#128: Actively Managing Markets & Lending

Welcome to The Accelerated Investor Podcast with Josh Cantwell, if you love entrepreneurship and investing in real estate then you are in the right place. Josh is the CEO of Freeland Ventures Real Estate Private Equity and has personally invested in well over 500 properties all across the country. He’s also made hundreds of private lender loans and owns over 1,000 units of apartments. Josh is an expert at raising private money for deals and he prides himself on never having had a boss in his entire adult life. Josh and his team also mentor investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world. He doesn’t dream about doing deals, he actually does them and so do his listeners and students. Now sit back, listen, learn, and accelerate your business, your life, and your investing with The Accelerated Investor Podcast. 

Josh: So welcome back to Accelerated Investor. I am so excited to be with you again. Again, if you’ve been following some of our content podcast, you guys know social media, I’ve been out of town for the last 40 days. Spending time on the beach, catamaran, deep-sea, fishing, having a great time. And so this is my second official recording since coming back. And I’m really excited today to be interviewing. His name is Angelo Christian. Angelo is one of the top producing loan originators in the country. He is dynamic at selling raising capital. He runs a close and private equity fund.

Josh:And he’s helped tens of thousands of people with his coaching, but also with his funding for both residential and commercial deals. He also runs a trade desk and does wealth management and is in mortgage banking. He’s got hundreds of thousands of followers on social media. And what I love about his story is he’s overcome poverty and homelessness and health issues and being. He describes morbidly obese to having just a life of abundance and wealth and income and happiness. And so we’re excited to talk with Angelo Christian today. Angelo, thanks so much for joining me on Accelerated Investor. How you doing?

Angelo: I’m doing a lot better after that intro.

Josh: Yeah, that sounds great, man. Yeah, we like to hype up all of our all of our all of our guests, man. So I appreciate that. So, Angelo, I love to talk and start with our guests so our audience can get to know them a little bit better. And have you tell us a little bit more about what you’re working on right now, like today, this week, this month. What are you most excited about in your real estate investing and lending businesses?

Angelo: Well, I mean, I’m happy that, you know, that the economy opened back up for private lending that’s been shut down for the last three months. So in July, we’ve actually opened up our private lending sector again. We do a lot of private mortgages. You mentioned earlier before the show bridge financing. So that’s somewhat coming back. We do a lot of no documentation type loans. A lot of investor loans for fix and flip, rehab. So that’s something that’s coming back. And then, you know, the other thing is that we’re really active in the markets right now. As you can see, the Nasdaq is at an all-time high. So we’re thinking another ’99 type bubble’s coming. Yes. You know, Tesla’s 14 hundred, price on stock went up a hundred hours a day at a clip. Sowe’re watching that very carefully.

Angelo: And so those are the biggest things that we’re working on right now is scaling the company. We think that obviously we’re bullish on America and we think that the lending businesses is a phenomenal opportunity, pushing paper, selling mortgages, helping tens of thousands people, whether it’s a commercial investor such as yourself or it’s a veteran trying to buy a home. Interest rates are at all-time lows. You can get 30-year fixed sub three percent. It’s a no brainer opportunity. We’re piling into that like crazy to help investors, homeowners. And so, yeah, those are the those are the biggest things right now that we’re focusing on.

Josh: That’s great. Tell me a little bit more about what you’re seeing in the private lending side of things. As you mentioned, Mike, when Covid hit. It was right around March 16th, give or take. If I ever get that, maybe the day I dialed in, the literally the pricing for those mortgages went through the roof in a day. I talked to some CEOs of some pretty big crowdfunding platforms and said he described it as what happened in 2008, took about 12 to 18 months, in 2020 it took one day.

Josh: And all that funding sort of disappeared because the secondary market was no longer buying that paper. A lot of that’s been frozen for the last three months. I’m interested to hear your take on kind of where the market is now. What are you seeing right now and what do you think’s going to happen over the next 90 days?

