#118: Outsourcing 80% of Your To-Do List

Welcome to The Accelerated Investor Podcast with Josh Cantwell, if you love entrepreneurship and investing in real estate then you are in the right place. Josh is the CEO of Freeland Ventures Real Estate Private Equity and has personally invested in well over 500 properties all across the country. He’s also made hundreds of private lender loans and owns over 1,000 units of apartments. Josh is an expert at raising private money for deals and he prides himself on never having had a boss in his entire adult life. Josh and his team also mentor investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world. He doesn’t dream about doing deals, he actually does them and so do his listeners and students. Now sit back, listen, learn, and accelerate your business, your life, and your investing with The Accelerated Investor Podcast. 

 Josh: So, hey, welcome back to Accelerated Investor. I am so excited to be with you today. We are  still hanging out. Lot of us under quarantine, a lot of us social distancing, still dealing with this virus business. And that gives me a fantastic opportunity to spend time meeting new people online, getting to know new people. And today is exactly that. I’ve been so fortunate to be introduced to Genecia Alluora, and we’re going to interview her today. She is the former Miss Singapore and in 2010 was recognized as a South East Asia woman of excellence. She is the founder of a company called Soul Rich Woman. It’s the number one female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia covering more than seven countries.

Josh: And we’re going to talk with her today about a number of things about entrepreneurship, about creating passive income. And she also has a book and a kind of a free giveaway for our audience on how to outsource 80 percent of your to-do list so that you can focus on creating money, creating money online, creating money in real estate. So for our women audience, you’re absolutely going to love this because Genecia is very passionate for empowering women. For the guys in the audience, you’re going to learn a lot about the tactics of outsourcing your daily life so that you can spend more time doing things that make you consistent passive income. So, Genecia. Thanks so much for joining us today on Accelerated Investor. How are you?

Genecia: Thank you. Thank you for having me on your show.

Josh: Absolutely. Thanks so much for joining us. So I love to begin my interviews, talking a little bit about what my guests are passionate for right now and especially obviously considering this kind of strange virus environment that we’re all in. So tell us, Genecia, what are some things that you’re working on today, like literally the rest of your day tomorrow? This week? This month? What are some things you’re excited about in your entrepreneurial journey?

Genecia: Oh, right now we are growing our podcasting for women here in Southeast Asia, where women are rising up, doing their podcast and we are helping them to monetize to use podcasts, one as an additional source of income. So doing this season, what is critical where women must have multiple sources of income and not just dependent on one. So this is a great time for us to get started. And another thing I’m working on still is other programs that we are working with our success resources as well. We’ve just finished a virtual National Achievers Congress together. Jay Ibraham and TehoffAnkar. So we just finished that virtual summit as well. So really we had a lot of fun and, you know, empowering people globally to look into how you can build up your life, do entrepreneurship, begin to up your personal branding and so many pieces of you to pivot that so that you can still thrive after the whole situation.

Josh: Yeah. So let’s talk about your book a little bit, your kind of giveaway for our audience. This whole idea of outsourcing 80 percent of your to do list, because I don’t think it doesn’t matter if you’re a brand-new entrepreneur or you’re a seasoned CEO. It’s kind of a daily battle, right, to constantly be thinking what’s the highest and best use of my time? Where should I be spending my time as a CEO, as a leader? And there’s a lot of other kind of junk or muck or stuff that’s not as important that is necessary. That’s the things that need to get done.

Josh: But there’s always this kind of pool of well I can just do it myself or I can do it faster and better than anybody else. So I’ll just do it vs. constantly having your leadership CEO hat on and doing only the things that are most important. So what are some tips? Genecia, that you’ve built a huge personal brand, you’ve built multiple companies, you’ve built this huge network of women. You obviously felt a struggle in your own life. So what are some things that you do on a regular basis to make sure that you are outsourcing 80 percent of the work and really just focus on the super, super important stuff that can really push you and your companies forward?

