
The Latest Marketing Strategies: Insights from Mike Gleba – Ep 388

Mike Gleba is a seasoned marketing expert with over ten years of experience as a Chief Marketing Officer. He now runs his own agency, 110 Media, where he helps ecommerce brands and coaches grow their businesses. Mike specializes in Facebook and Instagram ads, as well as email marketing. With a focus on scaling businesses, Mike’s expertise lies in driving customer acquisition and increasing lifetime value for his clients.

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#197: Fix and Flip Mom’s House with Phillip Vincent

Seniors continue to transition out of their homes into senior living facilities, even in the middle of the pandemic, and Phillip Vincent is perfectly positioned to help them unlock the equity in their home. Phillip has his customer avatar nailed down tight, and he knows that “Daughter Judy” is overwhelmed and ready to sell her mother’s home to a trusted and caring real estate investor.

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#163: Single Mom Millionaire

It never gets old to hear someone come back from what looks like utter defeat, but instead, they’re smashing goals as Sadhana Sabharwal has done. After a terrible divorce that left her with nothing except three sons to support and a mortgage payment, Sadhana turned herself into the Single Mom Millionaire.

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