Angelo: Yeah, yeah. So what’s happened now is that so I would say we’re about 60 percent recover on the residential side and probably on the commercial side. You know, probably about 30 percent recovered from prior to Covid. Commercial has been slower because there’s not really any government back sponsoring except for the SBA to kind of cover those type of loan. So there’s still a lot of concern. You know what I’m referring to commercial is commercial retail. What’s the future of that? But on the residential side, that has somewhat emerged, the difference has been there’s been about 150 basis point adjustments to the rates that cover that investor risk. So in other words, I say an investor want to do a fix and flip in February 2020, they could have gotten a seven percent rate. Now they’re going to pay about eight and a half. There’s a risk adjustment to that loan. There’s also an LTV haircut because, you know, there’s still some concern. There are also some interest reserve built into the loan.

Angelo:So investors may have to impound six to 12 months of interest payments, like you mentioned Fannie Mae earlier. They’re having a lot of investors impound six to twelve months of interest payments to do those loans and the LTVs has been reduced. So we are lending, whether it’s a Fannie, Freddie deal or it’s a private hard money deal. But you’re going to see those adjustments. I will say that, like on no documentation loan or bank statement loans, those have also come back where we’re seeing the guidelines ease with the investors on Wall Street like week by week. For example, right when they opened back up in June, it was 30 percent now, you know, two years of bank statements and a seven sixty-five credit score. Now, it’s 3 percent down, 680 credit score. And so it’s trending in that direction. And they’re just watching what’s happening with the economy. Right. What is happening now with the government? What are they doing? What’s happened with yields, the default rates?

Angelo: You know what’s happened because, you know, that was a big thing that we were acting as a collector for the last three months and really a slowdown in originating and everybody wanted to redo their mortgage. Hey, I got Covid, give me a lower rate. And investors don’t like that. What happens is, and you mentioned earlier, you talked to some of these big CEOs. What happens when people stop making their payments on a mortgage? It really hurts the world. It hurts everybody. Most servicers, those lenders have to cover that gap. Right. Those aren’t federally insured loans. Somebody has to cover them. You know, companies like mine. We have to cover that gap. If a 100 million dollars a loan, if someone’s not making those payments on that debt, they’re going to come after us to make those payments. The ripple effect is catastrophic. But where we’re at now, as we’ve gone, I think, you know, we’re dealing with this pandemic.

Angelo: We understand what it is and we see what the you know, we have somewhat of a control. There’s opportunity with the vaccine and we have a low mortality rate. So the world is coming to grips with that. And it looks like the trend is that we’re going back, you know, to that direction. So commercial mortgages, like I said, I mean, they’re still a little dicey. It’s not somehow federally insured government sponsored. You know, 65 percent LTV is the magic number if it’s retail or some type of commercial. And there’s been rate adjustments, you know. That’s the current lending environment right now.

Josh: Yeah, I think that’s going to be changing, like you said, on a week to week basis. I mean, bridge financing, which was so popular, guys doing value-add apartment deals, even in workforce housing, B class, you know, type of stuff. But you have to remember who’s buying that paper. Right. It’s some institutional investor. It’s some family office. It’s some pension fund that’s ultimately buying that paper. And if they don’t know how to price it because they don’t know what the collections are going to be. Now, we’ve seen 95 to 98 percent collections for April, May and June. No different than December, January and February. But on the retail sector with or office, totally different scenario.

Josh: Sometimes I’ve heard horror stories of 20, 30, 40 percent collections. So we’ll see what happens in that space. But people in my space, value-add apartments, people always need a place to live. There’s going to be some adjustments based on Covid that people are learning how to work from home and they’re learning how to shop from home, which is a little bit of trouble potentially for the retail and office sector.

Angelo: That’s right. I mean, for instance this is my office building behind me. There is about 300 occupants in that building right behind me. So this building and we have the top floor that you see right there. So when we moved in the beginning of the year, you couldn’t even get a spot in there. So there’s a waiting list. You know what occupancy is today?

Josh: Well, tell me. I don’t know if I want to know. It’s a 50 I don’t know.

Angelo: 20 percent.

Josh: Wow. Already 20 percent occupancy? Holy smokes.

Angelo: Think about that. So what they’re talking about doing. I’m in Houston and what they’re talking about is converting a lot of this stuff over to some type of some type of housing people because they don’t know what to do with all this retail. They’re vacant this by the trough. And I would imagine, like for the rest of the country, that there is somewhat of a similar you know, we were also affected by oil and gas. But, you know, this is the reality of the situation for a lot of this retail stuff. And so there you know, there’s been a lot of talks with big developers here in Houston that they’ve got to do something with this retail stuff.

