#028: How to Host and Create a Podcast – The Gold Standard (Ryan Niddel)

Welcome to The Accelerated Investor Podcast with Josh Cantwell, if you love entrepreneurship and investing in real estate then you are in the right place. Josh is the CEO of Freeland Ventures Real Estate Private Equity and has personally invested in well over 500 properties all across the country. He’s also made hundreds of private lender loans and owns over 1,000 units of apartments. Josh is an expert at raising private money for deals and he prides himself on never having had a boss in his entire adult life. Josh and his team also mentor investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world. He doesn’t dream about doing deals, he actually does them and so do his listeners and students. Now sit back, listen, learn, and accelerate your business, your life, and you’re investing with The Accelerated Investor Podcast.

Josh: So everybody, welcome back. This is Josh Cantwell. Thanks so much for joining me again on the Accelerated Investor podcast. And I am in particular, excited to be with all of you today to share a story of change, a story of rapid, rapid change in, you know, often when I think about where I’ve been in my own life, I think about all the change that’s happened in my life with my investing strategy and the people that I’ve met. And I don’t often come across somebody who’s able to make rapid change in their life, happen and happen such a quick, amazing level of change from good to bad, bad to good that, you know, I meet somebody, I want to talk to them about how they did it. And that’s what we’re going to do today. We’re going to talk about change. For those of you who are looking to make a rapid change in your life, in the way that you operate, the way that you speak, in your relationships in your business, and just the way that you treat yourself, the way you talk to yourself, the way that your self esteem, the way that you view yourself in the world.

Josh: You’re going to love what we’re going to talk about today. And I have to preface this by saying I have a friend of mine, his name is Mike Tucciarone and Mike is probably my friend that I’ve known the longest. I’ve known him since seventh or eighth grade and Mike and I have been friends for a long, long time and I love Mike’s just ridiculous honesty, his ridiculous honesty with himself, his ridiculous honesty with his friends. And Mike carries, in our circle of friends a ton of weight because he’s just willing to call people out about when they’re being truthful to themselves, truthful with other people.

Josh: And so years ago I met our guest, his name is Ryan Niddel and Ryan, in watching him and his pivots, his changes he’s made over the last couple of years reminds me so of my close friend, Mike Tucciarone on that I just had to get Ryan on the line with us today. And so, Ryan, I have a couple more things I want to share about you before we really jump in. But thanks so much for jumping on today. I really appreciate you making some time for us,

Ryan: Josh. It’s truly an honor. I just I love your energy. I love what you’re about and I couldn’t be more grateful to share my message with you and then whoever tunes in.

Josh: Fantastic. So to give you a little bit of a preface about Ryan, I want to tell you about one of his previous endeavors. Ryan, when he made, went through this amazing transformation that you’re about to hear about, it decided to start his own podcast and he called it 15 Minutes To Freedom. And in very short order, Ryan just opened up, opened up his life, opened up and became radically honest in a podcast, just started recording episodes about his life and his relationships. And his business is his good, his bad, his ugly as dumpster fires. And it rapidly went to the top of iTunes. He has accumulated over 4,500 five star ratings and over 2,900 reviews and ratings for his podcasts ultimately became the number three podcast in the entire ecosystem of iTunes. And Ryan right now is going through another change to start new podcast, new businesses.

Josh: And so Ryan, another rapid change in your life. And what we’re going to talk today about is Ryan’s operating system to create personal power, honesty and truth in your life. And Ryan, you becoming, you know, an amazing leader to your group of people that you’re talking and helping them to become the bigger, better version of themselves. But it wasn’t always this way. So let’s just talk a little bit more about what’s going on today and tell us, Ryan, about your honest life and what’s happening today. What’s exciting in your life? What are you working on right now that gets you up and gets you juiced every day?

Ryan: Yeah, Josh, man, that’s such a great question. The getting me up and getting me juiced is, you know, my life optimization group, right? So we will dive into the personal development rabbit hole. I actually call myself until the coach, which I think is an overplayed word. Like what does that even mean? I’ve leaned a lot heavier into the specialist category where I know across fitness, face, faith, family and finance that I can help you dial in the variables of your life that you might not have seen before. So even if we dive really deep, like I love the body side of things and the whole side note we’ll get into why that is, but the bio hacking world and what it means to truly live, what I refer to is that optimize life where what’s optimize for you, Josh, and what feels best to you.

Ryan: Doesn’t have to be what feels best to me, but there’s some core things that we can all do to have more energy, have more focus, be more productive in our days. I mean, I laughingly say I have no idea how to create more hours in any day. I certainly don’t know how to create more days in a week, but I absolutely know how to have you get more done during the hours you want to work, not have to work, but want to work. I mean, I think all of us would agree that the quote unquote secret entrepreneurship, why we jump into this is we want to make more money, work for ourselves, and then ultimately work less time. And somehow we all seem to mess up the third one, right? Like we ended up figuring out how to make more money almost in spite of ourselves and we love working for ourselves and the headache and the stress of employees and payroll, like all the things that come into it.

Ryan: But all of a sudden we start looking and we traded that 40 or 50 hour week job for a 90 to a 100 hour a week commitment and it’s passion-driven, right? So we’re all super excited about it, but they’re still comes as quality of life, that in my belief system has to be balanced, right? When we don’t pour energy into ourselves first, right? We want to help all those people around us, especially as entrepreneurs, right? We have employees we want to give, give, give, might even donate our time, right, to non-profits. But at some point that water glass that we’re pouring into everybody else’s glass is bone dry and that’s typically where during our entrepreneurial journey, we just completely burn out and most men specifically, right? We end up burning our entire life to the ground. Like you end up drinking, you end up sedating away with potentially drugs.

Ryan: You end up considering infidelity or go down the infidelity rabbit hole, right? And there’s certainly no judgment passed here, but you almost can’t help it because we’re, we’re problem solvers by nature, right? To me, if, again, if you’re in this like you like seeing complex things and making them simple and solving the variables, like that’s what gets our juices going, but we can’t help but do that to our own lives consistently, right. When things get streamlined and things seem simple, we end up making them even more complicated from that empty glass. Then you look back and there’s just a pile of debris sitting around, which was exactly what happened in my life, right? Like this is, this is not coming from some hypothetical place of, oh, I think this is how it works, right. I was incredibly fortunate to meet you through a friend of ours, Vinnie Fisher.

Ryan: Right. Incredible man. Him and Mark Jenny, the two guys changed my life and where I was going completely. Had a mechanical engineering background of all things sold, high end luxury cars and then jumped into affiliate marketing, right. Direct response marketing, web hosting through Vinnie and Mark’s company at that point. It was incredible because all of a sudden I started figuring out how the internet works and I went from making what would have been, in my opinion, good money, right. Quarter million dollars a year running car dealerships. Like that’s good money to me to now all of a sudden working in this crazy internet world making $40,000, $50,000, $70,000 grand a month and feeling like I’m not even doing anything right. It’s no longer hard work. It’s like talking on the phone with a bunch of friends and seeing how things work online and making sure conversions are optimized. And it’s like, it literally felt like we somehow had this magic cash printing machine stuffed away in the back closet.

Ryan: We know all the stories, right? We were enjoying life at the maximum capacity that I had ever enjoyed it before, right. And when I say that there’s a very specific memory I have where I’m in New York City for one of the first times we’re at a big affiliate summit. Like there’s a conference that goes on there every year. It’s an August all the time. And this is my first time being around this level of what feels like affluence, right? And I say feels like, because there’s a difference between true affluence and wealth and the appearance of affluence in wealth. And so we’re there and we ended up having a party or we’re a part of a get together, whatever you want to say. And by the time the dust settles, we spent more in an evening then I made my first year out of college, right. It was on north of $50,000 bar tab with us just entertaining people and it wasn’t like we were successful enough that it didn’t even like register that that was something that was crazy, which is like, yeah, that was a good night, right?

Ryan: We all had a good time. Then as life would have it and things would progress forward is incredibly fortunate that Vinnie and Mark trusted me to end up taking over the company. Now as a 27, 28 year old, I’ll say young man, I can’t go quite kid, but really in my psyche and intellectual capacity, I was still a little bit of a child. It was a completely ego driven model for me, right? I’m like, all right, I made it now. I’m running this company that’s doing 25 or $30 million a year in revenue. I’m king of the hill, right? Mark and Vinnie are now going out to build a new enterprise and they’re, they’re brilliant in their own capacity, right? They are. When they get together and they put their mind to something, it’s going to succeed. And here I am in this hosting world trying to figure out how to run a company.

Ryan: And so egotistical that I’m pushing everybody away that would possibly give me information like again, don’t want to pat them on the back too much, but like Vinnie is an accomplished lawyer with plenty of success. Like he was willing to mentor me and I’m like, no, no, no you go, I got this right. And I had it until I didn’t, right. It’s kind of like we, at that point, I was in this the land of denial, right? It’s not just a river in Africa, right. I was knee deep in denial. Like, oh, we’ll figure it out. It’ll shake, it’ll go left and right. And you know, we ended up getting rid of the company, selling it off, whatever on the back side of just consistently lower revenue. Vinnie had to come back in and parcel and part out the company and get rid of it.

Ryan: Like I wasn’t, I’ll say capable of doing things the right way. I might’ve been capable but was certainly to pigheaded ever listened, right? And so, okay, I’m 29 now, I feel like I’ve still made good money. I’ve lived a great life, I’ve got access to all this stuff. I know I can in my mind print money, so why wouldn’t I go start a high risk merchant processing business? That seems logical, right?

Josh: It seems logical. Why not? Let’s just try it.

Ryan: Of course I got a half a million bucks sitting around at 29 like I’m the man still, right? Like I got this. Start the high risk merchant processing company and Josh it worked really well until the moment that it didn’t, and the moment that it didn’t was about 12 months in where I’m writing a $300,000 check to shut down the business plus the operating expense of the entire year.