Genecia: Well, first and foremost, I learned the power of outsourcing on delegation. I will use these two words interchangeably. When I ran my cafe retail chain, we were in three countries Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, and we had 18 franchisees and licensees. And after four years, we exited to a public listed company owner. So in such a huge organization, we can’t do everything ourselves. Right. So even in the management position, I ran PR and marketing. I have partners doing franchise. I’ve got another partner running operations, another partner running different departments. And by having this art of delegating, you know, to different partners. I think at this level allow us to thrive and shine as local brand from Singapore growing outwards to different parts of Southeast Asia. So that’s one thing that I’ve learned on this ground.

Genecia: And after putting this skill set to mine, it’s a very good use. I put this to selectwoman as well. So a lot of people that are most commonly hear them saying is Oh Genecia, I don’t have money to outsource or delegate. I would love to do everything myself. You know, other people can’t do it as well as me. You know, I’m the best person doing that thing. But you know what? I truly believe that if you want to grow, you want to scale, you need to outsource, you need to delegate, you must do it because only then you can focus on your zone of genius. I would challenge you to outsource or delegate something that you really hate to do. Like, you know, is it bookkeeping, is it, you know, operational work, very mundane, kind of one where we can actually already structured kind of into a S.O.P. And then control the whole team from there. I now run a team of 21, virtually everywhere in the world.

Genecia: So, I mean, when that happens, I only focus on marketing, sales and marketing. And that’s the only thing I look at. And I set up systems and processes to control everybody on a team using product management tools that Asana. And also Skype. And then I make sure that everybody does some reporting so that it’s easy for me to just look at the data too, even though no matter where I’m at. So really this really will transform your life if you know how to delegate 80 percent of your to do list. So then you can make money online and focus on your zone of genius. So you can grab that download over at our Web site, at soulrichwoman.com.

Josh: Fantastic. So g show. Help me understand this zone of genius. I love that that little phrase there. So many people I think are that’s constantly evolving. Right. I think part of being a successful entrepreneur is finding that zone of genius and doing just that. 80 percent of the time. But a lot of people struggle to figure out, well, what is my zone of genius like? What am I really good at? You’re so many things to do as an entrepreneur from sales, marketing, operations, software, technology, customer service. And I think a lot of people often fight against their zone of genius because they’re there. There’s zone of genius just because they feel like I don’t really know what it is. How can I be confident if I just do that, that everything else will fall in place?

Josh: And I would tell people, look, when I look at my zone of genius, I think about what gives me energy. Like what? When I do it, I actually when I’m done with it, I’m like, I could do that more. I love that. Whatever. I just finished and I could do that all day, even if nobody paid me for it. So what are your thoughts on kind of identifying your zone of genius when you work with your clients and your audience? What are some different strategies that you think like, OK, here’s how you kind of identify that and then kind of put that in a bucket and say, I want to do this 80 percent of the time and then take everything else and put it in a separate bucket so that you can start to outsource those other things. So how do you identify that zone of genius?

Genecia: Sometimes it’s really a little bit hard, especially if you are, you know, kind of confused and you’re stuck in a zone where you’re not even sure who you are. So I think definitely the first step is to find a mentor and get a coach to really help you to kind of get yourself from stuck to unstoppable, because you can see your blind spots. You can see sometimes even what you’re really good at. And for women especially, sometimes we’d have a lot of like the noise between our years. So we have a tendency to maybe not put ourselves down or play small or not being able to think big. So one of the things I always encourage our women to do, our audience to do, is to really look in what is their talent and their passion. So we want to turn that passion into a paycheck and talent into our business so it can be anything that when they wake up in the morning, what gets them really excited. So that’s one thing that they can be looking at.

Genecia: Another area is what is the one thing that we do really well every single day. So I’ve got this lady who came to us. She’s a 10 year stay at home mom, wants to become an entrepreneur. Wanted to sell some health products, but it belongs to a network marketing company. And after having a short discussion with her, I realized that she was really good at cooking and she was cooking for a family of seven. And her strength was that she had this secret recipe of chili sauce. That is, you can make it fresh without any preservatives and she can deliver it anywhere in Singapore. So because of this secret recipe that she has, she actually built up this business. We got her how to build up this business. And in the end, now she’s making in two months, she may forefingers every single month now, even though she needs to blend that chili. But it’s a recurring order that she’s getting. Now, we want women to get not just a passive income, but also able to get you know, you are able to sell a product that people want, people love, and therefore you have recurring business every single time.

