the individual and then also of the team as a greater?

Tyler: So I think one, it starts with a goal. You got to have a goal, right? But everybody wants goals, everybody has goals, but it’s how are you going to get to that goal and what systems and processes are going to be in place support? That’s the goal, right? If I woke up tomorrow, I said, hey, I want to go buy 5,000 apartments. That’s a great goal, but how am I going to do that? When am I going to do it? What’s it going to look like? But more importantly, where are the challenges? Let’s attack those challenges first and not be distracted, the term you say all the time by shiny bright objects, right? You really got to pinpoint what the flaws are first. And then really successful teams and companies come from empowering people. And what I mean by that is we don’t know what the people we work with can actually do or what they’re capable of until we allow them to do it right and then if they need guidance or help.

Tyler: But if everybody has a, if you set a clear direction on where you going, you’ll be surprised how many people can do stuff that you never thought they could really do. And that was once I learned that, where I’m like, oh, there’s no way this guy will be able to do that, but let me empowerment do it. And he does it 10 times better than me. That’s building a team, right? And that, and then you realize when everybody has ownership, you feel like you have a purpose, you have you, you’re owning something that’s valuable and you’re creating value. People will never leave you. And then people always step up.

Tyler: So once people have value and you show that you’re empowering them to do it and you’re setting the right processes in place and it’s working. And then also asking for help, you, you could be the leader of a company, right? But you also want to be able to lean on your guys and say, hey, I don’t know how to do this, I need help. I do that all the time here. You know, all the time I can build a business, I can help build a business, but I’m not going to know, you know, how our clients are going to make our payments? You know, like that granular stuff, just like how you lean on me to…

Josh: Make a loan. But hopefully they pay for it.

Tyler: Right.

Josh: Servicing department, right?

Tyler: This, understanding that you can’t do it all and you need assistance and every employee that you have working for you is important. No one’s more important than anybody because if this person doesn’t do their job, then we can’t get this person to do their job, you know? So it’s about empowering and letting people take ownership.

Josh: Yeah. Conversely, so you’ve probably seen a lot of people fail. You know, Quicken has a fair amount of turnover. Being a realtor has a fair amount of turnover. There’s people who’ve bought, I mean we’ve had, we have tens of thousands of customers through Strategic Real Estate Coach and a lot of them have bought our products, been through our coaching programs and never done a deal because they just, whether it’s fear, whether it’s motivation, whatever it is, they just never get out of their own way. So what are you think conversely, are some of the characteristics of the people that you’ve seen that you thought had a lot of potential that you thought could be good at sales or good at mortgage banking or good at real estate that it didn’t work out?

Tyler: So you’re never going to be successful until you fail more than you’ve been successful. Like I’ve known that and it wasn’t all, you know, rainbows and butterflies at QL. Like I’ve made more mistakes than anybody there. And I’ve had a lot of conversations and there’s been a lot accountability conversations, but it’s developed who I am today. And so when it comes down to that, you can’t be afraid to fail. You can’t be afraid to take initiative, which is why I love empowering people because I know they’re going to fail. And sometimes that mess might be way too big of a mess for me to clean up. But I still empower them and I’m going to take ownership because I told them to do what they think is going to do. So when it comes down to it, it’s just you got to be okay with failing and you’ve got to know that you’re going to be, you’re going to feel way more than you’re going to be successful. But as long as you have that common denominator, which is I’m going to do whatever I can to get myself out of this, or I’m going to do whatever I can to be successful, then failures just a byproduct of being successful.

Josh: Yeah. Failure’s just at the end of the day it’s quitting and if you just keep moving, even if you’re failing, you never quit then you never fail. Quitting and failure goes hand in hand. And if you just, even if you’ve had a setback, you can learn a lot from setbacks and the only way that setbacks becomes a loss or a losing situation is if it allows you to get out of the game entirely.

Tyler: And ownership to it, right. And if you mess up or you did something and it didn’t work out owning it. And what I mean by owning it is actually physically saying, that’s my bad I messed up. Because then internally you’re saying, all right, I got it out. Then you just pivot and you move on, right. But if you just say, Oh, you know, I didn’t do that, or if someone would have done that, that’s just neglecting and deflecting and it can’t happen.

Josh: Yeah. In Ray Dahlia’s book, I don’t know if you’ve read it yet, Principles. It’s amazing book, right? He’s one of the most successful hedge fund managers ever. He worked with Tony Robbins and he’s been on a ton of podcasts that I listened to. Amazing book, but his main principle that I thought really resonated with me was, you know, he almost got wiped out like 20 times and he always thought like, I want to take enough risk. I’m going to get in the game, I’m going to do it, but I’ve got to do it to the point where I just have this to keep my head above water so I don’t get wiped out? I’m always in the game as long as I don’t get completely wiped out. And even if I’m down to my last dollar, at least I’ve got a dollar left.