Ryan: Plus the part that we haven’t touched base on yet, which I can’t see me skipping over. Is during this ego-driven time in life and my conflict avoidance, right? I had two different things that were going on. I had stacked up four women that all thought I was their one and only, right. So I’m dating four different women. Longest one was three and a half years. Shortest one was seven months. Different parts of Ohio, different commute, like none of them knew each other. Like I was ultimate liar, right? Like I wouldn’t have known the truth of it would have slapped me in the face was really how it was. And so any money that I was making, I was buying away my sorrow, right? Whether it’s buying the women cars or taking them on trips or plastic surgery or whatever the things would be. It’s like, okay, money will just mask all this.

Ryan: So I’m burning through cash at a level that is really, really grossly inappropriate of how I do you life now, right. And so of course I remember having to fire my last employee December 22nd, right before Christmas, which is always fun. Only to be the week before I come home from the office. My girlfriend at the time, like the, I’ll call the main girlfriend, which is so horrible to say out loud, but it’s the truth. I come home, she’s in our house alone at this point, we’re already living together and lights are down low. And she said, sit down. Okay, right and Josh, I don’t know if you’ve ever had the sit down conversation before as a man. It’s never like, I’m so happy you’re home. Or like you’re the best guy ever. Like the quiet sit down.

Josh: Normally if she’s excited to see you she runs and jumps into your arms at the door, right? That’s the excited to see you moment. It’s not the, hey come sit down on the couch moment. So you know you’re walking into uh oh scenario. So what happens?

Ryan: And I’m in a big uh oh scenario where she, she says, hey, look, my friends or where were you at last weekend? Oh, I don’t know, you know, I was here or there I was, you know, whatever the story is I told at moment and she goes, no, no, no. Try again. And I said, well, I might’ve forgot something. I mean, I stopped by them all. I did whatever I did. She goes, yeah, you’re close keep trying. And I’m like, and she’s completely level headed, like it’s complete eerily calm, and she said, well, I know you were at the mall like you said, but you were with this woman doing this thing. My friends saw you and actually followed you around. What is this? At this point, she had just gotten through her divorce, right? She had left her house. I had decided, hey, with classic Ryan style, let’s just move in together, right? I’ll be the savior as well.

Ryan: Come on, like we’ll get a house together. I’ll just take care of all that. Don’t worry about it, right. Little does she know that my bank account was dwindling down to a point where when she me, right, there’s rental property, there’s multiple cars, there’s motorcycles, there’s front row tickets to concerts, there’s private planes and in seven short months there’s literally nothing like it’s every penny I have to get together to get this house together. She has no idea and so sharing this with me and I’m like, yeah, you’re right. This is what’s happened. And I tell her and she’s like, what are you going to do? She goes, I don’t know if we’re going to be together. We had literally moved in Josh maybe three weeks prior. I don’t know if I’m going to say, I don’t know what’s going to go on here.

Josh: And she doesn’t know about the others yet this is just about the one at the mall.

Ryan: At that point, the others had been gone right. When I met her, they were, they were just, it’s funny to say this, there were just two, there were only two women. Atrocious in it’s own right, but it’s the truth. It’s the facts and so you know, I literally pull out my phone right in front of her. At that point I was the guy that had pass codes and facial recognition and thumb print. I mean you might as well have needed blood to open my phone, right. There was no chance you’re getting in that thing. I take off the pass codes, I take off all the stuff. I pull up the woman’s name, which of course I was the guy that had a different name in my phone for her when I would come home just in case she called just in case.

Josh: Right. Extra protection.

Ryan: Extra protection. You’re, you’re exactly right. I pull it up and I call her, it’s on speaker and I say, hey, you know, look, it’s, you know, I address her by her name and that’s to me, not all that important. Say, I’m sorry to break this to you, but we’re done, right? Like I have somebody else, I’m living with them. I’ve been living this, you know, duality of a life in which I haven’t been truthful with anybody. I don’t know where it’s going to end up, but I know it’s not going to end up with you. We have to part ways and after we hang up, there’s no more, right. I’m going to block you, delete your number. Anything you need to say to me, any questions you need answered, bring it right now.

Josh: Get it out now. Yeah.

Ryan: That’s it. And of course she was very upset with that. Side note, Josh, I mean let’s put it all out there. This woman was 51 years old at that point. I’m a 30 year old man and she’s 51 so I also had a tremendous amount of mom issues and complexes of things of trying to search for issues that I had never overcome as a young man that I didn’t even know I had, right? Like somewhere deep inside I’m sure I did, but the reality of life was I didn’t really know.

Ryan: And so I’m parting ways with her and she’s yelling and doing all this stuff. I said, look like this is just, everything happens for a reason. The way you’re handling this, I get it, but I’m just going to call it quits. And so hang up, take the passcode off my phone, delete her phone number, delete her name, block the number. So Lindsey, who’s now my wife, right now, she sees it’s all on the table and I said, look, I’m not going to beg you to stay if you want to leave like I can handle what we have here. I said, but there there’s things I need to work through and I see that now. She’s like, okay, like let’s get through the holidays. Let’s not make a rash decision. Like let’s just settle for a second. Like I get it, I don’t like it, but I understand at least what you’re sharing with me.

Ryan: So fast forward to maybe four or five days later, right? It’s Christmas. This is all butting up kind of same time period and Christmas was pretty sparse on my side, right? I’m the guy that’s normally like let’s take a crazy trip. Let’s like…

Josh: Let’s go somewhere, private jet. Buy some nice trip, let’s go together, let’s hang out, have fun and you’re staying home this time.

Ryan: We are staying home and there’s not a whole lot of gifts under the tree and I’m already feeling bad about myself, right? This is a self-deprecating story that I’m telling myself that my worth is only based off a monetary value. And then the man that I was wasn’t worthy because of the way that I had acted. And treated people around me and so kind of not kind of, I fall into a pretty, what I would say would be level of depression, like business. I have to tell my girlfriend who’s now my wife, right. And we’ll get to that. But I have tell her, look, the business that I’ve been going to every day since you’ve known me, I literally shut it down. There’s no money left. The rental property that I have, the last one that I have that I haven’t sold off the cashflow from that I’m actually using to fund my life over here.

Ryan: So I’m at least two months behind on the mortgage. Yeah, 100% I’m like, oh yeah, the nice diesel pickup truck that I bought right when we got together, right. Traded in a Porsche Panamera and all the fun stuff, right. I’m a car guy. Like, yeah, I’m probably a, you know, two plus months behind on that too. They’re probably going to come grab that any day now.

Josh: Holy cow.

Ryan: And it’s just like, here it is, right. It’s just here and for Christmas. I don’t remember everything that I got that year, if there was much of anything. She certainly didn’t, I didn’t quote unquote deserve anything. But I do remember a box set of Tony Robbins training information, right? Whether it was, there were CDs at that point, it wasn’t that long ago that they were only CDs. But like that’s how the information was delivered.

Josh: Yeah. Right, right, right.

Ryan: And a couple of books and I’m like, all right, like what do I have to lose? And so started diving into that and with, Josh this was now five years ago, give or take.

Josh: So Ryan, before you jump into the Tony Robbins stuff, like help me understand when you’re all of a sudden, because now I know you to be like a radically honest guy. Like when I was interested in doing this interview and we’ve talked over the last couple of months and you know, you’re helping people uncover, peel back the onion of what they are and being radically honest with themselves so they can optimize the relationship that they have that may be mediocre at best.

Josh: And being radically honest about that relationship, to take that to the next level or radically honest about the way they’re treating themselves, both physically and emotionally and mentally. And you have this group of people that you’re coaching and mentoring and helping them get to the next level. And all of that really spawns from really this moment, right? This moment of truth for yourself that Lindsey calls you out on your recognizing now that you don’t have the money that you had projected, that you had, you don’t have the lifestyle that you projected, that you had.

Josh: You had a business with Vinnie and Mark that now is gone and failed or sold. And all of these things are going on. This is the moment, right? This Christmas time is probably, and again, one of the reasons why I love doing this interview is because I’m learning about all this stuff that I sort of knew about, but now I’m finally hearing it from you directly. But this is the moment, right? So what’s going on in your mind? What’s going on in your heart when you’re thinking like all of this stuff that I thought I had, the physical and material, the women, the physical relationships there is this the moment where it’s all coming out? Is this the moment that you’re, or is there more to the story I’m wondering is, is this the time, this Christmas season where you’re like, I am I’m at my lowest and all of a sudden there’s the rebound that’s coming and Lindsey’s a part of that or where are we at in the story here? I’m a little bit unsure.

Ryan: That is a very, very good question. And I would love to say that we are at the bottom of the barrel. But we are not.

Josh: We are not. All right. So let’s keep talking. So help me understand what happens at Christmas. What happens with the Tony Robin’s material?

Ryan: Yeah, so Josh, like you know, at this point I was, this was all I’ll call forced accountability. Lindsey knew like her and I met each other in March or April of that year. She was still married but separated, right. She wasn’t a completely free woman at that point. I was obviously involved in just one other relationship at that point, right. Everything else had, I’d already been caught cheating once before which left, only one woman left and in that situation, right.

Ryan: And so as we got to know each other, we had experienced a lot of fun and a good connection there. But she brought to the surface like right. This wasn’t some sort of like cleansing of my soul and pallet like, oh, I’m so tired of living this lie that I have to get it all out. It was like, you know, we start getting, start getting phone calls consistently from, you know, at that point Bank of America. And then because her and I are attached socially, Bank of America starts calling her and said like, what’s going on here? And so then she brings it to me like, what’s going on? Well, I started with lying to her. I’m like, oh, they’re just an issue, right. I don’t know what it is. I’ll call them and figure it out. But I’ve been paying the mortgage and X,Y,Z , well I pulled that off for a month or two?

Josh: So you’re being mildly honest, like there’s an issue, but not really telling her any of the detail, right. So you’re at the point where you’ve been called out you know that you’ve got to be a little bit more honest. Like there’s an issue over here with the car. There’s an issue over here with the house. There’s an issue over here with Bank of America, but you’re not, you’re not just uncovering it all yet, right. It gets worse.