Genecia: So that in itself, when you look at, you know, being able to function in a zone of genius, well, you can look at your outcomes, which is how much are you making? Number one. Number two, is that recurring businesses for yourself as a recurring income or are you just kind of stuck and not being able to move? You’re just like earlier on, you mentioned transactional, kind of life. You work you get paid, you work you get paid. You don’t work, you don’t get paid. Right. Right. So I think that that zone of genius needs to go and, you know, be first and foremost when you wake in the morning, I talk about that. When you wake up in the morning, are you excited about life or are you just oh, I just want to go back to sleep. Right. Mentality. So it really will determine. And we’ve got a lady who is an employee, 9-to-5 employee. She is in an HR regional, a pack leader and just quit her job just eight months ago before COVID-19 happens. And at that point, she wanted to bring herself to be seen as a leader.

Genecia: She doesn’t really have a skill set skillset that is necessary because right now, if she would, she left the company. She was a nobody. Right. Because there’s no title. You’re no original leader. Director of HR anymore. How then can you continue to function in your zone of genius? So she picked up a new skill. Remember I talked about podcasting? She picked up a new skill and then she decided to go into podcasting. And then in three months after she launched her podcast with our help here at Soul Rich Woman, she got hit hunt more than 10 times from the US, from Europe and outside of India as well in leadership positions and her pay cut. There was no pay cut. In fact, the pay was equivalent, if not much better. So when you are truly passionate about, you know, passion is one thing, but are you willing to open up to do a new skill that can really pay the bills? Can they can really move you to the next level? Are you ready to kind of like structure your leadership online and bring your business online and be seen as a leader online? And because of that, opportunities will come.

Genecia: I mean, it literally changed this lady’s life, you know, and that 9-5 employee, you know thinking that at her age, nearing 50, you will get a pay cut. You don’t need to take less to go back into the workforce and especially with your woman. Sometimes it’s a little bit disadvantaged. You know. But hey, you know what? By because of being seen as leader online. She was able to get, you know, so much more head hunters and she was able to bring clients and getting leaks for doing the work that she’s doing right now. So that’s really awesome. 

Josh: So a lot of it what it sounds like, Genecia is, you know, when you find your passion and you find out what you really want to do and you’re excited in the morning, you have, you know, 80 percent of your time in the day, you’re focused on your kind of zone, a genius. Now you’re kind of really authentic with who you are and what you believe and what you’re doing to the point where you’re now comfortable kind of taking your personal brand online. So it all really is packaged up together. And now you have the kind of the backbone, if you will, the horsepower to say, you know what? I have a little bit of a message. I want to take this out to the audience, whether I get paid for it or not. A lot of the most successful people that I’ve met that take their brand online as long as they’re authentic and they have passion for it and they continue to do a deep dive in that particular niche. Eventually it just sort of mushrooms out and starts to take off. So help us understand.

Josh: You’ve obviously taken your personal brand online and an amazing with it. So how does somebody take their passion? You talked about creating a business from it. Give us some examples, but tell us a little bit more about what you do with your clients and with your community to now say, OK, now you have a business. That business is creating a paycheck for you. It’s creating orders for you. It’s creating a passive income for you. And then how can you really put more gas on the fire, if you will, by taking your personal brand online? And why should people take their personal brand online? How did you take your personal brand online?

Genecia: If you’ll look left, you look right. Somebody else is doing the same thing as you. If you look left, you look right. Someone else is just posting something similar. You look left. You look right. Someone else is just getting more leads and inquiries than you right now, especially when everyone is being forced to go online. The space is crowded. It’s competitive. But how can you stand out from the crowd? At this moment in time, now the way is to focus on turning your mess into your message. It’s not just another cold. In another video, you’re going to pose some simple three lines writing, posting your cat photos, your foot photos. It’s longer just about that. Yeah. How are you going to show your message that you are the thought leader? You’re the business owner and you are that influencer that speaks volumes on what you’re truly passionate about or what you’re talented about, you know.