Angelo:And they’re looking at converting to some type of, you know, some type of housing and some type of government housing. So it could be another opportunity for somebody like you or an investor that comes in and get some type of government stimulus to convert this stuff over to some type of living center. But, yeah, I’m with you, man. But I again, I still think in the long term, you know, that we’ll emerge and we’ll become much better. We’ll figure all this stuff out. And I’m optimistic for the future.

Josh:So for our listeners who need funding of any kind, like whether it’s residential fix and flip or whether it’s commercial, Fannie Mae, they should reach out to you, right? I mean, if they need any kind of funding, reach out to your team?

Angelo: Absolutely, Josh. So the thing what we specialize in, we do all different types. We do bank phones. Let’s say the person wants to get, they want to buy their own Owner-Occupied primary residents. We do jumbo loans with as low as five percent down. Ultra-low rates, like I said, 30 years as low as 2.8. Or let’s say where I’m helping a very large investor, for example, on Boca Raton, he’s in a two hundred-million-dollar multi-family tranche of apartment complexes. Right. A lot of ground up construction. So we do get Fannie, Freddie. We do investor lines of credit. A lot of investors, they want to buy 10, 20, 30 value-add single family or multifamily. We’re still doing bridge financing. We could do that on a nationwide level. So great. It could be hard money, it could be private loans. It could be a bank loan. And so we really, you know, we try to figure out how to do funding for everything where it economically makes sense for our fund and also makes sense for the borrower or the sponsor.

Josh: And should people go to your Web sites since we’re on that? Is that the Official Angelo Christian dot com or where should they, if they want to make an inquiry, go there?

Angelo: They can go there, they could reach out to us or they can call. We’re actually open seven days a week. So, yeah, from nine to nine, they can reach out to us and they could just call us. We always have a live agent that’s available. They can reach out to us. And our direct line is 832-431-6331.They can also call us there too.

Josh: Perfect. Yeah, we’ll put that stuff in the show notes. So again, OfficialAngeloChristian.com, if you guys want to make a funding inquiry. Definitely do that. Angelo, let’s back up for a quick minute now that we know kind of what you’re working on today. Back up to tell me a little bit more about this kind of adverse environment. I’d love to hear stories, especially the hard work kind of rising from the ashes. My father filed for bankruptcy when I was in fourth grade. I was raised with nothing. You know, we live in a thirteen hundred square foot ranch with a half-finished basement. And I love to hear other stories of people rising from relative obscurity, poverty, you know, in your case. You describe yourself as morbidly obese. Tell us about that. And how is that impacted your drive and determination today? But tell us about your background.

Angelo: Yeah. So, yeah, absolutely. So, yeah, I grew up in a family where, my father was a blue-collar worker. You know, we were, you know, essentially in poverty. Went from job to job. We never owned a house. I was always obese. Our whole life was about food. It wasn’t about success or goals or going to school or making something of yourself. But what did you eat today or what did you watch on TV? And, you know, that’s really what our life was about. So I didn’t really have a guy or someone to look up to become a role model or hero. So, you know, we were evicted from every house that we lived in. My father always defaulted on all his obligations, but never really committed to anything. My mother and father, they fought every single day. It was just a disaster. And so and, yeah, I was the kid at school that got bullied. I got beat up all the time, actually dropped out of school when I was in sixth grade because I got tired of being bullied and beaten on because my weight. I was 400 pounds. And the coaches made fun of me, the kids. And so I couldn’t deal with the pressure anymore. So I actually dropped out of school.

Angelo: I was the one that was voted least likely to do anything with mom, you know? So I really didn’t have high expectations. I didn’t know what I was going to do or where I was gonna go. And so but one of my favorite movies growing up was always Rocky. And I always loved that movie because it was the best. It showed me the reference point that somebody from nowhere, the underdog can come and beat Apollo Creed and can become the champ of the world. And it gave me some lead in. And so I didn’t make the connection until later in my life. That was the impetus that helped to turn everything around and changed my life. But that movie gave me the hope, gave me the inspiration that my past doesn’t equal my future and I can be whatever I want to be. And so if I put in the work and I give it everything I got and that’s how, you know, Rocky beat Apollo, he wouldn’t back down, he won’t give up. And I know it’s a it’s a fictional movie, but there’s a lot of truth in it.