Ryan: No I’m not coming clean any of this stuff yet, Josh, like it’s, it’s still finding me. I’m not attacking it, right. All this stuff is going on in the background in December, right. It’s a thing where I’m able to deflect it away, right. We’re still not even having mild honesty yet. I would still say that I’m a damn liar, right. I don’t know how else to say it other than that. Like I am not, I’m only owning the pieces that I feel like I have to own in that moment to pacify the person that’s got me on the hot seat.

Josh: Just to deflect the attention, keep them at bay, if you will. Just give them enough information that they’re not digging any deeper.

Ryan: A hundred percent, absolutely. And then we pivot into, right, we get through the holiday season, we get through New Year’s and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day and there’s a meeting, my ex, right? The one that broke up within December, I’ll say. She says, hey, there’s some mail that came to my house for you. I need to give it to you, right. I think she connected me either through Facebook or email. There’s some way, because she’s still blocked everywhere. I haven’t unblocked her. I’m not doing anything now and the man I am now, I realize how pattern driven we are as individuals.

Ryan: So I had a pattern of communicating with her at certain times throughout the day. And so to replace some of those patterns, I filled them in with communicating with who’s now my wife, Lindsey. But there were still times where I was like, what’s she doing on social media? Like I’m occupying the space now. I, I know in my heart I don’t want to be with her. Like, I know this and there’s nothing wrong with this woman.

Ryan: She’s like truly like, I want to make sure that I never paint anybody in a bad light. I was great at lying, right? I was just really phenomenally good at lying. And so I had the wool pulled over a lot of people’s eyes. And so we meet at a neutral place, right in a grocery store down here, it’s Giant Eagle in Columbus, Ohio. And we meet and it’s open. And she was like, here’s the mail. And it’s very, she’s very curt, right. She’s very direct. She’s very crass and rightfully so, but there’s no connection there. There’s no like, there’s no spark, there’s no anything. But my wife has this crazy sense of either intuition or knows everything about me before I know it. And so literally I leave this Giant Eagle, you know, we’re at the restaurant side of it.

Ryan: I might’ve been there, Josh, 25 minutes in total. There was not a long conversation, right? Get in the car, drive back, you know, wherever I was driving to and she calls me, what are you doing? Oh, I just got done at the grocery store, x, y, z. She’s like, no, no, no, I know you’re with somebody. Man, how do you know?

Josh: You’re not just at the grocery store. Ryan, tell me the truth.

Ryan: Yeah. And so I tell her, right? I’m like, here’s, here’s the stuff. Here’s what’s one on right? There was some mail and she said like for, I don’t say one of the first times, that was the first time I truly, truly remember hearing it. She was like, you’re just better than this. Like, I’m not going to . I already haven’t left you and I’ve known what you’ve done.

Ryan: We’re already still trying to put together the pieces of a relationship. I haven’t ever yelled at you like, I get it. There’s things that you’re going to have to process through. Just stop lying to me. Like, you don’t, you’re better than how you’re acting. And it was such a calm, like energetic, like from how I sit now right this, it pierced through my soul in this way of like, wait, wait, wait. This person cares that much about me.

Josh: Yeah. I was going to ask you like, how did it feel for someone to tell you you’re better than this? Because I’ve heard that a few times and it’s a soul piercing comment. So when you heard that, maybe, I don’t know what your background was when you were growing up, you know, relationships with your parents, if they’re married, divorced, if their supportive or not. But you know, when I’ve heard that like, you’re better than this. Like, why are you doing this? This hasn’t happened often in my life, but once or twice it’s like, oh my, reach through my chest, rip out my heart, throw it on the table, pierce it with a knife. Like you’ve got me. So what was it like for you?

Ryan: Josh, I think that’s one of the most eloquent ways I could possibly hear it stated. Right, I hear it and there’s this eerie cold that comes over me, right? Like with the goose bumps that come up on the arm and the sick to my stomach, but not because I’ve been caught. Like, because there’s like this, a complete disruption of my own internal belief system. Like I’m so predisposed to waiting for someone to yell at me. Like, when something doesn’t go right, I’m going to get, we’ll call it the wrath of God or whatever someone believes in, right? It doesn’t matter your religious belief system, but it’s going to rain down on me. I’m kind of built for that.

Ryan: Like, go ahead, yell at me like I’m used to that. And she says, you’re just, you know, you don’t have to lie you’re better than this. Like, I’m proving to you that I’m not going somewhere yet, like, just stop. And so when you say like, where was the bottom? That was at least the beginning of the inflection point where it was really like, okay, here, here we are I have a woman that’s incredible, right? I don’t know if she’s going to be the woman for life yet, but she’s showing me a different part of who I am.

Josh: And in spite of all the things that you put her through, she hasn’t left yet, right. Although she had every right to leave every option to leave. She sees more in you probably is what I’m feeling here that you probably saw in yourself because only if she felt that way could she stepped out and say, Ryan, you’re better than this. Like I see a better version of you, a bigger, better version of yourself and you’re not there. You may be Ryan, you don’t see it in yourself, but I see it in you and all of a sudden it’s like, okay. And I wonder Ryan if at that point like what I’m feeling and sensing and hearing it from you is like the lying, the cheating, the showing of money or material things that you could afford, but you really couldn’t is all a way to feed, like feed the beast, feed the personality, feed the thing that you are creating.

Josh: Although that was never really honestly who you were and all of a sudden you have this massive bandaid ripped off. Lindsey rips it off by saying you’re a bigger, better version of this is not you like, stop lying Ryan, you’re better than this. And I don’t know if that’s a sense of like relief because all of a sudden she told you what I’m sensing is she told you it’s okay to stop doing and being what you are portraying because that’s really not who you were. That’s the sense that I’m getting. How did that feel for you?

Ryan: Oh, it felt it was the most beautiful feeling, like, I don’t know, there’s truly an eloquent enough way to articulate what that did for me at a souls level. Like truly starting to put back together the pieces of, again, my soul my child that’s inside of me that was searching for things he never got from his parents. Like there’s this moment where that little child just feels protected and safe. And so from that place, right, we’re able to have the conversation shortly thereafter and certainly Josh I don’t want to misrepresent it. There was like that night I drove home and oh well here, let me just unpack all this stuff, right. I wasn’t quite there yet.

Josh: It would be tough to unpack all that in one night, man. It’s going to take a minute, right.

Ryan: Of course. Of course. So you know over the next period of few weeks, I finally come clean with the mortgage stuff with her and say, hey look, the rental property that I have, it’s, it’s in foreclosure, right? We have a couple of weeks where we can save it still, we can get it out. Fortunately her divorce had been finalized and she walked away with a small sum of money that was enough to stop the foreclosure proceedings, catch up on the back do mortgage, you know, negotiate down the penalties that were there.

Ryan: And then we just put the house on the market for sale, right. And so we’re able to recoup that cash and get out from underneath the property. I’d had it for, I don’t know, six or seven years, right. That’s a little single family home, right? $200,000 grand when I bought it, I think we sold it for $230,000 right. It was appreciated enough to offset what we went through. Still wasn’t all the way to the point of like, oh, here’s all the truth, right. I told her about all the old infidelities that I’d never been someone that was, I had been, I call it monogamist to four people, right. And as crazy as that sounds, I wasn’t the guy…

Josh: That sounds crazy, by the way. As crazy as it sounds, it sounds crazy.

Ryan: But Josh, I was never the guy I one night stand is nothing I’ve ever had before. I’ve never been interested in what that feels like. I loved the emotional connection that I could have with someone getting to know them, the jousting back and forth, the flirtation, the communication, and of course eventually that would end up in a different type of relationship. And so it was never like I could travel anywhere in the country and I’m not going to the hotel lobby trying to find somebody new. It was, I can say now and again, my perception of reality has changed massively in the past at this point, four and a half years. I now look at it like I had pieces and parts of great relationships with some truly great people that were never 10 out of 10 right?

Ryan: I would have 8 out of 10 and maybe I had enough. I’ll call testicular fortitude to sit down with that woman and say, it would be great if we could do these three things together, right? This would really like this would make this relationship a quote unquote 10 out of 10 I don’t know if I ever said that or not. In my mind I did, but if I did, I’m sure it was in a very passive manner at that point, because I was scared to death to be alone. Like I was petrified of what being alone would be like and so that person would slowly either try or not try and I would leave myself open for a new communication and the next woman that I would find, she would certainly have the two things that the first woman, quote unquote didn’t have or wasn’t presenting, but she also didn’t have 10 out of 10 right.

Ryan: She’s missing her own two or three things and inherently, again, I want to say I don’t believe she was missing anything, just we didn’t have that alignment.

Josh: Right. Sure.

Ryan: I was just always trying to put together some empty pieces in what I wanted from a holistic relationship, like I want it all these things. And so I share all this with Lindsey, like all the way back to, you know, first relationships ever at 18 and 19 and what those look like and really just here it is. And she’s like, okay, she didn’t know me back then. There’s no sort of and, she’s not mad at it. She’s like, thanks for telling me. And we’re just kind of all the cards…

Josh: Just trying to get a little bit of a foundation of kind of all the way back, sort of pattern of behavior, pattern of thought process, even though it’s not impacting her, maybe opinion of where you’re at today because she only knows you from today going forward. She’s at least getting your insight on what that looks like. That’s good.

Ryan: Absolutely. And so the house was sold. She knows all the stuff that went on, right with relationships. She knows that the business is shut down. She knows that I’m, you know, there’s really not, she doesn’t know how little money is left, but she knows there’s not big sums of money left in any capacity. Of all things I meet a guy that owns a custom clothing business, right? And I was, I’m still a decent size guy, but then I was 285 pounds, right? An amateur bodybuilder filled to the gills full of anabolic steroids and really just convinced I have to be, you know, my identity has to be a professional bodybuilder like that is all that matters. And so…

Josh: I remember, Ryan seeing you when we were at total CEO, that mastermind, when Vinnie held the very first event and he invited entrepreneurs and thought leaders and investors and business owners from all over the country, Gary Vaynerchuk was there and it was just tons of guys who were just real, you know, just beasts of their niche, their industry. I remember you walking in, I think it was the second day and you are just dressed to the nines man. I’m like that is amazing, you looked like dude, five diamonds, like perfect suit, perfect build. You were massive, right? Full of like you said, anabolic steroids but holy shit, I was like man, cause I knew you from brain host. I knew you from the hosting business. I didn’t know you well but I knew who you were and I, you took over the business from Vinnie and Ryan and or Vinnie and Mark and then you know, that didn’t work out and knew some of the things that you weren’t getting into and you know, I was like holy shit.