Genecia: And what I am seeing is that people are just OK. You know, not making effort or maybe they don’t know what to post. You know, they’re tired and not creative. They just like, okay. I’m just. I research some Google and then you say, OK, I’m going to just do some posting. So they just post the things. Right. And it gets very dry. Another thing that I’m seeing is that people are holding some brands that maybe a lot of people hold. For example, if you’re in, I don’t know, I mean, a studio business. I know a network marketing business. And whatever business that you are in, if you are carrying a brand that does not belong to you and you are marketing that brand. If I were to search that brand, I would find hundreds, if not thousands of people holding the same particular brand. Then the next question will be, how are you going to stand out in the sea of sameness?

Genecia:So the strategy in order to get out of this black hole, I will call it, is to really use this thing. Turn your mess into a message was all step number one is how what kind of story are you telling?  Who have you been before? What kind of victories have you got? What kind of failures or, you know, problems that you have overcome that allows you to be seen as a thought leader, influencer or business owner that is truly different from your own standpoint? And are you saying enough? A lot of times I hear people say no, Genecia said one time already today. I talk about it today. You know, tomorrow and next week. I’m not going to talk about it next month. I’m not going to talk about it because I already talked about it already. You know what? People are forgetful. They will never remember about it. OK, so my solution to you is talk about the ten different things of the same thing of the one thing.

Genecia: Find ten ways, 20 ways, 30 ways to craft your social media, your personal brand, your online message to talk about that one thing because. But only then you will be consistent by talking about the same message about being a thought leader of that particular subject matter of a business owner or even influencer in that space. Being a zone of genius. When you hit hard enough, it’s bull’s eye. It goes through it. And then that’s when you hit the spot. That’s when your pot of gold is going to come. So it’s really very important to look into how you’re developing that momentum online by first. Don’t keep skipping over topics and try to be everything to everybody because. Sell to everybody. Sell to nobody. Speak to one. Speak to many.

Josh: Love it. So this is really, guys. You know, you can hear Genecia as she’s doing this kind of deep dive. You can hear her voice is speeding up. You can tell she’s super passionate for this. And really, what that little segment was about was just being authentic online and really dialing in into the one or two things. It’s okay to not have a lot to say about a lot of things. It’s okay to just have one or two things that you’re really, really good at. Like you need to just sit and talk about it 10 ways, 20 ways, 30 ways to talk about the same thing. There’s been many times in my journey where I was like, she’s all I talk about is this one thing over and over and over. But people want to hear all these different things that I’ve said or things that I’ve done about investing in real estate, investing in foreclosures, investing in apartments, raising money.

Josh: And the more narrow you go and talk about that over and over and over, the more you capture that audience and then the more you can do what that audience, whether it’s raise money, whether it’s sell products, whether it’s have a podcast, all these things together. That’s amazing. So that’s really that one segment that she just talked about as an amazing lesson on how to be authentic online and create content online. I love it. Genecia, let’s back up for a quick minute and give us a little bit about your first step into entrepreneurship. I know you started a very young age, 14 years old, and you’ve been an entrepreneur all your life. And but many people wonder who are not currently an entrepreneur. How do I just make the first step? I you know, obviously with this COVID 19 business people are relying on government checks, stimulus money, and they don’t really want to do that anymore.

Josh: Nobody wants to come out of this scare and go back to the way they were. Everybody should be thinking, how do I use this scare to use this as a platform to jump off into doing my own thing, creating my own economy, working from home, replacing my income. So you did that at a very young age, you know, out of out of necessity. Tell us a little bit about that story. What were some things that were some challenges for you to jump into entrepreneurship at a very young age? And what are some. Looking back now, what are some things you would tell your younger self about that leap?