Angelo: And so that led me to everything else. The catalyst for everything else in my life of studying and learning other people and going to. College. And so but Rocky for Rocky one, Rocky two, because that’s what the implication of that those movies are. So from that, you know, watching those movies gave you the inspiration to lose the weight.

Angelo: I dropped over 200 pounds and started exercising. Bodybuilding actually used to do bodybuilding and go back to school, get my education and study. And from there I immersed myself in becoming a student of learning. Before I couldn’t even look at a book and reading over, you know, several thousand books, you know, financed to do personal development. You know, from everything, the sciences and really became a student studying some of my heroes, you know, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk, Anthony Robbins. You know, people like that. Wayne Dyer, Oprah really investing years and years learning and re basically reading Junior in my mind to create a new version of myself. You mentioned that beginning the higher version. And so and I always believe there’s a higher version, a higher calling, and you have to really tap in to find your limitless potential.

Angelo: There’s actually a book I’m working on right now to find what that is. You could find your calling and then cull that out of you and then go to the highest level. Right. Well, with the iPhone, there’s always a new version of iPhone. There’s another version of us that wants to come out to it, wants to go to the next step. And it’s our duty. I believe in life to find out what that is.

Josh: Angelo, I’m curious to see, pretty personal question. How much on a daily or weekly or monthly basis do you think about that other version of yourself, that 400-pound version of yourself? And how much does that still give you motivation on a daily basis to say, like I want to be something bigger? I want to help more people and help people who were like that? And how much maybe do you feel like you’re running from that former version of yourself? And that’s been a catalyst for all the things you’ve accomplished today?

Angelo: Well, yeah, actually, it’s a really good question. So I would say that because habitually been doing just now, that was about 20 years ago when all this started to change that ingrained in me. But one thing that I think it’s very powerfully brought up, Josh, is that you have to bring that consciously in. The rock talks about this goes back to seven bucks in the beginning. Nothing in pulling that in the forefront to remember your past and remember that life, because you need to have, you know, that fire in front of you to push you to go through. I mean, you know, you run a large company. I run a large company. Everything that you have to deal with on a daily basis, you have to have a lot of pressure and channel that energy right over the edge. And so consciously, I do it about once a week. I need to do a lot more because of all the stuff that I’ve got to go through. But consciously about I do a lot of transcendental meditation on the weekend.

Josh: And so tell me about that. What does that mean exactly? So our audience understands what transcendental mediation means.

Angelo: And basically, you know, meditation, meditating in darkness. I go and I have like a cave type set up in my home. And I will do that for usually a couple hours on Saturday and a couple hours on Sunday and just go into a deep trance and meditation to foresee the future or reflect on my past. I love Ray Daleo You know, Bridgewater and he talks about that. Phenomenal guy. And one of my heroes. And one of things that he talks about, he’s big on transcendental meditation, but that pain plus reflection equals progress.

Angelo:So it helps me to reflect on my weaknesses and on my personal life, my business, my family, and basically to redefine myself every single day. So I think it’s important for anyone that’s listening to this that they spend time to find out who they are. Know thyself is extremely powerful. One of the most important things and so. Reflecting on your past and using that to get to fuel the fire and get angry, to get upset, not at yourself, but at what you’re going after. And I think the biggest thing is trying to harness that energy, because I see a lot of people that they have all this abundance of energy and emotion, but they can’t figure out how to harness and channel it to the direction they want go. Right.

Angelo:So you have to figure out how to tap into that energy, that emotion, and then fuel it to launch into the rocket ship of your dreams, whatever you’re going after. So, you know, it’s OK to get angry and emotional, but use it to fuel you for what you’re going after your dreams, your mission. Don’t let it destruct you and bring you down.