Josh: You know, I think I saw you with some other events where you are doing like some different displays and some different things with the, with the suits. And I was like, wow, that man, that’s an incredible change. First of all, I thought from where you were to what you were doing was wondering what that looked like. The starting a new business and doing all of it. But in some of my discussions with you and some of the other interviews I’ve heard from you like this, this becomes a big pivot point, right? Because of the people you begin to meet because you’re selling these very expensive suits and clothes. So tell us about this experience because this feels like the journey, like getting even more honest with yourself and some of the things that you learned, just associating with some of these people who bought these custom suits. So tell us more about the experience, the business, but what you learned along the way.

Ryan: Yeah. Josh, you’re spot on. So again, kind of the last entry point into that was I’m outside at this point. I was learning from another man that had started his own company. I’m outside our office in downtown Columbus. I come outside to hop in my F250 platinum diesel pickup truck, black on black, all the toys and it’s not there. And I’m like, where’s the truck? It was here, you know, 30 minutes ago. So look around and then my phone rings and I answer it right. I don’t know the number and it’s the repo guy saying, hey, just so you know, we picked up the truck, it’s going to be at this lot. Here’s Ford Motor credit’s phone number. If you want to get it out, they’re going to walk you through it, right? I’m like, oh, okay. You guys were serious that when you fall two payments behind, like there’s not a third grace period.

Ryan: Like, all right, well now I know what I’m playing with like this is now the bottom. So I get to call my now my wife right back then my girlfriend and say, okay, the last domino has fallen. My truck just got repossessed. Can you come downtown and pick me up and let’s talk about how to get, you know, what we’re going to do going forward. And we look at what we’re doing going forward. And Josh, I remember pretty clearly, I had $7,000grand left in liquidity, right? So $7,000 grand left my name, certainly no credit card availability, nothing like that. A little bit on investments but not much and didn’t want to touch those. And Ford Motor credit wanted to charge me $6,500 bucks, right? They tacked on all these fees and I had to pay two additional payments and like all this stuff. And I say to her like, I just can’t get my head wrapped around this because I don’t know that every month I’m going to make the $1,000 bucks to make the payment. Like I don’t know how this is going to work out,

Josh: Brand new business, trying to figure that whole thing out. Not much money left. Yeah you’re stuck, right. Rock and a hard place.

Ryan: And I say that, you know, I think it makes the most sense for me to go out and buy a $1,500 cash car, let the truck go back tell Ford Motor credit, like you’re right, I’m not going able to make the payment. Let’s see if we can eventually settle up with them. And so I go from right, at my peak, right? New M five Porsches, Range Rover Sport supercharged, like I’m a single guy. I mean not really, right? Not married guy, multiple cars in the driveway, multiple motorcycles. And now I’m paying $1,500 cash for a gosh, that was a 1998 Cadillac Sedan Deville. That was gold, right? With gold leather interior. Like the quintessential, like I literally bought it from an 80 year old woman, right? Like that. That was the car that I bought.

Josh: Pimping around the gold leather interior. That’s great. But man, I mean it’s that’s the last domino, right?

Ryan: The last dominoes falling. And so now I’m able to finally start to rebuild, right? And start to rebuild inside the clothing world.

Josh: Ryan, how important was it? So you know, for those people that are looking at rebuilding, how important now that you coach so many people on optimizing their life, I imagined that this, you know, $1,500 used, you know, 15 year old vehicle, this is a big point, this is a big deal because. Now in order to rebuild in a lot of people who’ve tried to business or relationship going through a divorce or abuse or addiction or just not, you know, not living at their highest capacity, oftentimes it’s right, it’s when the last domino finally falls that they’re able to recognize that and say, well, I’ve got nothing left in my old life. The old me is gone now I’ve got to start to rebuild, but I don’t have anything left so I might as well rebuild. I might as well recreate the new me, the bigger, better than me.

Josh: But it’s got to have that last dominos got to fall. Sometimes when that last domino is still outstanding. We don’t give up the old life or don’t give up the old habits or don’t give up the old routines that are holding us back from new growth. So when you look through that process, how important was it that that F 250 the platinum amazing truck, I know what that looks like. It’s a perfect truck for you by the way. How important was it that that truck was gone and you were forced to spend $1,500 on a used car?

Ryan: I’ll say it was a second most important part of the equation. Only outpaced by finally getting radically honest with the facts, right? Because the majority of us live in this fantasy land of where we want the world to believe us to be. And even if the world is just our ego, right? The fragile version of self, that somewhere wasn’t all the way developed through childhood that’s deeply rooted into our subconscious, that’s afraid to be vulnerable, right? Like I fully realize that my success in life now has been based around my sheer authentic vulnerability. Like go ahead, Google me. You’ll see all this stuff is true like it’s all there, right? I don’t have to run from any of this like this is the facts because I finally laid them all out and said, okay, we’re moving emotional bias. We’re moving cognitive bias of my perception of what’s going on.

Ryan: What’s the actual facts? Fact One, I made a bunch of money and didn’t have a financial advisor to save me from myself. Fact two, I was too ego-driven to listen to people that we’re trying to help me. Fact three, I couldn’t tell the truth. Fact four and like there’s this whole long laundry list. I don’t remember how many facts were on there but it was big like there’s, and looking at it and said, okay, that’s everything and this wasn’t even something to show to somebody else. This is just, it’s all down on paper and I’m forced to look at it and reconcile. It’s like a balance sheet inside of a business. You can say you’re making all the money in the world, but the end of the month you look at your PNL and your balance sheet like what’s left? Like what is the fact? Well, the fact is I am now at the bottom, but the fact also is I have a $1,500 asset that can never be taken from me if I had to, I can live in the car if I had to, I can sleep in the car and go on the road and sell suits.

Ryan: If I had to this can’t be taken away. All right I’m finding a positive in this now I’m finding, I’ll call it the silver lining to the facts of just how admittedly in that moment, Josh, it feels really shitty. Like it’s like that’s the biggest ego blow in the world to me is to drive this old Cadillac. Like it’s, you know, it’s almost a laughingly God, you know, getting his final jab at me. It’s like you love cars as much. You only have this much money. Like you’re going to drive the thing that you would have never ever considered.

Josh: You get to drive this beauty, look at you Ryan. It’s like, oh man. Again, stab me in the heart. So Ryan, when you’re, again, this inflection point of getting radically honest in this car just seems so important to the story that you know, when I see people trying to make a change and we obviously coach a lot of entrepreneurs in their real estate investing business and their private equity and money raising business. But outside of that, in there personal lives, we often are coaching them as well and how to deal with starting a new business or leaving the corporate office in order to do real estate. And often what I talk about with them is, is getting radically honest on worst case scenario, right. And so how important was it for you at this moment for you to say like this is worst case scenario.

Josh: I’ve lost everything. I’ve lost all the girls, I’ve lost all the money, I’ve lost all the assets, all the material. I barely saved the rental property. And like it sounds like this car now is like, okay, I’m in worst case scenario, but worst case scenario is at least I have this asset. At least I could live in it. At least I can get around. It sounds like you’re starting to reconcile like this is the bottom and this piece, this car now becomes an important asset because at least I can do this, this and this. It can’t really get much worse. At least I can get around. At least I can sell suits. At least I can get to the gym. At least I can go to the park at least I have this one thing. How important was that? Because for a lot of people it’s recognizing worst case scenario and realizing, you know, worst case scenario, it’s not really that bad. It sucks, it’s awful, but at least I still have the capacity to be mobile, flexible. I can get around and I’ve got something that can help me launch into the next of my life or my career. That’s where it seems like you’re kind of going, so tell us a little bit more about that. How does that feel?

Ryan: Also there was duality of that as well, right? There’s part of me that’s the old part, right? There’s the ego driven model of my life at that feels horrible, right? Because again, it’s, it’s such a disconnection from the way that the old part of me would have been associated, right? The people in the hosting world, people in the direct response, affiliate marketing world, the people that knew me, even from the car sales world, right? Like I was the guy. Like I had accelerated my growth all throughout every industry, in my opinion, quicker than anybody else I had seen, right? Even in the affiliate marketing world, like we just grew so incredibly rapidly.

Josh: So fast, so fast.

Ryan: And it was, you know, that was the story of my life. And so now I have forced myself to retreat for a moment and I’m still embarrassed, right? I’m still ashamed of this, but only slightly because just like you said, there’s the comparison is the devil really devil reincarnated? If I compare it to my old life, I’m at the bottom, but all I have to do is really drive anywhere in any part of town and I can find 50 people that would give almost anything to trade places with me in this exact moment because I have a $1,500 car that gets around. I’ve got $5,500 bucks in cash in the bank, right? I’ve got a good body. I’ve got a phenomenal at that point, girlfriend now my wife, right? We live in a great part of town. We’re able to make, make our bills like, what am I really that upset about?

Ryan: Like it depends on which side of the comparative table you want to look at. So I started looking, right? Not saying I was better than these other people, but just eliminating the fact of I’m less than like I have to go through this. I started realizing this is where the Tony Robbins stuff comes in, right? Like this Cadillac didn’t have an MP3 player, right? It didn’t have satellite radio. It had a CD player. Well, it just so happened to be that as much as I was on the road and as much as I was traveling, that stuff was in the CD player all the time. That was it. Like it was just repeat, like that was all it was and filling my head full of this new information of we can call it some of law of attraction, we can call it some of eliminating limiting beliefs and it started opening up like everybody that he would ever refer to and this is to me an incredible hack as you’re listening.