Tyler: I can relate to that so much.

Josh: Because how many times you think like, man, things are going good, things are going good, things are going good. Oh shit, things up going backwards, but I’m not out of the game. Then it’s like, oh, things are going good. I’m building a new team or I’m building a new business. Oh shit, here, new problem. You almost get knocked down at the game. So as long as you don’t get knocked out of the game, you can always get back in rebuild. I mean that’s, we’ve done that. I mean, I’ve been an entrepreneur all my life. I’ve never had a boss and I’ve almost gotten wiped out about seven times.

Tyler: Right. And the reason why you didn’t get wiped out is because you just didn’t let yourself be wiped out. And that’s a great point. So like it with when it comes to failing, failing is giving up, right? But when you say keep your head above the water, that means, because you know that you’re, if you got knocked down, you’re still going to push yourself, right? You’re going to get yourself out of that. That’s the difference, right? And when you say like you’ve been down your last dollar, like I can relate to that because my biggest pivotal time I think in owning my own business and you know, we have a couple million dollars right now that we’re always, you know, and I would say holdings, you know, sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down, but one time I could really look back and really hit diversity is I had a bunch of flips going on at one time and they’re all going smooth.

Tyler: And the guys that I was empowering to grow with me, I empowered them so much that I empowered them to start their own businesses, right? So I was like, oh gosh. And I spent, I remember like talking to my girlfriend after the fact being like, you know, I had $10 to my name. I had a bunch of money out in real estate, $10 down into my bank account. Like I was like freaking out.

Josh: Pretty illiquid.

Tyler: Yeah. Then the next 30 to 45 days was the most money I think I’ve ever made in my entire life. It was just like boom, boom, boom. And in the back of my mind I knew it was going to be okay, but I knew I had a risk at all to get to where I wanted to go because I wasn’t necessarily risking it all because I’m still betting on myself and I’ll bet on myself 100% of the time, you know? So when you say like you’re down to the last dollar or you’ve risked it like I’ve been there and it feels so good to go down and then rip right back up because now you can take that hit going down so much better.

Josh: One of the exercises that I regularly do, so I journal almost every morning I get up, first thing I do is coffee and start writing. Because as an entrepreneur with multiple businesses and properties and apartments and lending and private equity and all this different stuff, it’s nearly impossible to just get up and get to work unless you’ve got some sort of organization. Not of my job, not of other people, but of what’s in my brain, right? So a regular exercise that I have is to get up like all my dreams are about work, good, bad, like nightmares, good things, roses and rainbows and it’s all always about work because it’s never out of my mind. And when I wake up and get down and start journaling and writing, it just all that’s in my brain, this big glob of crud is now out.

Josh: And I’m like, okay, I’ve gotten it organized. I’ve basically almost like had a conversation with myself by writing it out to the point where I’m like, now I know what’s going on. I know if this deal is going to go on, if this feels good or that deal’s good or what I’ve got to raise money for this deal or what I’ve got to optimize it at the lending office or whatever. And now I feel so free, I immediately get into the gym workout and then I’m just often running with the day. So are there any habits that you have, whether it’s evenings or mornings or working out or what are some, some habits outside of just working hard that you think have really allowed you to have some success?

Tyler: So I do this a summer thing, but instead of the morning I do it at night in the middle of the night. I have this notebook that I’ve had for about three years now and I don’t, I keep the same one and I write very small and I get the same pages because I want to keep it for a long time. And before I go to bed, anything that’s on my mind, I write it because if I don’t, I’m the type of guy where I just won’t sleep. You know, like my brain just doesn’t stop. It just keeps going and I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and it’s some of the best ideas I ever had or something that instilled a lot of confidence in me was I wake up out of mid sleep and I have an idea and I write it down in the notebook and I wake up in the morning completely forget about it, right.

Tyler: But that next night I go to sleep, I open it up. I’m like, oh my gosh, that was a great idea. I don’t remember writing it down. I’ve developed this habit over time. Two, I put myself in positions sometimes to just completely deflect and where I can just forget about stuff. I call it, going to my happy place, right. And I do that about probably twice a week and everybody has their own happy place, right. My happy place happens to be by the water, right. On a boat by the water. And if you don’t have a boat and you love water, just going to walk by the, you know, walking down the beach or sometimes I literally even pull up my computer at night and just play like ocean sounds and just look at it and I don’t know what it is, but I love water and that’s something that…

Josh: Just projecting yourself to be there.

Tyler: Right. And when you said you have like a lot of these thoughts that go in your mind, I’m a guy that has to write stuff down because if I don’t write it down, even though it might only be two thoughts, those two thoughts will swarm my mind all day. Where it makes it like made me seem like you’re thinking about a million things, but it’s really only two things.