Josh: Yeah, I had a friend of mine tell me a while ago. It really sticks with me that food is fuel, right for the body. And I’ve been telling people for years that fear is fuel for the mind. Right. So food is fuel for the body. Taking care of yourself. You know, all the things that are important to have a lot of energy, physical energy, but a lot of the physical energy comes from your mindset and fear. The fear of the past can be fuel. It can totally stop you in your tracks or it can give you fuel to say, I’m never going to go there again. I’m never going to be that again. I don’t want to ever do those things. In my case, I don’t want to ever be in a family that filed for bankruptcy. In your case, being evicted from an apartment you like, all that is fuel and you decide how you use it in your own head.

Josh: It can be for a lot of people, put them into depression, being overweight, suicide, or it can be fuel ultimately for the future. It’s amazing what the mind can do. So, Angelo, tell us a little bit more about if you were going to maybe three, four or five things here as you sit here today, an abundance of opportunity and abundance of wealth and abundance of a lot of what life has to offer. But you continue to work hard every day at it. And you were to think back to that younger self, what are some things that you would tell that younger self that you’ve learned through the school of hard knocks and through building businesses and relationships where maybe some of the biggest lessons you learned about yourself that you could pass along to our audience that could help them? What were some things that you would tell your younger former self that say, hey, here are some things that I’ve learned that I know now that have helped me be the person that I am that I want to be and I wish I would have learned these sooner.

Angelo: Right. Right. Yeah. That’s actually a very powerful to the audience that’s listening. So a few things actually. I think that one of the things I because of, you know, the way that I looked at myself being bullied and picked on, that I was extremely introverted and shy. So I hid in the dark for probably about a decade. So I think that biggest thing that I would say on that is the power of relationships and networking. I would have done that much sooner. It’s not. It is very it is true. It’s who you are, what you know. But it’s also who you know. Get in front of the right people. Get it. So get an attention awareness, brand marketing, building your brand. I should’ve done that much earlier on. Really focus on that hard or heavy, you know, getting heavy attention on the company and then networking a very aggressive network. Those are two of the biggest areas that I should’ve worked together.

Angelo: The third thing I would say is that that, you know, again. Invest the time to really find out who you are and don’t follow the trend. OK, whatever. Whatever you wanted to, whether you wanna be a chef, an astronaut, a doctor, don’t follow the Instagram stuff. You know, whoever you are, find on your soul, go into a dark room or whatever you need to do to find out who you are, what you’re supposed to be doing like Bill Gates did when he started Microsoft. Don’t follow what the guy does with the Lambo. You know, you’ll follow with who you are and you know who you are. Spend the time to find out who you are.

Angelo: And then go after it with a thousand percent. Yeah, yeah. Don’t follow other people’s stuff. It’s okay to look up as a as a as a, you know, to somebody that you aspire to like. I looked up to Jeff Bezos, but be your own Jeff Bezos. Yeah, right. And I think that’s the thing that those are the three biggest things that I would say. I waited too long to build the company because I was chasing a bunch of stuff. I was a kid. All right. Those are the three points, Josh.

Josh: Your book, The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Loan Originators has been a catalyst for you building your company. Obviously, a lot of sales people that work for you and sell your different programs and products and things like that. And regardless of whether somebody is a loan originator or maybe a wholesale real estate or maybe they’re are residential or commercial realtor or an investor building a portfolio, I’m sure that there are a number of those habits that would translate into whatever sector of real estate someone’s in. So what are some of those? 10 did not cover all 10, but what are a couple that really stand out to you to help somebody be successful, be a good salesperson, be a smart investor? What are some of the habits that you think have been a catalyst for you and for the salespeople that you coach?

Angelo: Right, right. So the thing is on those 10 habits and we actually have something called Real Estate University that all of my employees have to take. It’s a digital platform. It’s over a thousand hours of content that people can sign up for. And you can see all the links, everything to that. But basically, all of those are psychological 10 habits. Nothing is technical in that. So there’s nothing that you have to go out and learn because we actually hire new people and train them. We don’t hire experienced season lenders. Right. So we actually hired people fresh out of school. And what we’re looking for is the psychological attributes. Obviously, one of them is energy. Yeah, a lot of energy. The second one is integrity. Right. So high levels of integrity, persistence.

Angelo: You know, we’re looking for people that come back. I mean, before we even hire anybody, we’re normally interviewing them for three to six months. We exhaust them, OK? They come back several, several times. They interview. They go through a series of testing. The other one is obviously intellect. We’re looking for people that are intelligent. You know, they can you know, the mathematics. You know, they put things together. They have a decent IQ. We actually there’s a test. We actually have them take and it’s called the dark triad test.