Ryan: If you read a book and the author refers to another author or someone that influenced them, stop reading, grab your phone and go to Amazon and buy everything you can from that person. Same thing on an audio, same thing on a podcast, right? If you’re listening to Tim Ferriss show, if you’re listening to this show and Josh you refer to some book or some inspiration like press pause. It’s not going anywhere and go invest the $16 bucks in the book or in the resource because like there’s this collective consciousness that keeps growing when information gets disseminated across people. And so you’re sharing things that have made an impact in your life and you put your own spin on it, we all have, right, that cognitive bias we all have, you and I could read the same book at the same time and come away with two completely different messages, right?

Ryan: Great. But if you thought enough about some resource to share it with, with me or with the world, why have immense respect and value for you? I might as well see what this is all about. I might as well buy it too. So that’s 100% of what I did with the Tony Robbins stuff, right, which introduced me to Napoleon Hill and all of this stuff of, of his works all throughout his life. Then jumping into Jim Roan and then jumping into Wayne Dyer and right. Like all of a sudden this person development box that I didn’t really know existed. It just it’s open. And because I spend so much time behind the windshield of that car, it’s like I’m all of a sudden getting a PHD. And when I say that I had a standing rule in clothing sales. If it was within nine hours, as long as I could get two clients, I was going to come sell you suits.

Ryan: So from Columbus, Ohio, that Chicago, Illinois, and that’s New York City. And so I would get in my car at 2:30 in the morning, drive to New York City, sell two or three people, suits, drive as far back as I possibly could without falling asleep at the wheel, pull over to a rest stop sleep for three hours in that car, make it the rest of the way home. Now in my custom clothing business, I wouldn’t ship you back your suit. I would come back and hand deliver it in 45 days. So I then had to drive back and make the same, you know, same delivery. But what I would do is I’d spend the next 45 days marketing to that city. So when I came back to deliver, I knew I had three or four more clients. It’s now all of a sudden I get on these rotations where, okay, I know every six weeks I’m in Chicago every six weeks I’m in New York every six weeks I’m down in Louisville, Kentucky.

Ryan: Every six weeks I’m in Cleveland, right? And so now all of a sudden I’m growing this client base by being a little more strategic with my time and not spending any money. Like I am not staying in a hotel. I’m sleeping in this car. Like I’m never going to be broke again. So it might not sound like much, but the $120 bucks like now that I know that Daymond John’s book, The Power Of Broke, now that I know what broke really is, I’m not going to be broke. Like damn it all I will sleep in this car until it breaks, which eventually.

Josh: By the way, Ryan let me stop you. Ryan just mentioned The Power Of Broke. And if you’re going to keep Ryan’s advice and actually use some of the content of this very interview, you should be putting the interview on pause and going and buying The Power Of Broke by Daymond John. So timeout time back in go ahead Ryan.

Ryan: Right. And so I now have a ride from, from the research and the things that I do and what I’m so passionate about now I realize what has created success and failure in my life. And not only the stories I tell myself, but it’s aligning with passion and passion and purpose to me can be used synonymously. And so I’ve proven that now with 150 plus clients, I’ve proven it with myself consistently. And I’d like to share just for a moment what that passion really looks like, what purpose looks like to me.

Josh: In some capacity now that we’ve gone full circle, right? I mean, there’s so much that you have to share now on your own podcast and what you’re doing with your group and the people that you coach. I was blown away when we were getting ready for this a couple of weeks ago when you told me about all the various things that you’re taking your group through and your people that you’re coaching through. And a lot of it has to do almost all that has to do with your own personal life experiences and what you just described. And what I’d like to do if you could, if you have the time, is to share some of those nuggets with our audience today. And of course they can reach out to you and go to your website and buy your book and, and do a deeper dive with you, jump in your coaching program if they feel compelled to do that.

Josh: But give our audience some of these, some of these opportunities, some of these optimizations, like what are you working on with your group now based on all of those life experiences that you just went through and you’re building out this amazing audience now you have a huge following. All of our social media and podcasting world and YouTube and all these different places, help our people understand. Like if they’re in a rut now, a rut that you’re in, whether it’s a mental rut, whether it’s a financial rut, whether it’s a relationship rut, what are, you know, I know you can’t go through all of it on this, on this interview, but help people understand where would you take them?

Josh: Where would you help them start to, you know, create a bigger, better version of themselves? Recognize and eliminate the dumpster fires of their life that they’ve been through in the past and become, you know, this optimized life, this optimized relationship, this optimized health, this body, this being that they, you really help people get through now because you’ve been through the proverbial dumpster fire, you’ve been through it all. Now your passion is to pay it forward and help them become a bigger, better optimized version of themself. So where does that begin? How do you help people get started? How do you help them make that change?

Ryan: Yeah, Josh, great question. So you know, segwaying from suits into this, right? What ends up happening, just like you said, I get to be my own version of Napoleon Hill. And again, if you don’t know Napoleon Hill again, press pause. He’s like the foundational starting of what modern day, you know, self-development, personal growth would really be founded about. He was somebody that got to travel the country and interview, you know, JP Morgan and the Rockefeller family. And then as I look at his work and I look at what Tony Robbins shares and everybody I just made mention, I realize that everybody shares some variation of habits that they adhere to everyday with ruthless commitment, right? Because we ended up being the sum total of the habits that we adopt on a consistent basis, right? And before I jump into the habits, I’ll share another little psychological trigger event with you.

Ryan: Think of the last time that you yourself wanted to jump into something new, right? You were excited, you felt what we would call a false lift from day one to day 22 to 24 you are super motivated, right? You’re excited. You can see the future. You’re painting this picture. You’re telling everybody like, I’m going to go crush this. This is what we’re building. And your amped up and it’s amazing because you’re going to do that. But then from day 24 to typically day 66 to 70 you get stuck in the middle of what’s referred to as the chasm of chaos. And the chasm of chaos exists because you have departed from the previous version of yourself, right? You can’t reach back and touch the version from 21 days ago, right? He’s too far gone. Because you’ve already opened your mouth and committed all of these people that’s comfortable though.

Ryan: You want to go back there, but you haven’t yet grown into the new person that has things that are done automatically. And so you’re stuck in this confusing land where inside your head you want to keep going back to the old version because it was easier. It was safe, right? The amygdala and your mind is part of your, you know, psychological analyzing system that is wired to eliminate anything that could cause harm to you and harm ends up being things that are confusing that you don’t already know. So the amygdala is firing and it’s like, no, no, no, don’t keep going that way you don’t know what’s around the corner. And so you’re in the state of consistent chaos and you rewire your prefrontal Cortex, which is the decision making part. That’s the front part of your brain by having daily habits that can drive you through this chasm.

Ryan: And when you get past the chasm, right? You get to day 66 maybe as far as day 90 depending on the things you’ve been through in your life and successes and failures you’ve had. So I’ll just say day 90 the things now become automatic. The sales phone calls you have to make what it feels like to close the deal. What’s your real estate investing strategy is like, it’s now iron clad. You’re not even listening to somebody when they say, consider this other thing. Like, no, no, no, I have my operating procedure, this is how it is. But in that 24 to 66 day, almost anybody can come in and rattle your cages and shake you up. And so what I found is there is a foundational element that I refer to as the core operating procedure that I think I know provides value to everybody’s life and you may heard me make mention of it.

Ryan: It comprises of something for fitness, for your faith, whatever that means to you, for your family and for your finances every day without fail doing small incremental things, right? Just small, small, small growth. So inside the fitness world, for me, it’s fueling your body, right? You’re going to have a fresh green smoothie of some capacity, give you nice healthy energy every morning, something easy. I see Josh looking around. I’m sure he’s got one floating around somewhere again. Yup. Beautiful. He’s shaking it up. You’ll be able to see that on everywhere this was posted, right? But I share this, and not only does Josh have it, but almost every successful entrepreneur that I ever sold a custom suit to, you know, big time executives in Manhattan, they’re all drinking some sort of green smoothie when I show up at 8:00 o’clock in the morning like, well, why the hell is this?

Ryan: All right, okay, so they’re drinking a green smoothie. Then they also sweat in some capacity, right? And then sweat. Maybe you’re not a lifter, right? Maybe you’re a runner, maybe you, you know you’d like to jump rope, but you sweat. You get those endorphins going typically early in the morning, right? You want to do these things really before. If you can kind of before the sun comes up, the 5:00 AM club style stuff by guy named Robin Sharma, right? If you, again, press pause, go by Robin’s book, incredible read, incredible guy. So you’re now up, you’re doing some things, you’re sweating, you fueled your body. Now we switch over into faith and faith can be right. If you’re a Christian, maybe it’s reading the Bible like maybe that’s your thing to attach deeper to it. Maybe if your pseudo agnostic or what I’ll say I’m more quote unquote spiritual, right?

Ryan: I have my own belief system. Not to impress that upon you, but for me it’s meditation, right? I want to quiet down my mind. I want to spend 20 minutes just dialing into, I’ll call it the ultimate power, whatever that is, we can refer to that as God it doesn’t matter to me, but really just having that connection and quieting down the chatter of my mind. Because what I have found, it was actually brought to me by an associate of mine, Jerrick Robbins where, think of this for a moment, if you will. You drank a half glass of Coca Cola last night, right? And you left it on the island in the middle of your kitchen, right? And it’s there and when he set it down, it was still cold, right? It felt good. It tasted good. You go up to bed, you sleep all night, you get up, you brush your teeth in the morning and do all the things you slept for eight hours and you come downstairs first thing in the morning and that cup of Coca Cola sitting there, but the ice cubes are melted.

Ryan: It certainly warm and it’s definitely flat. Plus you just brush your teeth so you have that fresh, you know, fluoride, peppermint taste in your mouth. Would you imagine picking up that glass and drinking it? Of course not, right? You throw it in the sink right away. You wouldn’t even like, you wouldn’t even consider that. But what we do inside of our mind is we carry the mental chatter from the night before into the next day and it drives our decisions for the first part of the day. And so when you meditate, it’s comparable to throwing out that old glass of Coca Cola, right? You’re just clearing space. You don’t have to sit with your legs crossed and hum and shave your head and become a, you know, a Buddhist monk. It just for me, focusing on intentional breathing, it’s just being quiet. It’s not using social media.