Josh: Yeah like paranoia. I get that some time in my head. I’m like, it’s in there, I’ve got to get it out. The only way to get it out as to write it down, then it’s there.

Tyler: And you’re fine.

Josh: It’s there. And I’m also sometimes afraid to lose a great idea because our greatest ideas are typically when we’re doing something outside of work, right. It’s usually when you’re either sleeping, taking a shower, hanging out with friends, just kind of in your day kind of in your thing, whether it’s on the boat, by the beach, just going for a walk, going for a jog. For me, it’s in the gym. I get amazing ideas when I’m in the gym, so I’ve got to have some way to capture that because if you’re an idea guy or just you have a lot of ideas floating around, it’s got to come out, so we’ve got to have a system for that.

Josh: Whether it’s, you know, just taking notes in your phone and then just looking back at it or writing it down, capture it. A lot of our best ideas come at the most inopportune times. It’s amazing how many ideas I get when I’m with my family at Disney and I don’t have like the capacity to stop and go write down.

Tyler: I might forget this.

Josh: I’m just having fun, right. When you’re having fun, like the fun, the joy of the movement, the physical movement, hanging out with my wife and kids and all of a sudden like the work idea pops in. I’m like, oh my God, Lisa, I had a great idea, right. You’ve got to write it down. So awesome man. So Tyler, look as we kind of wrap up here and a couple more questions. So just tell us what you think your future looks like. You know, you’re, you’re into late twenties, just forecast yourself through the end of your thirties right, okay. What do you think the next 10 years holds for you? You’ve got eight years, kind of under your belt, have a lot of success, you’ve had a lot of impact on a lot of people at a very young age. and you’re just really scratching the surface still. It’s just getting going.

Tyler: Yeah. So, I know where I’m going to go, you know, and where my vision is.

Josh: And what does that, what do you mean?

Tyler: So where I see myself in 10 years is, I’ll be 39 by that time. Hopefully we’re playing golf, you know, daily at that time. But no, my vision has always been, it’s been pretty clear is that I want to build a lending company in just a full service real estate company. When you think of or when you think of a hamburger, you think of McDonald’s, right? When you think of a house or real estate or lending, I want it to be Freeland Ventures, right? That’s just what it is. So or whatever, you know, the names may change. But in 10 years I picture myself sitting back and providing so many job opportunities for so many people.

Tyler: Everybody I know I want to have some kind of position where they’re going to be taken care of. And just really impacting communities and cities and stuff like that. Which, I’ve already, you know, started impacting certain areas in west side of Cleveland where I’ve completely changed streets that were not the best of streets that didn’t even have, you know, didn’t even have streetlights on them. But after I impacted and I bought a bunch of houses, renovated, now the streets have streetlights on them and people are living there and it’s now becoming a great community. So I don’t plan on stopping that. I plan on doing that more globally though, you know, not just in Cleveland. I plan on doing that everywhere. And then, again, just running a full service, multimillion dollar real estate company is what I want to do, you know, and it takes a unique person that wants to do that.

Tyler: Now some people are like, I want to be, you know, I want to be on a beach rest of my life and, you know, selling coconuts. Like, no, like I love real estate and I realize I’m obsessed with it. When I was doing lending and I’m working 12 to 15 hours a day and then I’m going home from 9:00 to 1:00 o’clock in the morning and I’m doing real estate. You got to be kind of a little crazy to do something like that, you know? And that’s where I think it came from. Works not work when you love what you’re doing, you know, and I’m just going to follow what I love doing. And at the same time I’m going to be successful and make other people who have successful around me and we’re all going to be, you know, successful that way. And there’s going to be challenges and stuff like that. And I’m going to learn a lot as I go, but it comes down to my end all be all is to be known as the real estate company in the industry.

Josh: Fantastic. Yeah. And we have a unique team and a unique opportunity because, because we’re a lender, we’ve got the debt side of the business taken care of because we manage $30 I’d actually $30 million now and we have got $4.1 million that we think we can go get by the end of this quarter. So that’s put us as close to $35 million of capital under management. The only last piece, the third leg of the stool is finding deal flow. And like right now we’re kind of slow rolling that. We’re buying some big apartment deals and we’ve got some fix and flips and different things going on. But that’s the last piece. And once we tag that on it’s game over.

Tyler: Game over.

Josh: It’s game over.

Tyler: It definitely is. And I know that. And that’s, you know, again why I decided to, you know, come on board and join the fun because you got everybody between these doors and everybody that’s doing it for the same reasons. We all love what we do and it’s not a job when you do that.