Josh: That’s a new one.

Angelo: Yeah. Yeah. I’ll try and I’ll send you the link to it. Basically we have every employee or manager at base to tell you if someone’s going to screw you over or not. So one of the one of the biggest things that I will tell you is being a leader and a manager that I wish to God that I want to learn early on is mastering how to read people. So spending a lot of time on the mastery of reading people, people’s psychology. So, you know, we’re obviously looking for people that that have this these high levels of integrity. You know, the can do attitude is critical listening skills. If we ask them to do something, how well they listen. How is their attitude under pressure? So, you know, these are these are the main things that the top habits of highly successful lenders.

Angelo: And so being able to manage a multimillion-dollar pipeline, all the churn that and service tens of thousands of people make millions of dollars. You know, you have to have these traits. And if you don’t have them, you have to embody them or learn how to get them. And that’s what the book teaches you basically is because I believe that even if you don’t have these things, you can adopt these traits and you can bring them into your life so you can be better, you know. So you can’t say because somebody, you know, maybe they were raised a certain way. They’re all they’re destined to that they can change if they really want to change. Right. Oh, that that’s really what the book is about is, hey, this is what it takes. If you want to make millions of dollars of real estate. And this is how I did it. And if you embody these habits then and if you follow this system with a real estate university, then you can potentially have this outcome as well wherever you live. And that’s really what the opportunity is.

Josh: That sounds fantastic. Angelo, last question. When you think about outside of work, like you mentioned, energy, you mentioned several times, energy, integrity, these kinds of things. What are some things that you do on a personal you mentioned, you know, meditation? Some of these things that you’ve mentioned, how important is the way you treat yourself on a personal level to your personal success in business? You obviously treated yourself in not such a great way when you were younger, being significantly overweight today, you have lots of energy. You meditate.

Josh: You spend a lot of time doing these other things. Just convey back to our audience a little bit more about what are again, some of your personal hacks, habits, routines, maybe books, your favorite couple of books or podcasts? What are some of these things that have helped you become the best version of yourself? And what are some things you could pass along to our audience to help them become the best version of themselves on a personal level?

Angelo:So one of the biggest things I think that’s for Josh is that obviously diet and exercise are trying to be the two main things, pillars. I think that, you know, I do believe you are what you eat right. So I’m really careful with high sugar, high carbohydrates. I stay away from all of that stuff. Every once in a while, on July fourth, I’ll splurge with the family or we’ll go crazy. But, you know, 90 percent of the time, laying off the sugars and the carbs. Stay with lean proteins, vegetables, salads, because you know, when you eat that stuff, I mean you become with that is essentially. If you’re eating, drinking two, three, four, five, six sodas. You’re eating all this all these high carbohydrates. I mean, you’re just your blood sugar is going to skyrocket and you’ll become lethargic. You can’t be effective.

Angelo: So obviously, if you’re an athlete and you’re running a lot of your you know, you’re moving around, that could be different. But for logical and business, I don’t recommend nothing. Give you a lot of clean vegetables, salads, good proper diet. This is extremely important. The other thing is exercise. I basically do about 20 miles a day of some type of cardio, which is about fifty thousand, forty-five, fifty thousand steps. So I’m extremely passionate about making sure that you’re getting your body moving. You see what I’m talking about. I don’t want to sit. I think it’s really important that you stay active because it helps the blood flow, helps ideas generate. That’s one thing that Steve Jobs always thought about, that a lot of his ideas came when he was walking or moving. If you’re constantly moving helps, you know, things to move around flow.

Angelo:So exercise is very important. I think it’s very bad to just sit all day. What I do every day when I get up, I do my exercise, my meditation, my power hour in the morning, like Tony Robbins talks about. A few minutes of gratitude. Get you ready for the day. My focus. And then I’m very, very picky about my diet. I think these are very important things that I’ve noticed. For example, if I go eat ice cream and I try to be an aggressive trader or try to manage things, I can’t operate. I make a different decision if you just pay attention to your psychology. If I’m eating a big pizza where if I’m eating a salad, I might say, oh, it’s OK. I’ll just sign off on that. Just go ahead and do that. It’s okay. But it’s really not the right thing to do. But my blood sugar was all messed up. So there’s little things like that. So I think for anyone out there getting your diet in check, if you’re out of shape, you do your best to get into shape. I think that’s extremely important. And I could tell you that because I used to weigh four hundred pounds, I’m not big on it. So, you know.