Ryan: It’s not having a TV on. It’s not having music. It’s just centering myself. And then from there, the second component as far as it pertains to getting into the spiritual component is to journal, right. To empty out whatever’s left in your brain. I actually like something by a woman named Doctor Nicola Para, which is future self journaling where I’m going to journal who I want to become every day, like who am I? I’m always in a process of progress just as you are. It’s either forced progress or personal progress. If you journal who you want to become, something happens, right?

Ryan: Neuroplasticity is a real thing where you can increase the efficiency of neuropathways in your brain by actually writing things down. Don’t type it right. Something happens different when you type it, don’t speak it. Something happens when you speak it, you physically get a sheet of paper and write like there’s a series of questions and I have free resources for all this stuff. You can shoot me an email, right? However you want to get a hold of me. You have everything I have, but your future self-journal. Then I get into family and inside the family quadrant of life, Josh, it’s too often that I believe we take most things for granted in our life that are good and I was certainly the most guilty of this.

Josh: Definitely guilty of that too. Man. I mean, it’s, they’re there, they’re around. It’s like you’ve always been here. I’m 43 years old. My birthday was two days ago. You’ve been here for 43 years. It’s so easy to take that and them for granted until something happens. And then you’re like, okay, this is my support system. I forgot about you when things were easy. Now when things are difficult, I need you, I need your help, I need your support and you’re going to be there for me. But man, because the reason why I bring that up is I’m so guilty of it, right? But the family, that unit is just never going to go away. It’s your family. It’s not like a friend. Like I often have conversations, Ryan with my wife or my best friends and different guys like Matt and being around you is so easy, but that’s, that is the friend relationship.

Josh: It is easy because you plug in and it’s supposed to be fun and you’re supposed to just enjoy it and then you can unplug with no commitment, right? And then when some many things do go wrong and the friends are there, you’re like, oh, you’re such a good friend. You are a good friend, but the family is there good, bad, ugly dumpster fire. So important to have those kinds of relationships. And when they go bad, which a lot of us have dysfunctional families, I don’t know if there is a quote unquote functional family anymore. We’re all a little bit dysfunctional. I mean that’s when they’re really around, right? Is when we need them the most. It’s pretty amazing how important they can be.

Ryan: Yes. And in order to ensure that I’m always cultivating that and you know, watering the grass where I want it to grow, I practice a series of gratitude exercises first and foremost with my wife everyday without fail, I don’t care what time zone I’m in. I don’t care how late I’ve been up, I don’t care what goes on the first thing I start every morning with, even when I’m in the house, right? Like she’s still sleeping and I’m downstairs at 5:00 o’clock in the morning. I pause and I think of something that I love, honor or appreciate about her from the day before. Not overall, not your beautiful like sure, right. And yeah, we all, yeah, like you were beautiful when you did this yesterday to have her know that I’m paying attention to the small details and I share this with her through a text message, right.

Ryan: So I know I can do it anywhere. The secret to this is I don’t care if she ever responds back. It’s that I had to think of something that I’m truly grateful for her. So it doesn’t matter when she comes downstairs and we don’t see eye to eye on something in that moment. It doesn’t matter when later in the day, I forgot to put away the dishes or clean up like the things that we do as men, right. At least I do, right. I own that, right. It’s the fact of, it’s just for me to be grateful for the woman that she is and then I pivot and we have a daughter, right? She’s by I call bonus daughter. She’s not my blood, but she might as well be right? I’ve been in her life since she was four, she’s nine now.

Ryan: It’s the same thing. I wake up every morning and I share with her, it started with a sticky note on her mirror, right? Prior to technology, prior to having a phone. I just, I love you because, and something that I loved so that she always knew that. Then now with technology I end it, no matter whatever happens in life, I will always love you because she’s going to experience things later on in her life where she will have to question if we truly love her, right? She’s going to make mistakes just as all of us do. And the love that I have for her is unconditional. She can never break that.

Ryan: So I made sure that she hears that. And so that ends up taking care of the family, I call it part of the quadrant. Now, occasionally I’ll extend that to people in my cell phone or connections I have in life are best friends or right, but my wife is a non negotiable and my daughter’s not negotiable, everyday without fail, I have to be grateful for who they are because from where I sit, you’ve now heard they have together completely changed the trajectory of my life. They have changed who I am as a man.

Josh: They it sounds like they are the reason because without Lindsey saying to you, Ryan, you’re better than this. Like you’re, I see more in you than you see in yourself. Who knows what trajectory you’d be on right now?

Ryan: A hundred percent Josh like without any question whatsoever. And then that final quadrant as it pertains to finance is taking the time to read something that’s going to catapult your business forward. Now I say read and in today’s society, right, we’re always trying to cram more time in, so maybe it’s an audio book in the car. Maybe it’s a podcast. I still like to read. I like to make the time and this is where I’m going to lean into pretty hard as you’re listening, the thing of you don’t have enough time is a bullshit excuse. It’s just not important enough to you. Like I get up at four 30 every morning without fail because from 4:30 until 7:30 every morning is my time. I’m not responding to text messages. I’m not looking at emails. I’m not cruising social media.

Ryan: That is my window to fill my head and my soul with what I need to perform as the best version of me. And I don’t care what happened the night before. I don’t care what I have to do that day. I’m going to get up and I’m going to read and then I’m going to share, right? So it’s kind of a discover and declare. I’m discovering something, I’m finding something and we’re not going to read a certain number of pages, right? We’re not reading for, oh, I have to finish this book in a certain amount of time.

Josh: It’s not for volume. It’s for, you know, importance. It’s for significance. It’s finding one thing. It could be on page one or page 10 or page a hundred it’s got to be something that’s significant, not just, I read 50 pages today.

Ryan: That is exactly right. And so you read until you find that gift and once you find the gift to again, increase cognition and to sharpen up those neuropathways, we’ll call the neuroplasticity. You’re going to share this with somebody, right? So if you have your own company, it’s very easy to hop in the office and share with, you know, your executive staff. Or it could be your assistant. I don’t care who it is. Like, hey, I read this in this book and here’s how we apply it, right? The other thing that we find or that I find with most entrepreneurs, we are great at acquiring information. Like I’m going to read every book in the planet, but then we…

Josh: A podcast, listen to every interview, you know, we have our phones. It’s so easy to listen to stuff. I myself, I’m guilty of this at times, of listen, listen, listen. My God, that interview was awesome. And then I’m off to the next thing, didn’t apply a single stitch of it.

Ryan: Well, and that’s it, right? Knowledge without application is worthless. I would rather have you not invest the time and just work on exploring the capacities of your own mind and seeing what comes out of it. Because when there’s something additional that happens when you teach somebody what you learned right. And I referred to it, you know, if teach it to somebody, you know, because if you can’t teach it, you don’t know it. And if you don’t know what you can’t live it and if you’re not going to live IT why even bother, Right. So I would, I encourage people to read less, like hold a book, physically touch IT. Maybe it takes you a month to read the book. We’re not in competition for how we read. Like you don’t get a gold star at the end of the year because you read 7,500 books and I read seven, like you’re going to get a gold star in your mind because you applied the knowledge from the seven books and it changed the trajectory of where you’re going.

Ryan: And what’s difficult for most of us is especially I believe in this entrepreneurial world that we live in, there’s always a new idea, right? There’s always a new book. There’s always a new stimulus. And so sure you apply the training that you picked up from whoever you’re reading right now or whatever podcast and you’re diligent, right? You apply it for 25 days or so. Of course you do because that’s when it’s fun and exciting. But then you get to day 25 to 66 in that chasm of chaos and there’s another stimulus that comes in until you shift and you pivot and you start working on another thing and you never mastered or even tried to consistently apply the first lesson.

Ryan: And so the people around us are always waiting for you to come up with the next idea. Until you start actually inside of a business, you start losing people following you because they know everything’s going to be a temporary lift that every 30 or 45 days you’re coming up with a new idea. You’re not, sure you’re working on a grand plan, you’re working on something that’s in the future, you know the high number that you’re going to hit. But the consistency and follow through on any individual action never makes it 90 days. So people are just waiting like, oh, this will pass. It’s no big deal.

Josh: And in that moment, because I’ve been there as a CEO, I’ve made that mistake. I have that, I have that trophy. I’ve got too many of them actually. You also lose a tremendous amount of credibility, right? Because if you’ve done it once, done it twice, now you’ve done it six times and your team is like, look man, we know what makes money. We know how we make profits. Your new idea’s going to come and go in the next 90 days. It’s not going to be here in the next quarter. So we’re just going to keep doing what we’re already doing because we know what works and it’s comfortable for us and we do it all the time and we’re already good at it. So all of a sudden now when you do have that amazing idea that really could propel your business forward, nobody’s paying attention.

Ryan: Yes. Which is why I believe it’s so important, especially from where we sit to be a part of some sort of mastermind and a mastermind doesn’t have to be that you invested tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to be with entrepreneurs. It’s going to be with four, six, maybe 10 other people minimum that are willing to share ideas back forth in an open forum so that you can vet out your plan prior to releasing it on your tribe. Because if I can call Josh and say, hey buddy, I read this thing, I think it’s brilliant. And Josh says, well, it’s funny you say that, right? I read the same thing or tried it six months ago and here’s where it didn’t quite work for us. You just might want to think about this before you start. And then because we both brought them up, right? Then we call Vinnie and Vinnie, he says something along the same lines, like, man, that’s a brilliant idea, but here’s where it didn’t work for us.

Ryan: And now all of a sudden we can vet out like, okay, do we even want to open our mouths to our tribe, close locally, our company, because we only get so many times of losing their faith before there’s a couple bad apples that appear, right? There’s a couple of rotten tomatoes that slowly start to infect everybody, where the company still makes money. But you feel that the tribalism, that unity is just being eroded and you can’t really figure out why. You’re like, man, this used to be such a great place to work and everybody loved it. But now it’s like we’re just all in here punching the clock, making money and leaving. You can slow that down by having people to connect with, right?