Genecia: Well, for me, at when I was 14, I had to work and support myself through school. I was an instructor, I was a yoga aerobics and line dancing instructor. And then my exams came in when I was about 18. That was my first piece of entrepreneurship where I decided that, I mean, I do not want to just do an hour and earn that hour. I want to find some creative ways to make more within an hour. So at 18-years old, I said hey. I think I need to find more instructors, you know. And they cannot outsource them to like companies and events. And that was exactly what I did. So I took a commission of their pay, so for example, if they get $80 an hour, I would think about maybe $30 and then they can get the rest of the money. So it kind of there within a single hour, if I were to, I had a group of 20 instructors and then I make like 20 times 30. Right. Within an hour of the time. And I was trying to find ways to earn more to pay for my book fees and stuff like that and tuition fees. So it really worked. And this was like kind of a huge memory inside my body and inside my mind because I said, Of course this is something I really want to do for my business and my own life future, of course, along the way, like anybody else. We get stuck in the rat race. Right. Okay.

Genecia: You know, education system has taught us you got to go to a 9 5 job. I graduated as an occupational therapist and get some of you may not know of some. Something similar to physical therapist. So I graduated as that and my passion was of children. So I was working in the helping children with learning difficulties. So with dyslexia, ADHD. And I worked in it for a year. Seriously? I mean, I went in it because you know what I graduated in and that’s what I must do. So I went into it in less than a year. I’m like, no, I want to get out of it.

Josh: It’s not what I wanted.

Genecia: You know, I’m passionate about helping children, but not working like twelve hours and still be paid less than what I’m making part time supplying instructors to companies. So that means before even working a full time job, I was already making more than my own income as a  therapist in the healthcare industry. So when I went into it, that was when I realized, no, I got to be an entrepreneur and I’ve got to get out of this rat race. And that was when the memory came back once again. I said OK, let’s activate it. So in 2006, I went back into entrepreneurship and started my own image consultancy business. And that’s how I built and I grow from being, you know, still get what I get paid to, you know, leveraging all online, bring my brand online. And I have multiple businesses, like what you said. I have this online platform that helps female entrepreneurs to get in and get heard online.

Genecia:So we have a one business model is actually a subscription business model and we have two hundred thousand members. And so when you have, you know your market, you know your target audience really well and just $12, you know, a month. And imagine the amount that we make recurring every single month. So it’s all about giving the value in that online space, you know? Because for us, our women don’t need more information. They want structured content. Step by step. And we deep dive in every single topic so that they can just come to us and just know that in the next being, part of us actually get all these no hows and step by step to get their entrepreneurship up or get their brand seen or to do whatever they want to do online. So this is super important, knowing who your target market is and you know how you give value like crazy so that people keep coming back.

Genecia: So that’s that’s something that I’ve established. And also more for my other businesses, like e-commerce businesses. I have another arm as well. But that took quite some time to build because to do e-commerce online, you need to also know what are some of the products that really sell? And what are the things that really catches consumers attention? Consumers never go for the cheaper solution. That’s something I want to share with a lot of people whose misconception is selling the lowest in the online e-commerce. Well, it’s going to get you the most amount money, and that’s not true. You need to build a brand for your e-commerce store. You need to build a brand that people trust because trust is very, I would say, little or missing right now in the online space. And its connection is something that you value. Then you have to work towards a direction. So entrepreneurship for me is all about, number one, give value like crazy creation number to be consistent so that you build that connection. Number three, you must build that momentum so that people will know where to find you when it’s time for them to buy.

Josh:Genecia, I love it. So let me let me ask you this now. After all this this journey that you’ve been on, one of the lessons I think you probably would tell your younger self was to focus on passive incomes, focus on recurring revenue, that if you feel you’ll get Wall Street to use a US analogy. Wall Street values businesses the highest that have recurring subscription revenue. Doesn’t matter if you’re in the telecom space and you lay fiber optic cable. They look at long term contracts and they value those contracts and it makes the company worth the most. So you’ve learned over time to create regular recurring income streams. In my real estate businesses, I’ve learned to create regular recurring income streams by owning apartments, owning rental properties and having private lender loans where people pay us every single month and we get paid over and over and over.