Angelo: So and then, you know, I think that the other thing is making sure that, you know, once you’ve created some type of business and that you are stabilized, making sure that your family’s taken care of and that they’re on track to get their goals. My son, our goal is to him be a baseball player. My daughter’s going to be a dancer. So helping everyone around you to elevate. And so I’m really big about that. And obviously, finally is giving back. We have a charity that we give back to people that are less privileged. And so those are my biggest things, is every single day that I make sure that I’ve taken care of myself, I’ve taken care of my family, my team and everyone else around them trying to help to get to the next level. Right.

Josh: That’s fantastic. Angelo, listen, it’s been a great pleasure having you on the podcast today, getting to know you a little bit better. For anybody that wants to reach out and inquire about a loan or mortgage, working with you, investing with you, trading ideas, your online university, should they go visit, is at the OfficialAngeloChristian.com. Is that the best place to go?

Angelo: Absolutely. Go to Official or even call us. Like I said, we actually have a, we’re not just like online email thing. We actually talk to people.

Josh: I love companies that answer the phone. The phone is a tool of money.

Angelo: So, listen, our company, we talk to people. So you can actually come to our office. That’s our office right there. You can come to our office and meet with us. Our number is 832-431-6331. We actually want to talk to you. So you can call us there, are you? All I want to. Or you can text. You can text that number two guys you want to text that number can actually text number too.

Josh: Perfect. We’ll put it in the show notes. Angel, it’s been great spending some time with you today, learning about your business again. If anybody needs anything that we’ve talked about today, funding, mentorship. Reach out to Angelo and his companies. Thanks so much for being on today on Accelerated Investor, Angelo. It’s been blessed.

Angelo: Awesome. Thank you. Take care. 

You’ve been listening to Josh Cantwell and the Accelerated Investor Podcast. Leave a comment on our iTunes channel and let us know what you want to learn next, or who you’d like Josh to interview. While you’re there, give us some five-star rating and make sure to subscribe so you can be the first to hear new episodes. Follow Josh Cantwell and his companies, the Strategic Real Estate Coach and Freeland Ventures on all social media platforms now and stay up to date on new training and investment opportunities to start your journey toward the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. Apply for coaching at JoshCantwellCoaching.com.

If you could go back and tell your younger self about what you learned that you wish that you’d learned earlier, what would it be? As one of the top producing loan originators in the country, Angelo Christian reflects with me about how far he’s come and the lessons he’s learned that held him back for longer than he wanted.

We talk about inspiration, transcendental meditation, and personal habits that have shaped Angelo’s life today because his journey is a huge part of who he is. Today he runs a private equity fund and he helps tens of thousands of people fund commercial and residential deals. But as a child, Angelo’s life revolved around TV and food. At his heaviest, Angelo weighed 400 pounds.

When Angelo trains his employees, he wants to make sure the whole person will fit in with his organization. He doesn’t care about experience in his employees as much as he cares about:

  • Energy
  • Integrity
  • Persistence
  • Intellect

In the last few months as the lending market has frozen up, we’ve seen some shifts in how things are going. You have to remember who’s buying that paper when a mortgage is sold. When it’s a family office, a pension fund, or an institutional investor, and they don’t know how to price it because they don’t know what the collections are going to be, that leads us to our current lending environment. Angelo shares what he’s seeing on his end in the hard money space, and how the pandemic is affecting loans and interest rates.

If you loved today’s episode, like us and leave us a review on iTunes. For a chance to win some Accelerated Investor gear, take a screenshot of your review and send it to us via social media. Come back every week to hear us announce the winner on our podcast.

What’s Inside:

  • What the market looks like from the lending side, and some signs of concern.
  • How Angelo trains his lenders.
  • The top traits Angelo looks for in his employees.
  • Angelo shares how he’s become the best version of himself.

Mentioned in this episode​

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