Ryan: Like, but again, I’m going to encourage you find someone that’s a little bit above you, like someone that you’re striving to try to achieve to become, and then don’t be afraid to turn backwards and make sure you have somebody you’re reaching down to pull up the rung in the ladder as well, right. You have to have, in a perfect mastermind world to me. You got to have your hand in both directions. You can’t just, I’m just going to hang out with the guys that have, you know, $50 million businesses. I have a $10 million business. No, there’s some on both sides. And that’s what makes this so brilliant and beautiful because again, as entrepreneurs we all use that financial number is like, it’s the flag we put in the ground and okay, I got a $50 million flag. So it’s higher than you’re a $10 million flag.

Josh: Yeah. I’ll never forget when Vinnie, and this was along those lines of this discussion around a new ideas and bringing things to market. It’s amazing to me how many entrepreneurs I’ve met, Ryan, I’m sure you’ve met them too, that, that, that, that think this way. Like I have $1 million business or a $5 million business or a $50 million business and they become a little bit egotistical around it to say like, I’m so good at this business. You know, I can go do another one. I want to own this business and that business and this business. And none of them are in the same vertical, none of them are in the same niche. None of them play off each other. Ones maybe in healthcare, ones maybe in real estate ones, maybe in some other digital marketing thing.

Josh: And Vinnie actually said to me one time, he’s like do you know how do you know how egotistical you have to be just to think just because you created one $5 million company or one $10 million company or $100 million company that you can do it again because you probably can’t. And so when he said that, I was thinking like how many times did we as business owners especially when we go to one event, we go to our marketing event or a mastermind group, we get the idea like you just talked about. We come home, we pour it onto our team, and all of a sudden now the team is fractured, they’re not interested, they’re not sure which we are going. And so one of the very important qualities of a great entrepreneur and CEO is the ability to take all the ideas, to think them through, to meditate like you talked about, to actually now concoct a real business plan. Share that with guys in a mastermind group or share it with a board of directors or some leadership group that pokes holes in it.

Josh: And only after all of that vetting and all of all that underwriting, if you will, then take it to your team and then stick with it, stick with it, stick with it, stick with it, stick with it until it becomes a real business and it’s actually making money. So many of us go to a conference, get an idea, come home and, you know, throw up on our team or throw up on our spouse, throw up on our assistant and say, here’s all the changes we’re going to make, and then 90 days later nobody gives a shit because none of it happened, right? So what you’ve actually described as a real way to take those ideas and actually sift and sort through the muck and actually take the best ideas and actually in a real tactical way to bring those to market if it’s a legitimate idea that has some legs. That’s what I love about what you just described.

Ryan: Well, thanks Josh. I want to put a bow on this part of where my mind works and how my system works, right? I believe lightning can strike twice. I believe we can create multiple different businesses, but I believe there’s a part that most of us miss that are entrepreneurs. And that always going to tie back to the passion and purpose where I know inside of all of us, right? I can assume if you’re listening, you had to have had a mother and a father, right? You might not know either one of them, but you’re here. So it takes a man and a woman, right? So you have a mother and a father, and from that side, you don’t have to say that one parent was better or worse, eliminate better, worse from your vocabulary. But you right now, as you think about your childhood, you wished you could have received something more from one of your parents, right?

Ryan: I don’t care what that is. We all have something. And from that level of wanting to receive something extra from your parent, you end up trying to solve for that in your adulthood. And I’m going to share with you real quick what that looks like in my life. I was really, really close with my father up until I was eight years old, right? Every weekend I would go to work with him, we were buddies. I would play outside as he was working, like we’d go bowling together. He was the guy, right? My mom certainly loved me. She was around. But like I remember so vividly and so fondly the relationship with my father. Then we move and you know, life has it that my dad starts focusing solely on production, right? He starts working more and more and more and has to travel a bunch.

Ryan: And so from third grade until my parents got divorced at 14 I don’t remember seeing my dad a whole lot. And I when I did see him, he was tired and that ended up turning into him being aggressive. Maybe a little verbally abusive, maybe even somewhat physically abusive, right? But that’s from my, again, I’ll call cognitive bias, right? That’s my belief system, so I’m going to hold it to be true. So what ends up happening is right. As I look back, all I ever wanted from my dad was to feel right because we formed developmentally in our subconscious consistently from 4 to 14 it could be 6 to 14 before kind of the doors get put on that vault. And during that time I just wanted to feel love from him and I don’t ever remember feeling it now. And not only do I want to feel loved, I wanted to feel heard because every time I would share something with him, it was met with some sort of negative pushback.

Ryan: It was met with, no, no, no, that’s wrong. Or you could’ve done this better. And again, not saying my father is a bad man, but that’s how I viewed it. And so as I look at my most successful businesses that I’ve ever been a part of, right? Not even that I’ve owned automotive sales, I was elite because I could sit down with you, I can make sure you felt heard and that I was heard and I could share time and space in a way that you would feel energetically loved by me. As we jump into the hosting world. I was elite as an affiliate manager because I was communicating consistently and making sure that people felt that. As a CEO I lost that because it was ego driven and I no longer was connecting with anybody. I was in my own tower and playing very small and playing alone and so it crumbled.

Ryan: And then I go into the high risk merchant processing. There was nothing other than dollars and cents. There was no connection with people. It crumbled step into custom clothing business. The reason I was able to make such a big impact there is I would spend time getting to know every client. It had nothing to do with suits. I want to know their kids and their family. I want to take them out to dinner. Admittedly, I wanted to associate with the people that were at the level that I used to be because it was filling in part of who I was, but I was still feeling loved and feeling heard. And then now in what I’ll do for the rest of my life in this, you know, coaching strategy, whatever you want to call it, I get to sit across from people all day long, like I’m sitting across from Josh and I assure you that I have love, endless love for you, Josh, for even being able to share time and space with me.

Ryan: And then we’ll get to communicate, right? Like I get to be heard and you get to be heard and I don’t have a false pretense of what we’re going to achieve from this. I’m just here to share time and space with you. And so when you run that through yourself through that same exercise, and you think honestly without your own bias, the times where you were most successful and success doesn’t have to be just financial. It’s how you feel in your soul. Because if you can dial into your soul for long enough, money always follows right where your focus goes, your energy flows and energy ends up turning into money.

Ryan: Money, in my opinion, is just a unit of energy back and forth. And when you’re in alignment, things come easier. And so the times that were tough, the times where things didn’t make sense, the times where you were not experiencing abundance, we’re probably because you were misaligned with your purpose and those two variables that you’re trying to solve for, were never there.

Josh: Oh my God, right? I’m like, you’re, oh man, like you’re digging into my soul right now, brother. Like I, it’s like I could just feel like the businesses of the times in my life when I’ve been in alignment, how fun and easy it was. And like you said, money flowed and relationships were great. Doing what I enjoyed, what I was passionate for. And other times when I thought like, well I’ve got, I’ve got a level up to another thing. I’m a bigger person or I’m better than, I’ve got to level up to a different level in my companies or in my relationships and I took the passion that I had for that one thing, jumped into something else, something I wasn’t as passionate for. I left that passionate thing behind and things didn’t go as well. Things didn’t the money didn’t come as easy.

Josh: Relationships weren’t as easy. Getting up for work was harder. Oh my God. Like you’re just, man, you’re just doing your thing. And it’s so resonating with me, brother, because I’ve been there. I’ve made that mistake. I have that trophy and to some degree, I’m searching now in my own life about where I want to spend my time. Like even this morning I had two meetings with different potential investors who could invest in our fund or invest in our apartment deals. Just, it’s so easy for me, it flows so easily to connect with them, to find out what’s important to them, to find out about their risk tolerance and about their families and where they want to go and what’s important to them and how to protect their money and how to grow their money and enjoy the investments that they’re making.

Josh: It’s easy. It’s so easy. It’s so fun. I know these guys will invest with me, like already made the connection with them. And then I think about other times in my businesses when I’m doing other things other than that, and it just doesn’t come as easy. It’s a little bit of, you know, I’m trying to get excited for it and I just can’t do it, man. So it really comes back to that passion, the purpose is ultimately what it’s all about. And people think, well, if I do what I’m passionate for, what if it doesn’t make money? So, Ryan what are your thoughts around that? If I do what I’m passionate for, what if it’s not a money maker? What if it’s not something I can monetize and have the lifestyle that I want doing something that I enjoy? Do you have a thought around how does that work or how does it play together?

Ryan: So to me that’s just a story in your head, right, admittedly. Like, and I hate to be so coy with the answer, but if you sat down with me, I don’t care what your things are like really, I mean, take what I just said. I know my thing is I have to feel love and I have to feel heard. Well how in the world you make money feeling loved and feeling heard, right? Like what am I going to open like a hug center somewhere where you’d come in and he charged her a hug and like that’s just what it is, right? Like that’s right, that’s so surface level in thinking. You can apply and this is an incredible point to bring up Josh. You can apply your genius zone, your passion, your purpose to any business anywhere. But what you do then is you hire around your passion and your genius zone, right?

Ryan: Like in sales I’m elite, I have no problem saying that when it comes to connecting with a client, I am phenomenal. Like I’ll put myself against any coach, any strategists on the planet, I don’t have any problems saying that. When it comes to operating the final, you know, finite details of the business, I’m decent at it, right? I’d rather have an elite project manager that just to me, that essentially ends up being the operational head of, of what goes on. Like the detail work, I get it, I know it, but that’s not my genius zone. Like that’s not where I’m going to spend my time. So instead of forcing myself into that bucket saying I have to do that, right. Again, that’s going to be that interplay of that ego based model. You actually don’t have to like in my opinion, the only absolute truth is there is no absolute truth.

Ryan: And so when you quit trying to say like, no, no, you, if you start a business, you have to be the CEO, you have to be the president, you have to be the chief revenue officer, you have to be all these things. Well sure, certainly. But if your genius zone like mine, sales and the things that I do, I would rather just off the start, bring on a partner that his genius zone compliments my genius zone, that we trust each other and no, I’m not going to quote unquote make as much money, but I will challenge that belief and say I’ll probably make three times more because I’m only doing what I love doing and he’s only doing what he loves doing. And so I’m not frustrated at night when I go home.