Josh: That is, I guess the more mature way of running a business is to not be so transactional upfront, but to think long term. How do I build subscription? How do I build a community? How do I build passive income? That’s probably one of the lessons you would tell your younger self. What are maybe one or two other lessons or feedback you’d give your younger self and say, Hey, this is some things maybe we got right as we get a little older? Here are some things I wish you had done sooner. As an entrepreneur or when you were younger, what are your thoughts on that?

Genecia: I would say two things first and foremost. Never, never do business partnerships without contracts and never do business partnerships with friends. That is something that cost me to get into a six-figure debt back in 2012. Yeah. So, you know, being the biggest shareholder. I mean, I wanted to be a sleeping partner, get a two person, wanted to start a dating agency. So I’m like, okay, don’t worry, I’ll support you girls. You know, since we’re friends and I put up the money and then each of them, because the stake hold ends and a company is so little and that really kind of like they didn’t give them a sense of responsibility, I would say. Put it that way. So one year they kind of draw the salary throughout the year. And then the bank went from hero to zero, literally. And by the time we close it up, because as a private limited so private limited you need to accounting, you need to do auditing. And all these moneys still need to come up from my own pocket, even though I was these so-called sleeping partner.

Genecia: So anyway, great lesson learned that winding me up in six figures in debt. Because it was something way beyond what I didn’t expect it to happen. So I would tell my younger self. You know, don’t do business with friends and if anything, do business with really black and white and good contract, legal contract. And that was what I did later on in my café retail chain business. Where all the four or five partners of us. We. We wrote down how much equity we own. What’s our roles and responsibilities? You know, who’s gonna be in charge overall? You know, like have a system and process plays. And if, you know, if you were to dilute the shares, you know how much else when you top up, and things like that. So. So what I learned really contrasting the two situations is really I will give an advice to all the friends and audiences listening to this really don’t just jump into any partnerships easily because you need to know how they feel and how kind of like talk about money. Like when you have a money, when there’s a transaction, when there’s like hundreds and thousands of dollars coming. How would you split the money or use the money? Right.

Genecia:So kind of money talking is important. So for us, that maybe built a business to get it up to 5000, 10000, $20000. Let’s set a marker and then start a company later. Don’t start it right upfront because you never know what may go wrong, you know, because we haven’t we have met some cases as well. Some women come to me for coaching for partnerships. Most of them don’t work out because we women make decisions based on impulse and emotions at many points in times. And that brings me to the next point. You need to find a mentor. I would tell myself to get a mentor earlier, you know, don’t do it like that like later part of my life. If I had done it so much earlier to really invest in myself much earlier, I probably will have made my million much earlier. Yes, I only made my first million when I was in 2013. You know, my first million and later multi million dollars. But before that, if I had already been smart enough, I would have done it much, much earlier. So anyway. Yeah. That’s the key point.

Josh: Fantastic, Genecia. So this last point, last question is just about your book. We’ve already talked about a little bit and plugged it, but you mentioned that you love to help people understand women and entrepreneurs and how to outsource 80 percent of the work and delegate that kind of thing. So just tell us a bit more about what’s in the book. Again, wanted to tell us where they can find the book that download and and how to you know, how to truly tactically. Do that, you know, identify what is your passion, we talked about that. But now it’s about getting rid of the rust, getting rid of the mark, the stuff that you’re not an expert in. So how do you identify some of the people to take that on?

Josh: You said you have a virtual team. Twenty-one people all over the world. And so you’ve obviously outsourced the things that you’re not an expert at or not passionate for. And you’ve done it to a really high level because you’ve done it in and delegated those things or partnered with other people in other parts of the world. So, so many people think I’ve got to have an executive assistant that sits in my office, sits right next to me. You’ve done the total opposite approach. You’ve taken a very global approach to outsourcing the other 80 percent. Tell us a little bit more about that and tell us again about where to find the book as we wrap up.