Josh: Yeah. So last question. So, what kind of advice would you like to pass along to our audience? We’ve got thousands and thousands of people that listen to this every week. We’ve got, you know, tens of thousands, 100,000 people that follow us. What advice would you give to them or what advice would you give to your younger, although you are young already, younger, former self things that you thought you did well, that you would like to continue to do or things that you wish you would’ve done differently? What it’s just some advice that you’d like to pass along.

Tyler: So I’ve been told multiple times in my life that, that’s not going to work, it’s not going to be successful. So you know, respectfully, you know, I’ve taken all the best advice that I’ve ever taken from somebody and just going and doing the complete opposite. That’s literally what I’ve done. So if you can ask for advice from people and they’ll give it to you, but in the end, do what you want to do and don’t let anybody control what you’re going to do because if you’re going to fail, then you’re going to fail. And there’s still an opportunity to learn from that. So in the end, just figure out what you really love to do. And you could probably sit down for weeks, even months to try to figure out what you love and you might have a hard time figuring that out.

Tyler: It’s going to come at the most random point in your life where you find something that you love to do. Like when I bought that house, you know, it was a disaster of a situation. But if I didn’t buy that house, I wouldn’t have been in the situation I am today. You know what I mean? So do what you like to do and be open minded and always have the best interest of everyone else around you. And that’s probably the best advice I can give. You know, my advice I can tell somebody to do doesn’t mean it’s going to be the best advice for them because me, quite frankly, the best advice that I received, I did the complete opposite.

Josh: Yeah. Yeah. Fantastic. Well guys, there you have it. Another episode of Accelerated Investor, whether you’ve joined us on YouTube, whether you were just seeing this on Facebook, whether you’ve seen this in iTunes on our website or somewhere else. Just want to thank you for sharing. I want to thank you for putting this out to the world, sharing on your social media platforms. Leave us a rating, leave us a review. Let us know how we did. If you’ve got questions for Tyler, definitely leave those right on whatever page you find this. Tyler, if any of our audience wants to touch base with you once I connect with you on Facebook or Instagram or wants to inquire about getting a loan from us getting funded or about a real estate deal, what are some different ways that they can connect with you?

Tyler: Yeah, so on Instagram I’m just TBrown23. I’m not much on Instagram a little bit, but you can find me on there. My email is T B R U M M E T T @ FreelandVentures.com and that’s probably the two best points to kind of get ahold of me on. Yeah and then I’m on Facebook, you know, on Facebook as well. And not on Twitter, but obviously those are the best ones.

Josh: Yeah. Yeah. I’ll visit our website, FreelandLending.com. Call the office 855-477-8855 and you know, Tyler and his business development guys are going to work with you, get you funded. Lots of different types of loan products, fix and flips, fixing and keep small balance, commercial, big commercial apartments, multifamily, you name it. It’s all going to go through and across Tyler’s desk. Thanks a lot for joining me, my friend.

Tyler: Alright, thanks Josh.

Josh: I appreciate you taking the time. All right, you got it.

You’ve been listening to Josh Cantwell and the Accelerated Investor Podcast. Leave a comment on our iTunes channel and let us know what you want to learn next, or who you’d like Josh to interview. While you’re there, give us some five star rating and make sure to subscribe so you can be the first to hear new episodes. Follow Josh Cantwell and his companies, the Strategic Real Estate Coach and Freeland Ventures on all social media platforms now and stay up to date on new training and investment opportunities to start your journey toward the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. Apply for coaching at JoshCantwellCoaching.com.

Imagine being promoted to a director-level position at a Fortune 500 company in your early 20s. What might sound like a dream for most of us was reality for Tyler Brummett. 

Currently, Tyler is the Vice-President of Business Development for Freeland Ventures, which provides residential and commercial private loans and equity investments for investors and real estate entrepreneurs nationwide. Prior to this, he was a director at Quicken Loans, where his rising star was immediately noticed by leaders within the company. 

During his time at Quicken Loans, Tyler was a successful mortgage banker, and eventually became responsible for recruiting and training a large unit of sales and business development professionals. When he was promoted to director of mortgage banking, he was the youngest director in the company. 

While he was a mortgage lender by day, Tyler also became a real estate investor by night. He currently owns 40+ investment properties, and is excited to now be working for Freeland Ventures. 

If anyone knows how to build a successful career at a young age, it’s Tyler. In this podcast, he shares his strategies and habits for achieving your professional goals. He also discusses the importance of building up other professionals in your field – and how this will ultimately have an immensely positive impact on your own success. 

What’s Inside:

  • How Tyler built the foundation for his success at such an early age
  • How Tyler first became interested in real estate investing
  • Tyler’s current investing strategies
  • Why Tyler feels it’s important to help other people achieve success
  • Tyler’s techniques for building the best sales and business development teams 
  • How to deal with failure in your journey toward success
  • Tyler’s daily habits for building a profitable business 

Mentioned in this episode​