Ryan: I don’t feel overburdened and over taxed with, you know, how I’m spending my mental energy and I’m getting two rock stars, two truly elite players, to both be on the team, bouncing the ball in the same direction. Like you can take your passion, your purpose, and figure out how to apply it to any business anywhere if you think enough about it, right. Which is again, mine’s love and communication or connection, which means I can show people in a sales capacity that I genuinely care about what they’re doing and that they feel love back for me. So you can make money any anyway and do it ethically and legally and honoring yourself and honoring what’s important to you and push forward.

Josh: That’s fantastic, that’s fantastic. Ryan, I know, we’ve got to kind of start to move towards wrapping up. This has been just an incredibly fun interview. I’m already thinking we’ve got to have you back on. And once this gets out to our audience and they’re hearing your passion and everything that’s coming, I just feel like there’s more that we can, we can give and more value we can get out into the world and to our community. So wouldn’t be surprised if I pen you in the short term and have you come back out and do another in addition to this.

Josh: But a couple of final questions that I’ve just, I’ve got to ask you, first of all tell our audience where they can connect with you. RyanNiddel.com I know is your website, you know, your podcast. Tell us, tell our audience how they can just connect with you on a couple of different platforms and jump into your content and then if they want to jump into the next level and get some personal coaching or group coaching from you. Like how do they just engage with you and your different programs.

Ryan: Yeah, thanks Josh. So Ryan Niddel, N I D D E L looks like middle, right? That’s everywhere. So that’s going to be Facebook, that’s Instagram, right? I’m big on the value contribution. So if you wanted to know more about just who I am, don’t even go to my website yet, don’t worry about spending money don’t do of that stuff. Just go to Instagram, I’m really active there. So daily value in stories with commentary PDFs and daily value in every post. Like there’s very little salesmanship that goes on in there, right? It’s a lot of just consistent value add. Second tier would be to listen to as this will launch my previous podcast, which is 15 Minutes Of Freedom, right? It’ll have 440 episodes. It’s been a daily show for the past year and a half. You’ll get a very clear taste of my mindset, my methodology as it pertains to coaching.

Ryan: And then the new podcast is the Optimized Life Show, which I’m going to dive much deeper into. Some of the things you heard me speak about now a lot of the psychological reframing and how our brains work and our belief systems, right? How do we fuel your body from the inside out in the science behind it and right. I’m going to , I’m analytical by nature so I love sharing the specific details of how things work and then if any of that stuff at all resonate with you. If you had to RyanNidell.com there’s a couple of different areas of commitment where we can talk about anything from, you know, a really simple $19, hey, I want to see what this is all about for 20 days all the way into a one on one coaching protocol that can, it can be a year long commitment where you’d have access to me in a way that very few people get access to.

Josh: Fantastic. Ryan, couple final questions. Favorite book or most recent book that you’ve read that really resonated with you?

Ryan: So favorite book, right? I end up having one for all four of the areas. Josh, I can’t help it. So when it pertains to meditation, I like Doctor Joe Dispenza Becoming Supernatural. I was the guy that thought meditation was literally sitting down humming with your legs crossed and you had to shave your head and like you were waiting for something. Doctor Joe Dispenza is a guy that was a chiropractor that suffered a catastrophic accident on a bike, a pedal bike. Was essentially supposed to be crippled, needed, needed multiple spine surgeries, decided I’m not going to have any of the surgery.

Ryan: I’m going to try to heal myself and with the power of his mind and his belief system healed himself, hasn’t had surgery, has one on the road speaking and has a book called Becoming Supernatural that literally walks you through exactly, quote unquote his version of meditation and how that connects to different parts of our body and what that really means, right? When you get into kind of the health side of things, we’ll call it fitness. I really liked Dave Asprey’s Game Changers, right? A really quick, simple read with 48, 47 individual lessons around bio hacking and how to really optimize energy levels, health sexual function. It’s a really quick segment by segment read that’s really, really impactful.

Ryan: We dive into then the relationship side of things. If you haven’t read The Five Languages Of Love, right? I think that’s a almost like a must read for communication between a husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever it is. I don’t care if it’s boyfriend and boyfriend or girlfriend and girlfriend, right? That’s just how we communicate with other people and that matters. And then in business right now, Josh, I’m really big on copywriting, right?

Ryan: Just seeing how things work and how things go together. So anything by Ray Edwards, right? He’s got a book that’s Copywriting That Sells. I like his work because it’s really step by step and just, I believe that the way that we show up not only on videos but on podcast and any written communication is really a good snapshot into who we are. So I want to make sure that I’m most effectively communicating who I am in a way that paints a picture. Not only authenticity without authenticity to myself, but also they can eventually get to a tipping point where someone might feel comfortable investing with me. So that’s kind of the four books that I would say all of those would have some big benefit for you.

Josh: Fantastic. Ryan, favorite place you’ve ever been?

Ryan: Costa Rica, right at a resort called Rhythmia in Costa Rica. So I am fully, this is going to be polarizing, so grabbed your shorts for a second. I’m a big believer in the healing modalities of psychedelics, right? I think the research that exists right now in clinical dosage and really safe settings to be able to use things like siliciden to overcome, gosh, anything from chemical dependency to depression to smoking to like there’s endless amounts of research and case studies. I happen to be really fortunate and be connected to Johns Hopkins and Harvard for some assessments that I offer my clients. There’s tons of research there and it just so happens that a resort called Rhythmia in Costa Rica actually specializes in a, I’ll call it pharmaceutical type setting of using iwoasca, right? So a DMT based modality that is a seven day experience where it’s farm to table food. The atmosphere is beautiful. It’s a five star resort and accommodations.

Ryan: The ocean’s right there. It’s just a really beautiful and serene place and it’s something where I enjoy traveling, Josh to go see things, but I really enjoy traveling to go do things and so I’ve been there, gosh, if for any reason you’re interested, right? July 14th through July 28th I’m also going to put an asterisks next to the side, right? I have to come clean in this. I am now partners in Rhythmia of all things, right? That was not intentional when I went down, but as life would have at my skill sets and things that I know that I’m good at are some things that they could use some help with in the coaching world. So there’s a little piece I play there. Remove that bias, I’m not pitching anything. I don’t make money if you show up at the resort, but it is just a life changing place, if you are open to exploring the vast expanse of nature of your mind.

Josh: Fantastic. And final question. Ryan, your most impactful mentor that you’ve ever had or most impactful mentor that you’ve recently engaged with?

Ryan: Josh, that’s probably the best question I’ve ever been asked before. Yeah, there’s, you know, I go, I believe that people come into our lives for reasons and seasons for most of us. And I know that’s a little bit of a cliché term, but if I look at right, some of these tipping points, Vinnie Fisher is way up on the list, right? Like he showed me things that I didn’t know existed. He was a mentor in a capacity that I was willing to listen to him, right? He certainly would’ve been even, he made a life changing impact in what I knew and what I knew to be possible.

Ryan: If I look at people that I’ve paid more, right? People that I would have had, I’ll call it a mentorship or coaching agreement with, there’s a guy named Dr. Mark Atkinson that’s a phenomenal, you know, kind of holistic doctor right out of the UK that has really done some impactful things with not only how I eat and how I think and the whole world of epigenetics and what goes on in our head and how that transmits into our body and into our environment. He’s been the most recent one. If I take a step before him, it was a guy named Garrett J White at wake up warrior, right? Kind of a hard frame, punch you in the face type of guy with some really aggressive things. But it was part of what I needed at that moment in my life, right. And it’s served me until I didn’t need that in my life anymore and then I’ve moved on.

Ryan: So I also, Josh don’t believe that there has to ever be that one. Like, this is my guy forever. Even with me as a coach, mentor, whatever I would be called. I don’t want to serve you in the greatest capacity for as long as I possibly can. Fully realizing that there should be a time where you say, I know everything I possibly can know from you I’ve got to go find another one of you. Like that’s the best thing in the world. Like that’s how this should be to me when you’re showing up in your biggest capacity as your most authentic self, someone’s going to get all the downloads that I have, right. And so they’ll have to go on and graduate to the next guy.

Josh: Right. Fantastic stuff. Well there you have it. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much Ryan for taking time with us today. Thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you on a totally deeper level. Thanks for just being authentic and just peeling back the onion, giving us your story and we look forward to having you back again very, very soon.

Ryan: Josh, I couldn’t be more appreciative my friend. Thank you so much. And if I’m on again, I’m coming up and we’re going to do a face to face, right. I’ll bring my crew too.

Josh: Yeah. Fantastic. Ramey will love that. So guys, there you have it, a checkout Ryan’s information, Ryan to dell.com. If you’ve enjoyed the interview, let us know. Leave us your questions, comments on our different social media platforms and we look forward to seeing you again next time. Thanks for being with us on Accelerated Investor.

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Ryan Niddel is not one to shy away from the truth.

In fact, the life optimization coach is known for his unfiltered, honest speech – even when it comes to revealing his own weaknesses and downfalls. His podcast, 15 Minutes to Freedom, has skyrocketed on the iTunes charts. Covering everything from his relationships to his business ventures, Ryan puts it all out there in his podcasts. 

Now, he coaches people on how to optimize their lives in all areas, including fitness, faith, family, and finances. He’s known for helping his students achieve massive personal growth… so they can become the best versions of themselves. 

Ryan joins Josh Cantwell to discuss his background and the personal experiences that led him to where he is today. He’s honest about it all – even the really ugly parts. Tune in to hear about Ryan’s experience of hitting rock bottom, and how this helped propel him to a more successful future. 

What’s Inside:

  • Ryan’s operating system to create personal power, honesty, and truth in your life
  • How to focus on pouring energy into yourself first, before pouring energy into others
  • How Ryan’s personal struggles caused him serious financial strain and ultimately made him hit rock bottom 
  • Ryan’s advice for getting out of a rut and becoming a bigger, better version of yourself
  • The importance of being part of a mastermind group

Mentioned in this episode​