Genecia: You know, sometimes a lot of people, when they say entrepreneurship? Oh, I got to get office. I got to get an assistant. I gotta get like some people in the office. You know, it’s like kind of like a physical space and everything else. I believe this time has changed. This will kind of weed out eventually. But I was saying that it doesn’t mean that I kind of like outsource what I don’t like the most? I mean, that’s true. But whatever that I’ve delegated it out to my team of twenty-one. I’ve done the work myself. So being a solopreneur before I’ve done the work and I’m kind of quite a S.O.P. Kind of person like you’ve got to put it down in the process so that people can follow. So this book, this Delegate 80 percent of Your Do-do List just kind of show you how you even delegate out, because a lot of times we are just like we are just lumping every to do list, every task together, you know, or marketing like marketing is everything. No, no, no, no, no. Marketing is a different thing.

Genecia:First, you need to look at social media. Right. You need to look at, you know, what are you doing for your Facebook? So you’re looking at something else, so you need to break them. So in it, we will show you. I’m gonna show you. How can I break it down and how are you going to select those that you can afford to outsource? Delegate. I always have a rule of thumb. $50 is all you need, either. Every single month or every single week. If you go out to movies, you go to manicure, pedicure. You do your massages, to your spa. You go for golf. You have your $50 somewhere in your pocket. Yes. But from that $50 and then build out. I didn’t say that from a group of one. But your team. I start out with just one. Right. And they have been with me for a long time right now. And that way, the buildup is to first invest in your first $50 up to someone else. And most importantly here, I was saying, don’t be so stuck in your own square, because you know that if you keep saying, I know Genecia, I don’t need, I’m a new entrepreneur, I can’t get out there. Okay. You know what? You got to quit that and start moving.

Genecia: Are you already having the results that you want? Are you having more time and more freedom in your life? Are you beauty more recurring incomes now? If not, then you’ve got to get this okay? So go get it at soulrichwoman.com. This book is 80 percent that how to delegate 80 percent of your to do list. I’ve also got another book.  7 Secrets of Personal Branding. So these are the two free gifts actually for you today. So go to SoulRichWoman.com. S-O-U-L-R-I-C-H-W-O-M-A-N and do connect with me as well. If you enjoyed today’s episode, connect with me on linked in Facebook or Instagram at GeneciaAlluora.

Josh: Listen, this has been just a delight for me to jump on with you and learn about your business and your passion for women and entrepreneurship. Thank you so much for joining us on Accelerated Investor.

Genecia: Thank you, Josh. have a good day. You too. 

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Whether you’re a brand-new entrepreneur or a seasoned CEO, it can be a daily battle figuring out what’s the best use of your time. Genecia Alluora from Soul Rich Woman says you should focus on your zone of genius by outsourcing or delegating 80% of your tasks. Start with something you really hate to do and free up your time to position yourself as a thinker and not just a doer.

Entrepreneurship is about:

  • Giving value like crazy.
  • Consistently building a connection.
  • Building the momentum so that people can find you when it’s time for them to buy.

When your daily tasks are taking up your entire time, it’s time to move into your zone of genius. You can become more authentic about who you are and what you believe as you enter your zone of genius.

When I look at my zone of genius, I look for something that gives me energy. It’s something I can do all day for free because I love it so much. Genecia suggests you look for a mentor or a coach to help you see your blind spots because as you maneuver into the zone, you’re going to miss obvious things that you’re amazing at.

Positioning yourself as a thought leader will take some effort on your part. You can’t just post some pictures of your cat, or throw up three lines on a social media post. You’ll need to dig deep so that you can stand out in the sea of sameness that exists out there, and you’ll need to become a source that people can trust.

People are forgetful, and they’ll forget your message. You need to get your message out again and again, but in a fresh new way every time. Genecia suggests you find ten or twenty different ways to talk about the same thing. When you’re in the zone, when you can focus on the things you’re exceptionally good at, that’s when your pot of gold is going to come.

What’s Inside:

  • If you truly want to scale up, you need to outsource and delegate your tasks.
  • The two outcomes you should look for in your zone of genius.
  • Should you take your personal brand online?
  • Turning your mess into a message is one way to stand out in a sea of sameness.
  • It’s okay to not have a lot of things to say about a lot of things.

Mentioned in this episode​

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